All Things Wrong

Chapter 1074: Too jump

You can know the location of the other's territory by directly querying the location of the three people. This is naturally not just the Chinese team. In fact, almost all the teams have already thought about this situation before the start, but these three teams The location must be chosen, because if you miss this time, you have to find the other's territory. ◇↓

According to the statistics, the person who was most inquired is still the captain of the magnesium national team. After all, it is the defending champion. Not only the g6 country is looking for him, but the small country also looks for him to see if the magnesium national team is right next to him. If so, run quickly. Road... Also inquired about the team of the Magnesium National Team, including of course the Japanese benzene team. As they said before the start of the game, the Japanese benzene team here is really ready to win the championship, so the goal at the beginning was last year’s defending champion, the Magnesium National Team. In addition, they also inquired about themselves. The two teams with poor relations are naturally the Chinese team and the Cold Country team.

"The location of the Huaxia team is very close to us." The communication vendor here looked at the coordinates and said, "Now is the start-up phase. If you go south, you may encounter the Chinese team, so we should go north." How do you start to grab points? How do you see the captain?"

"Well..." The tiger passed the country and nodded slightly. "It was a waste of precious time to start a tug-of-war with other g6 countries. First, explore the surrounding situation and see around us. In the end, what country's territory is there, while exploring and accumulating scores."

The captain of the Japanese benzene team, known as the Tiger Passing State, does not look very fierce. The body is also very thin and looks very ordinary. However, the dress of the other party is a bit strange because the other person’s body is wearing two swords. Also worn a few. This is obviously a hidden profession, after all, other players are simply not equipped.

"In general, start investigating first." The communication vendor here said, "Captain, do you arrange?"

"Captain." Just saying, suddenly a team member said, "What are you looking at?"

"Well?" The tigers on the other side of the country also looked up directly from the look up, just to see a black shadow in the air quickly falling toward them. The location is exactly where the heads of all of them are.

After all, the game started less than five minutes now. All the players have not yet started to act. There is no psychological preparation at all. Seeing this falling thing has nothing to guard against. When they see what it is, the other party is already in front of them.

A loud bang, a thunder and lightning spread toward the surrounding ground centering on the falling point, as if the ground was torn by these blue and white lightning. All the players around the Japanese benzene team jumped out of the 40,000+ damage that people couldn't believe. With a scream of a dragon, all the Japanese benzene team members around were completely absent. In the case of the reaction, all fell to the ground.

Of course, the person who appears here is Li Huailin. Here, three coordinates were investigated. Li Huailin soon discovered that the territory of the Huaxia team and the territory of the Japanese benzene team were quite close, so they immediately flew over and saw that the group of people just stood together. Li Huailin did not have this side. Lowering the height and canceling the call of Xiaomi directly in the air, Li Huailin immediately began to fall.

On the way down, Li Huailin also immediately opened up the righteousness? Thunder. Falling from a few hundred meters, the attack power of the Thunder here is simply scary. Of course, Li Huailin also took his own millet to death, but it doesn't matter, because there are no people around.

"If the palm of the hand is really easy to use..." Li Huailin just wanted to put away the sword, suddenly the shadow in front of him, a person's figure directly appeared, Li Huailin did not expect that there are still people alive. However, the response is also very fast, directly in place is a turn, the righteousness?



Two injuries jumped out, of course, this 13000+ damage was the first layer of attack by Li Huailin's Olympiad, although a little surprised. However, this still alive person who ate this 13,000 esoteric skill is still down. Li Huailin also looked at the battle record and found that the goods were originally the captain of the Japanese benzene team.

"The attack power of this cargo is a bit high." Li Huailin was a little surprised. The damage of 3000+ is already a very abnormal number for a melee output. You must know that the powerful output of the wizard is like the wind. 3000+, this cargo can not only hit 3000+ damage, but Li Huailin sees that the opponent is still holding it. The attack of the deputy is not cut down, so it is not hurt. Otherwise, it may be close to two strikes. 5000.

