All Things Wrong

Chapter 1088: turmoil

"How do you not move now?" The standings here has not changed for a long time. It seems that all the teams started to enter the rest mode like the Chinese team. The Chinese team is now in the fifth place. However, this situation seems a bit strange, and there are people in the Huaxia team who are resting here. ∷

"The tranquility before the storm." The magic kitchen here said, "The Cold Country team played a little smart this time, letting everyone discover that the first place is actually not very good, but now it is their turn."

“Everyone found that it’s not a good thing to put the points directly in their national team, because it’s possible to get a halved vote directly, and they all found a good way to put the points in their own breeding. The field is not taken out for the time being, so if it is needed when it is raised, even if it is eaten, the voting loss will not be too big." The next call to the jade emperor said.

"But there is still a drawback in doing this. That is... the fact that there are points in the farm is not their own points. They can indeed pick them up, but the same can be mentioned by people from other countries. Said the magic kitchen here.

"Other countries are aware of the same problem. In fact, it is generally just to send a person to stand on the farm to make the other person's people unable to rise. Only one person, the other party only has to send several small teams to harass and stand. The above people get rid of it, directly put out the people in the farm, or directly take it on their own, and now it is estimated that all countries are brewing this matter." The call of the jade emperor said, said Look at Li Huailin, "How are we going to do this?"

“Nothing is done.” Li Huailin said, “Let them play for a while. We just have to be optimistic about our farm now.”

Li Huailin’s words are really arrogant, because Huaxia’s only farm is the Japanese benzene team, and it’s the only one. Of course, the whole group is here. It’s okay, but you’re treating a g6 national team. Farm. This is really good enough, of course he really did.

I still have nothing to do, but this time the team members have no opinion, because the situation is really a bit messy, everyone is not optimistic about what will happen, so I don’t know what to do, now look at the situation is very Normal things, so no one objected.

The scene is exactly the same as summoning the Jade Emperor and the Magic Kitchen, and the situation is moving in this direction. Sure enough, from the beginning, the points of several small countries here have not been taken away, the score is also a slow increase of 2 points per hour, and some new small national teams are also caught, and then The resurrection points were sent back directly, but there was no direct increase in their scores, just let them keep their scores.

As the scores of these small countries increase, the war is slowly approaching. Soon, the situation has arisen. At this time, the Huaxia team here is resting. But everyone is paying attention to the page of points. At this time, the flashing oranges here suddenly shouted: "There is a situation, the magnesium national team deducted points."

"What?" Everyone immediately stood up and looked at the standings here. Sure enough, the Magnesium team was one point less than just.

"Who added points?" The people here quickly hurry to find the national team with extra points, and they quickly found the target. That is the Cold Country team.

"Starting the war." In the blink of an eye, everyone understands what is going on. The Magnesium National Team and the Cold Country team started the battle. Although they don't know who is playing, this is the battle between the real g6 national teams.

Battlefield information: The captain's chest, Huairuolin uses the query function to query the coordinates of the player yookii, and the coordinates are xxx.xxxx.

Battlefield information: The captain's chest, Huai Ruolin, used the query function to query the coordinates of the player's creamy candy (cream_confection). The coordinates are xxx.xxxx.

Li Huailin immediately used the query function to check the coordinates of the two people of the US team and the Cold Country team. The results showed that the coordinates of the two people were similar. It seems that this coordinate is estimated near the territory of the two countries, but I don’t know. The Cold Country team is also the territory of the Magnesium National Team.

The time is now more than ten o'clock in the evening, that is, there are only two hours left before the vote at 12 o'clock. The first place is still the Cold National Team. If there is no accident, the second round of voting is naturally The Cold Country team won, which is of course something that the Cold State team can't accept. Of course, they can't help but be sure.

The way to break this deadlock is also very simple. Now the reason why the Magnesium National Team dares to put the scores in their own farms is because the farms are safe and no one is attacking. These scores exist there. It is equivalent to saying that they are their own scores, and the best way for the Cold Country team to let the Magnesium team take these scores is to tell them that these scores are not safe. You better pick them up first.

