All Things Wrong

Chapter 1064: Magical beast

Now everyone's attention is on the sudden appearance of the horrible behemoth. Li Huailin is also able to take a look at the ability of the magical beasts here. ...≦

This thing belongs to Li Huailin's summoner. The actual situation is probably similar to that of Xiaomi, but it is sustained by the time. In the status bar, Li Huailin can still see the skills and status of this thing. It’s a little unexpected that the attack power of this thing is really very high, even higher than the black beast after Li Huailin’s transformation. I have to know that the black beast has been enhanced once because of the unsealing, but this thing is actually more than The enhanced black beast is still awesome, which is a bit strange. However, looking at the skills of the magical beast, Li Huailin finally knows why this guy's attack power is so high.

Magic damage (no level): Passive, all damage caused by magical beasts (including general attack and all skills) first deduct the opponent's mana value, and deduct the health value if the mana is not enough.

Magic Energy (no level): Passive, magical creatures are made up of magic power, and all spells can't damage them. It does not have a health value itself. After being hurt, the mana value is deducted, and when the mana is zero, it dies.

Magic Interference (No Rating): Passive, the presence of a magical beast can interfere with the spells of the surrounding units. The release time of all spells increases by 1 second, and the cost of the spell increases by 20%, which is not valid for instant spells.

Magical Bombardment (Level 1): Inflicts 7500-8500 Arcane damage to the front of the fan, Instant,

Arcane Light Bomb (Level 1): Launches 20 Light Bomb attacks. The Light Bomb will automatically search for nearby targets to attack. Each Light Bomb deals 2500-3000 Arcane damage and can hit multiple targets for the same target. Instant, 0 power, cooldown 13 seconds.

Magic Draw (Level 1): Instantly absorbs all released magic and gain magic within 30 yards. Respond to your own mana, the total amount of replies is related to how many spells are drawn. Instant, 0 power, cool for 20 seconds.

Arcane Trap (Level 1): A spell trap is created on the ground, dealing 4000 damage per second to units in the trap and causing a Silent effect. Instant, 0 consuming magic. The trap lasts for 1 minute and cools for 15 seconds.

The above is the skill that this magical beast now possesses. First of all, the most important thing is that the attack caused by this guy is first to drop the magic, and then start to lose blood. This is equivalent to saying that it is free to help each other open a magic shield, such a The high attack power of this thing is also very normal, because it is equivalent to adding a lot of blood to the other party. The mage who just shot the killing spike is because the other party has just been pumped out by Li Huailin, so it’s just a second. If it is full of blue, even the most fragile magician can withstand the attack of the magical beast.

Then again, this magical beast is really no life value. The health value displayed on the state is 0/0, but the mana value shows more than 250,000, which should be equal to his life value. This magical skill can be almost equal to a blood-filling skill, because it is to restore your own mana.

A few other skills, the magical bombardment here has been seen by Li Huailin. It is the skill of the previous blue shock wave, but the range is much smaller than the dark warning wave of the black beast. Only a fan shape in front of him, about 120 degrees, about the Arcane light bomb, Li Huailin also saw, looks like the skill released by the Master, the attack power is also very strong. But there is no use in the group battle, because these light bombs are all self-searching targets, that is, random hits, this should be regarded as a single super attack skill, after all, more than 3,000 damage per shot. If you hit a target all, it can cause 60,000 damage, but now it is useless to spread to everyone.

The skill of arcane trap is still very useful now. The damage of this thing standing on it is 4000 points per second. Li Huailin actually looked at it. The arc trap here is probably a blue with a diameter of about 5 meters. The circle can be extended to the ground for 1 minute. In theory, it can cause 4000x60=240,000 damage. This is scary, and it only cools for 15 seconds, which means that there can be at most 4 at the same time. Unfortunately, the player is not a fool. Seeing that standing on the top of the blood will naturally run, but in this big chaos, although I want to run, but one does not necessarily run away, because there are too many people around.