And the defense of this cargo is also quite high, although I don't know how to do it, but it is a bit strange that the other party has eaten himself and the gods are still alive. However, anyway, the other party still fell down. Li Huailin looked around and confirmed that no one was alive. I didn’t expect this time to be exceptionally smooth. It’s estimated that I didn’t expect to attack suddenly. The Cavaliers were not invincible and they were directly second.

At this point, the game started less than 5 minutes. When it was only 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the first team in the National Cup was destroyed. The team that was destroyed by the group was a team that everyone could not think of. It’s not just the one-person Ethiopian team, nor the two-person Heidi team, but the Japanese benzene team, one of the g6 national teams. At this moment, the audience watching the game all over the world are shocked.

In the minds of most of the audience, the situation may not be very intense. Everyone thinks the same. At the beginning, they accumulate scores and attack small countries. I didn’t expect to start less than 5 minutes. The situation was broken, and I was amazed that they did not understand the follow-up development, because this situation is too chaotic.

The Japanese benzene team lost their faces and lost their homes. The most important thing is that the Japanese benzene team is now destroyed, and Li Huailin is standing on the other side’s territory, which means that the current Japanese benzene team is For the time being, one can't be resurrected. If they can't be resurrected, they can't go to the nearby small national team to grab the score. This will not only affect the follow-up development of the Japanese and Japanese teams, but even the game situation will have an impact.

The Japanese benzene area has been mad. After the start of the shock, all the players are now angry. They began to scream at the captain of the Huaxia District. The game was not ready at the beginning, and Li Huailin suddenly sneaked. The most important thing is that it still occupies the birth point of the Japanese benzene team. This tm is not going to be a big deal.

Of course, the Huaxia District here is a special beginning. Although it was a bit surprising at first, when the time came back, the Huaxia District here has already risen to the first place in the standings. The most important thing is the Japanese team. You were not very arrogant before, this will let you destroy the group in 5 minutes. This is definitely the revenge of Li Huailin's red fruit. The previous saliva, Li Huailin, did not reply at all. It really means speaking by action. You are miserable.

All the players are full of joy, especially the audience watching the scene in the arena are crazy, constantly shouting the name of the bulls and the Chinese team, completely quiet.

"Beautiful surprise!" Liu Su, the host of this side, also said that he had returned to God and said immediately. "The opening team immediately defeated the Japanese and Japanese national teams in the absence of the other party. The Chinese team won the leading position in an instant."

"The focus is still behind." The guest next to Jinglong immediately said, "Before we said that we are close to the territory of the Japanese benzene team, so that the people of the Japanese benzene team were resurrected, which is surrounded by a small country. Almost no one has come to compete with us, which is really too big."

"Now stand this position, and then let the rest of the team start collecting the scores of the small national teams around..." The past is also wandering, "very good start... eh?"

Everyone thinks that Li Huailin wants to start to take up the resurrection point of others, suppress the Japanese benzene team and then develop itself. In the picture, there is a situation in which people don’t understand what is going on, because the success group has been eliminated. Li Huailin of the Japanese benzene team actually summoned his own mount Xiaomi, and then searched and flew away.

"What?" All the cheering people are also stunned in an instant. What is going on? Why not take up the resurrection point of others and not let others resurrect, obviously the benefits are maximized, not only suppress the main opponents, but also earn points themselves, why do you want to fly away?

Not only the players in China, but also the players in the benzene area can't understand it. They are embarrassed, but they don't believe that people will give up such a good opportunity. Now they are trying to find a way for the Japanese benzene team to see if it is needed. I contacted other countries for help. I didn’t expect that Li Huailin suddenly left. What happened?

"Where is the bulls going?" Everyone here has the same problem. It is strange that someone suddenly discovered Li Huailin’s goal.

"Wait, this route." The past of the past is a sudden shock to the whole person. "This route seems to be the route of the coordinates of the Europa team that has just been detected..."

"What?!" Everyone quickly looked at the display of the screen, and as it was said by the past, according to Li Huailin's current coordinates, and then the position of the advancement, the position of the opponent's current goal is the position of the previously searched European Union team.

"Don't you say that...I am going to destroy the European Union team?" Everyone has such a message in a moment, this is too much. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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