In such an analysis, the most likely scenario is that the Cold Country team attacked the territory of the Magnesium National Team.

The actual situation is similar to that of Li Huailin. It is true that the current situation is that the Cold Country team is attacking the territory of the Magnesium National Team. No, it should not be the territory, but the farm near the territory, and the choice of offensive methods, and here Summon the Jade Emperor said the same.

The Cold Country team here divides its team into 3 teams, each team has ten people, and then the various territories run around. They have not acted before and sent people to investigate the territory near the Magnesium National Team. They are also beginning to harass everywhere.

Generally speaking, there is only one person left in the territory of the Magnesium National Team. Therefore, there is really no way to face ten chilling country players. The only effect is to report this to your captain immediately.

Of course, the Magnesium National Team also immediately dispatched the reinforcements and immediately reinforce the area where the attack was carried out. However, although it is near the territory, it still takes a little time to get there, and the Cold Country team here is quite awkward. After they killed the people of the magnesium national team, they waited for the resurrection of the small national team here. Seeing that there are several people in the other side, generally they are under 8 people. Then there are more people here and kill one round. Grab a few points, after the completion of this round, the members of the Cold Country team here immediately retreated at full speed, they will grab this round of points.

When the reinforcements of the Magnesium National Team came to the scene, they faced such a picture. The other people’s people went away, or did not directly see anyone, including the small national team members who were killed by them. They have already resurrected and left the place. Escaped.

At this time, they immediately received news from another place, and they were attacked there. They could only rush in immediately.

Soon the Magnesium team learned that the Cold Country team here was divided, but although they knew they were divided, did they follow the division? They can now have 9 farms, divided into 9 teams that can't beat the Cold Country team. They can't protect all the territories by dividing them into 3 teams. People will hit the place where you are not guarded.

The only solution is to reduce your territory and reduce your territory to only 4 blocks. In this case, there are 8 people on each block. Basically, there is no problem, but... this is too bad, there is breeding. The scores in the field can all be their own scores. If you don't take them, isn't it equal to saying that it is a loss?

The magnesium national team is now very headache, but in fact they don't know, the cold country team has the same headache, because they are attacking the whole group this time, which means that they can now stand on their own farm. The small national team in their own farm now doesn't know where to go. Of course, these people are likely to be discovered by someone who passed by. After killing, these scores are not theirs. For them, It is also a loss. But even though, they have no choice. If they don't force the magnesium team to take the points, they have to vote on their own.

The harassment lasted for nearly an hour. The Cold Country team suddenly retreated. They rushed back to catch the members of the small national team that fled, and the magnesium team here found that the other party’s harassment had passed. It was also a re-construction. I thought about it. The captain of the magnesium country here decided to collect the points. After this time, he understood that the scores on the farm are really unreliable. I don’t have so many people on my side. Living in so many farms, so several farms close to me are kept, after all, they are harassed back to defense, but a few farther, all receive the score directly.

After such a big turmoil, the scores of the standings here have changed drastically. The scores of the national teams are completely silent when they jump up and down, but in this turmoil, here The Huaxia team continued to stay out of the game, and almost nothing was done. Of course, it was almost nothing. They didn’t have to do it and pulled the Japanese benzene team here to do it once, because now all countries have points, and benzene. The team directly gave 0 points. This time it was really the bottom of the game. At this time, the audience of Nissan is still watching very little. What else is good, except death is death, most of them Time is staying at the resurrection point, the scene is ugly, the score is also the bottom of the bottom and the bottom, people like Red Duras, Heidi and other teams have more than a dozen points, here the Japanese benzene team ... 0 points, this is really I don't want to see people. They don't have trouble in the forum. It's really... I feel embarrassed.

After a huge turmoil, the time slowly approached 12 o'clock, which is the second time of voting. At this time, the situation of the standings was a little bit fun. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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