The power of the magical beast itself is about 10,000. Unfortunately, it is a single attack. Although the magic bombardment is a group injury, but the cooling is 10 seconds, so the damage caused by the current situation is the trap on the ground, because the magic can be different. The relationship between the beasts and the dying team here is also chaotic. Many people have not noticed the traps under their feet, and the people who step on it want to come out and are not squeezed by the people around them. Of course, according to the present. The player's blood volume and magic amount can be fatal in about 3 or 4 seconds (for example, a warrior's blood volume is about 12,000, the magic value is about 4000, so the total amount is 16000, and the station can only last for 4 seconds. ). The fall of the big players is even more exacerbating the level of chaos, and the more chaotic, the players are falling faster.

Li Huailin is also interested in trying to try the ability of this magical beast. So after the summoning, there is no other skill, and the light is not pulled out. Just stand next to see the situation, if someone is close Give him a knife. Looked at the duration of the magical beasts here, the system inside can still last for 64 minutes, this should be because Li Huailin summoned the relationship of the magic value, but the magic difference here The skill of the beast does not begin to cool down. It seems to wait for the black beast to wait until the magical beast is used, and then it will start to cool down and cannot be summoned all the time.

I also said that the general group that died in the world was very poor in discipline. It was already very confusing to gather together. The appearance of the magical beast seems to be the last straw to break the camel. The magical beast itself does not. Any chaotic skills, but the members of this world are like a group of people in a frenzy, all kinds of chaos, the captains and heads here have a whole team, but there is really no way around them. The players are in a mess, how can they not come back. In the chaos, the members here are also falling down in pieces. This is because the four traps on the ground have caused tons of output, but the magical beast itself has not received much damage because of its own magic. Exempt, but melee, its own melee ability is still quite strong, and several players who want to melee output are put down by direct attack and magic bombardment, and gradually no one dares to go up.

The situation behind the chaos was naturally discovered by the people who attacked the city in the first time, but there was chaos in the guild channel. In the event of team activities, there should be no one but a few heads, but There is no discipline in the world, and there are people in the channel who are crazy in the screen, ghosts, causing the people in front to engage in the situation for a long time before they understand the situation. Looking back, it is indeed a blue figure. Jumping on and off.

"What, we have a wave ss behind us?"

"It's not a wave ss, it's the summoner of the bulls."

"What to do, the president can't stop it, this thing is too fierce!"

A series of sudden appearances have made the number of people on the side big. The offensive plan here is a bit anxious. The situation on the front line is also very urgent. The gates of Lei Cast have not been broken yet. Members have already I lost a lot of money. I was trying to help the team behind me to help. I didn’t expect that Li Huailin suddenly collapsed. This is not for his life.

"What should the president do?" "What should the president do?"

The surrounding officials are also anxious to look at the sky, but ask how God knows what to do now, but he also wants to ask what to do now, the attack on the front of the city will be successful, but the manpower is not enough, if the troops are Transfer to the back to deal with this blue guy, then the inside of the Lei cast guild rushed out how to do, these two are not the way. But dragging it down is not the way. I can't attack the territory on my side. Waiting for Lei Zhu to convene the members on this side is still not able to fight. This is not going to work.

At this time, the people inside the Lei Casting Guild also discovered the abnormalities of the troops behind the world. They stood on the wall and looked farther. The blue behemoth in the rear could not see the name but was attacking. The member who died in the world should be his own. The president Nangong Yishou stood on the observatory and saw it more clearly. Soon he thought that this was probably the help of Li Huailin, otherwise it would not be possible.

"The whole team went up, we put pressure on them in front." The Nangong Yishou here immediately ordered the road. This situation is very obvious. They only need to drag the elite troops in front of each other, and the ordinary members at the rear rely on Li Huailin. They can all beat them down, and the current situation is very beneficial to them.

The team on the side of Lei Casting also obeyed the order of the president. All the members of the group went to the wall to give pressure to the other party. The members of the following members who had been playing for a while had to collapse, and the players behind it were delayed. If you don’t come up, the situation is getting more and more embarrassing.

"How many people are we now?" Looking at this situation, Nangong Yishou here asked.

"About 14,000 people have arrived now," the official next door replied.

"I can almost organize a counterattack, and I will see the opportunity to rush out. Don't let them run." Nangong Yishou said here. If you dare to provoke them to thunder, it must be paid for, and Nangong Yishou will not easily let go of the end. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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