All Things Wrong

Chapter 1096: Third round of voting

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The magnesium national team is very anxious at this time, because there is not much time left by Li Huailin at 5:50, now they have to make a decision, that is, to give the Chinese team 80 points, or deduct 120 points, it sounds Of course, it is more cost-effective to give 80 points, but in fact, you give the opponent 80 points is also the enemy, this one is to count 160 points, so I think it is worth 120 points.

"But the Chinese team can't greet all the scores themselves, they have to be assigned to other small national teams. A member of the magnesium national team next to n∈ reminded.

"This is possible." Scott here said a little.

The magnesium national team is once again in a time to make a choice. As time approaches, they are very anxious, but there is more anxious than they are, that is, the Chinese audience. Now the audience in Huaxia District is really anxious, they have been watching the game all night, but why not fight now.

They can't see the conversation that Li Huailin is doing now. This part can't be broadcasted. That is to say, the picture they saw was that Li Huailin stood there and said something to the small national team here. It seems that he wants to Preparing for the whole attack, but waiting to wait, the alliance here did not do anything, just stood in the same place, what is the situation, they are ready to watch the big group battle, watching Li Huailin call With so many people, it seems that I am about to start attacking. But if they wait for the left and the right, they will feel very sleepy. This is not an urgent matter.

"The bulls are fighting fast, and so many people are playing the magnesium team."

"Yeah, I have to fall asleep without hitting me. I am attacking."

"Is it necessary to wait until the end of this round of voting and then see who has a higher score and choose who to fight?"

The audience was a bit confusing, and at this time, the time was close to the third round of voting time, 5:50, just at this time, the game suddenly changed dramatically.

"Wait, you wait, is it wrong? You look at the standings." Suddenly a viewer noticed a change in the standings next to the big screen and shouted.

Hear his shouts. The people around me quickly looked at the standings, and the situation that was seen made everyone shocked. The whole person was there. It was like a contagion. All the people saw the scoreboard and slammed it. Then, the person next to him looked at him with his gaze, and then he also stunned, and the entire arena had a very funny situation. Everyone looked stunned at the standings next to the big screen.

What did they see? Yes, the situation they are seeing now is. The first place in the standings here has suddenly become the Chinese team, and the points are 328 points.

This is a bit too sudden. I don't know what happened at all. Just 1 minute ago, they saw the fifth place in the Chinese team. The score is only 88 points, but it is only 1 minute later. The score of the Huaxia team suddenly became 328 points. What is the extra 240 points?

"You look at it, the magnesium national team, the British and the score of the Cold Country team!" Suddenly someone found out what happened, and looked at the three countries that only asked for the first to third place, now their The scores are all 80 points less. The scores of the three countries add up to exactly 240 points. This score knows where it came from, but... What is going on?

The Huaxia team is now standing on the territory of the Japanese benzene team, and their current allies are waiting for them. There is no such thing as a attack. How does this score come from? Why are the three national teams here going to give the Chinese team a score?

The audience looked confused, what the **** is going on, how suddenly the Chinese team is leading? Although it is a good thing to say that the lead is good, it is necessary to see what is going on, what is the inexplicable situation.

Just when the audience didn't know what was going on, the score here changed again. The score of the first Chinese team suddenly began to decrease again. The score became 247 points in a flash, and suddenly it was less. 81 points, they did not see the Huaxia team being attacked, even if it was attacked, all the missions will be deducted 32 points, but now directly deducted 81 points, although still the first, but ... what happened ?

“Whose score has increased?” The audience has started to find which country’s score has increased, but after finding a circle, the scores of the previous countries have not increased, but they are immediately discovered by the audience. The scores of the countries in the pile have increased, probably... an increase of 3 points.

"Hey? In the end, this is a bit of fun." The audience here didn't understand what was going on, but at this time, the third round of voting here began.

The operation is still the same as before, and the voting time here is also very fast. It is about 3 minutes, and the vote is over. Soon the voting results are announced.

Battlefield information: The second round of voting has ended, and now counts the votes.

