All Things Wrong

Chapter 1099: Loose

Ps: Look at the exclusive story behind "The Reverse of Online Games", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - enter dd), tell me quietly!

The main city arena, the time is more than 6 in the morning, now the people have become more and more, the audience who went back to rest before now is the upper limit of powder, I heard that this big thing happened last night, here In the early morning, the scores of the Huaxia team all rushed to the first place. The audience that did not see it at all was really regretful. I knew that I had been wanted overnight. There is no way they can only say to the audience around the night to consult the current situation, ask what is happening.

"What, actually happened like this, so now that the Chinese team has taken control of the situation, then today's game should be very exciting, it should be with the team directly sweeping the whole picture." The audience here guessed.

But when they guessed this way, the changes in the game here made them completely unable to understand, because the Huaxia team here began to rest again...

"What?" All the audience were stunned. The Huaxia team here has been divided into several squads. In addition to the squad that is standing guard, the other people basically go out to eat and sleep, sleep and sleep. This situation and the beginning of yesterday are completely complete. There is no difference. When they look at this, they know that the Chinese team has to rest again, and according to yesterday’s experience, this rest time is really not long.

"No, is it a break during the day? I am not easy to see the game. How come I have a rest in the Chinese team? I can't speak when I go to the game." Most of the audience complained.

The circadian clock of most of the audience is naturally normal. Basically, the activity time is during the day. This time, the game used Beijing time (the previous game had other time), and they thought that they would not have to watch overnight. The game is over. The result is not the case at all. What is the Chinese team in the end, why do you do nothing during the day, and you will start doing things in the evening.

The coolest thing at this time was the audience who had been watching the game all night. It was just a little tired, but I was afraid of missing something. I am prepared to continue to watch the game but I can't stand it. It just happens that the Chinese team here is very comfortable with the rest. This is really great, and I have to go offline.

"Then you continue to watch the Huaxia team sleep, I will go to sleep first, and I will go online to watch the wonderful content of the evening." With the expression of a successful person with a face, the wanted audiences here are directly off the assembly line. The audience who just got on the line was very angry.

After a while, the guests and hosts here also changed their classes. Seeing the current standings, the guests here are also a slight glimpse. What happened last night, why did the Chinese team go straight to the first place, after listening to the explanations of Da Songshan and Jinglong, this The pine cranes on the side and the wandering of the past are all a glimpse. I didn’t expect to miss such a wonderful intrigue.

"But now why the Chinese team is going to start a break. Isn't it a good time to grab points? Now even if you get the first one, you won't be voted." Songhe here said a little.

"We don't know this." Jing Long replied. Jinglong and Dasongshan here have already discussed this matter long ago, but they really did not understand Li Huailin’s thoughts. They know less than the Chinese players inside, but just seeing the current situation, it is the best way to get the points now, but I don't know why I don't do it.

"Trust problem." The past here drifted a little and thought about it suddenly.

“Question of trust?” asked three people at the same time.

"That is to say, our captain does not believe in the people of this small national team." The past drifted to the side of Dasongshan and Jinglong said, "You just watched the game, so I don't think there is anything. I am from you. As I heard about this incident, the onlookers were clear, although the Chinese captain here led a small national team to play a beautiful turnaround, but can you say that these small countries are their own people with China?"

"It turns out that." Songhe here also immediately understood, "Although everyone is together for the time being. But after all, each national team has its own interests."

"But now they can guarantee their own interests with the Chinese team, and they can earn a lot." Jinglong said here.

"Only the groups tied together by interests are very unstable, because as long as there is greater interest, then the relationship will immediately end." The past here suddenly said, "The Chinese team got 240 yesterday. Points, but took 159 points, but only 3 points for each small national team, although it may be very happy at first, but there will be problems in this area soon." The past is drifting.

"Understood." Songhe next to him suddenly said, "In terms of voting, the Chinese team here and all the small national teams have the same effect. Everyone has only one vote, but the income is Benefiting, the Chinese team is 53 times that of other national teams. This gap is too big..."

"Don't suffer from unequalness and unevenness..." Dasongshan sighed here. He also understood where the hidden dangers were. Although it seems that the alliance seems to be very invincible, the actual thinking is simply full of loopholes.

"The distribution of the first vote may be acceptable to everyone, but the second time, the third time." The past here continues, "This situation, of course, other national teams will not let him happen all the time." , so they will definitely try to stop this, the easiest way is..."

"Let's win over the small national team..." Jinglong here also nodded. "It is true that everyone is aware of the importance of voting for the game, but what will they do?"

"More benefits..." said Dasongshan here. "This loose alliance can hardly stand the test. It is estimated that something will happen soon."

The situation here seems to be to verify what Dasongshan said. The time is slowly going to 10 o'clock in the morning. The game here has been going on for about 22 hours, and the time for the fourth vote is about 2 hours, but this time all the national teams seem to have no action, the Huaxia team here is the first break, the points did not grow at all, just because the system gave away 6 points, so it became 255 Minute.

The scores of the magnesium national team and the cold country team here have not changed much. Basically, they have changed in a dozen points. The rankings have not changed much. However, the back of the Ross team took a little chance to chase points. Because the farm was taken away by Li Huailin, this time, Russell’s score was directly a big group battle. The goal was to administer the team. The opponent is 16 people. The Ross team here should be with the other side. After several battles, the score increased by 28 points (with a deduction), and now I am back to the fifth place.

Because the big national team has no action, the scores on this side are also more and more scattered. Now the scores of the small national team have basically accumulated to 20 points. This situation is really some accidents. The situation of the game is really a bit strange.

At this time, summoning the Jade Emperor is also coming to the side of Li Huailin who is looking at the banner that Enron has just made.

"Summon summon, you see, how good it is." Li Huailin pulled the banner of the bulls here, it is still a flag that is completely different from before, black shading, two huge white characters on the top Then there is an arrow pointing to Li Huailin’s head.

"..." Summon Jade Emperor is really unable to speak for a while, this is what is going on.

This thing is green bronze quality, so it can increase the movement speed of 5% of players around 20 yards and 5% of experience acquisition. Of course, Li Huailin directly becomes a buckle, if you call the jade to know Li Huailin’s inverse buff attribute is estimated to say: “What are you doing with this deduction attribute? Can you not make trouble?” I know that the increase in experience is useless, but the increase of 5% of the speed can still be used as a shield. Speaking of this thing, you must add it.

"Uh-huh... I really said that Enron really is the most useful player, it is really good." Li Huailin nodded here.

"I am really a dog." Here, the summoned Jade Emperor helped the forehead. "You are sure to bring this thing. Is this an international competition? You can't be a shame..."

"What did you do for me?" Looking at the summoning jade emperor here, there are signs of violent walking. Li Huailin here quickly asked.

"I rub... all of you are doing a lot of chaos, which makes me forget about the tight things." The caller of the jade here said, "You just let me quietly pay attention to the situation of the small national team there. I seem to be making a strange move."

“Oh?” Li Huailin’s eyebrows pick, “What is it?”

"It feels like several captains are not at rest, it feels like chatting with the channel..." said the caller Jade Emperor here, "and I just found one thing... this small national team this It seems that there are fewer people on the side..."

"Oh, have you started to reduce your staff?" Li Huailin said a little, "a little faster, faster than I thought."

"Is it more than you think?" asked the caller Jade Emperor, "Have you guessed?"

"Oh..." Li Hualin smiled a little, then a fierce scream, "So... the national team that is not seen now, what national team is, report the name of the gangster who is the car." Activities, cool mobile phone waiting for you to take! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - input dd can), immediately participate! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to dd WeChat public number!) (unfinished To continue, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!

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