First place: The Ross team, the number of votes: 29 votes.

Second place: Cold Country Team, votes: 6 votes.

Third place: Magnesium national team, the number of votes: 5 votes.

Fourth place: British team, votes: 4 votes.

Tied for the fourth place: Huaxia team, the number of votes: 4 votes.

The announced voting results surprised everyone. They were worried before. The Chinese team here has become the first place inexplicably. Is it because these countries that scored his points have negotiated for the Chinese team? He ate a vote, but the first vote was not the first place in the Huaxia team, nor the second place, the third place, but the former fourth place in the Ross team, and should have The Chinese team that ate the highest number of votes only got 4 votes. What is going on?

The third round of voting was really surprising, and the points after the vote were like this: the first Chinese team, 249 points; the second magnesium team, 153 points; the third place, the Cold Country team, points 139 points; the fourth British team, 124 points; the fifth place, Luo Luo directly ate a vote, was deducted 46 points has been directly dropped, and now the fifth is the Eight West team, points 61 points, pick up Going down is 57 points for Jonathan, 46 points for Ross, and 43 points for the European Union.

Since the start of the game, the Chinese team won the first time, but the process is not very understandable. When the audience here are all inexplicable, the commentator Dasongshan suddenly shouted: "I understand. ""

Everyone looked at Dasongshan. There are also a few viewers who think about it, but they are not sure. They also listen to what the professionals think is the same as themselves.

"The old captain, what the **** is going on?" The host next to Ke Xin asked immediately.

"Why should the magnesium national team give the Chinese team a score, let the Chinese team become the first, then why the Chinese team wants to give these small national team scores, and then why the first vote is not the Chinese team, these problems seem to look like It's hard to understand, but if you look at these three questions together, can you understand?" Dasongshan said with a smile.

"Through the three questions?" Ke Xin said here, and suddenly thought of something. "I, I understand, the Chinese team gave the small national team a score to control their vote, and then controlled the vote. They will not vote for the Chinese team, and then because of the control of the vote, the Magnesium team they can only use the score to buy the Chinese team in order not to let the Huaxia team vote for themselves."

"Yeah." Dasongshan here nodded.

The audience understood all of a sudden, so logically it makes sense, but there is still a problem...

"The best thing here is one thing. I estimate that the captain of the Chinese team secretly communicated with colleagues from three countries, and then let them give them a score. They don't know that other countries will also give the Chinese team a score, so In an instant, the Huaxia team received 80 points from three countries and directly rushed to the first place. This is estimated to have never been thought of." Dasongshan here said.

"It turned out to be like this!" The audience also nodded.

Indeed, as Dasongshan said, the people of the three national teams here did not expect that the Chinese team here will rush to the first place at this time. They thought that only they gave each other a score, that is, 80 points. It’s okay to get rid of it, so it’s okay, but if the Chinese team can threaten them, of course, they can threaten other countries.

They didn't expect it because Li Huailin gave the time too short. When they contacted them, they were already about to vote. The decision time was only less than ten minutes. They just considered giving the problem. I was very upset. I didn’t expect the other person’s plan at the time. Now I’m calming down and thinking about it, I can understand it right away.

But although I want to understand it, there is no way. If you know that the other party is going to extort other countries, don’t you give it? If you don't vote for others, you will lose 80 points in other countries. If you have less than 100 points, only three countries can say good, so that Li Huailin can't be blackmailed, but that time is impossible.

But now there is no more way, the scores are given to the other party, and now the other party directly rushed to the first place, although they saved their scores, a little less loss, but the nouns simply did not keep, this is not Still lost the ranking?

And the bigger problem is still behind, what to do afterwards, the other party has already controlled the vote, that is to say, who will vote for whom the other party wants to vote, what should I do next? As long as you grab the points on your own, the other party will vote for yourself, and the Chinese team will not be able to vote, and it will be good to get points. Isn't this invincible?

All the national teams have a headache for a moment. (Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you to take! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - input dd), immediately participate! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to dd WeChat public number!) (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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