All Things Wrong

Chapter 1147: article

Yes, this bone dragon Nozorda is the second problem that Li Huailin wants to solve. In fact, after a few trials, Li Huailin felt that Nozorda was so good that there was a lot of things that could not be achieved when riding the millet. For example, in the air, the light ring is chasing the people below. Too bad. There is also a lot of people riding, for example, because Nozorda is not a pet, there is no limit to Xiaomi. Xiaomi has no way to ride two players in any way because of the system, but Nozorda Just ride, just climb up and sit casually. The only downside is that there is no such thing as Xiaomi, because you can't take in pet space, and you can't take it everywhere.

The bone dragon is absolutely very taboo on the side of the human empire. Human beings are afraid of the dragon. There is nothing to say. In fact, other dragons are already evil incarnations in the eyes of human beings. It is like being born to eat monsters. In the same way, the limit they can accept is the dragon of the dragon knight's mount. Other wild dragons appear in front of them. Even if they don't come to eat them, they will come to eat them. And the bone dragon is more unlikely to be accepted by humans.

But changing to the undead is not the same. The bone dragon is a symbol of strength in the eyes of the undead. The necromancer has a dream, that is, resurrecting one of his own bone dragons, but there are not many successful people because Even if you have this strength, you need a dragon's body to be able to do this, and the dragon's body is harder to find than the dragon itself.

Li Huailin has no way to raise this dragon in the Terran. But he has a dual identity. It is normal to ride the millet in the Terran, but on the side of the undead. You need a mount for your own identity. As an undead emperor, it should be no problem to get a bone dragon sitting.

Yes, Li Huailin has already taken the mind of bringing Nozorda back, but I haven’t figured out the way, because here is the map of the game. In theory, it should be a closed space. After the game, it should be directly The fly is gone. It will not exist at all, of course, Nozorda here should also disappear. So how do you bring this thing out?

Li Huailin himself can't think of any way, so he can only discuss with Nozorda here, and Nozorda is a monster who has lived so old, and should know something. Of course, you first need to explain the current situation and Nozorda. Let him understand what is the situation now.

"Well? You said that this different space will collapse in an hour, then I will die here?" Li Huailin wants to find a way to explain the current situation and Nozorda, it is really a bit effective, here Nozorda actually understood.

"I don't know if I die, I may be trapped here for a lifetime. Maybe the system is full of compassion and sent you back to the original mainland." Li Huailin here actually said that he did not know the Nozo here. How did you get here at the end, and I didn’t know what to do after the game ended.

"It turned out that I felt a bit strange. The smell of this different space is indeed not the same." Nozorda here tapped the tap and actually expressed his belief.

"Hey, you can smell it like this. Are you sure that you have become a bone dragon that affects your sense of smell?" Li Huailin here can't help but say that Nozorda has any nose now. The nostrils are two holes, can you smell something?

"It turned out to be the case." Nozorda here really accepted the nod. "I am not used to my identity now, it is a bit strange."

"..." This dragon is really a bit quite cute. Li Huailin thought about it and asked, "What do you plan to do?"

"I...have not thought about it yet. In fact, it has become a bone dragon inexplicably. I don't know where I should go now, even if I go back to my original place, I don't know what to do. Dragon Valley I am definitely not going back. The former Dragon friends are estimated to become my enemy. Maybe they will come and chase me. I really don’t know how to survive and I don’t know my goal. "Nozorda here," said.

"It turns out." Li Huailin nodded, and suddenly became a bone dragon. Now I don't know how to go in the future. This is understandable. After all, you suddenly become an undead, former comrade-in-arms partner. All become enemies, and you don't know what to do. But this time is a good time to persuade.

"In this case, let me make a suggestion." Li Huailin said, "You know the identity of the Excalibur, you should know my identity."

"The holder of the glory should be the Lord of the Undead." Nozorda here also replied immediately if he didn't want to, "I just thought it would be a human being, you are really human."

"I am indeed human, but this is not important." Li Huailin said, "You are right, I am the emperor of the undead empire, and you are now a bone dragon, you should understand what I mean."

"Sincerely you?" Nozorda looked at Li Huailin.

"What do you think of me?" Li Huailin suddenly asked.

"Well..." Nozorda here considered it a little. "I have been observing you all the time. You are better than other natural selections. It is the best candidate I have ever seen."

"Now it's an adventurer." Li Huailin nodded. The Nozorda here used the old name, which means that Nozorda is really a dragon that has lived for a long time.

"Well... I have never encountered an adventurer who became the emperor of the undead. It is a good thing to think about it carefully. After all, your chosen person will not die, that is to say, you will never be seen. Killing, then the situation of the collapse of the empire." Nozorda here said, although he wants to change, but still habitually said the winner, the last side of Nozorda also summed up, "according to me Now consider your identity, if you are a good choice..."

"That is to say, the negotiation is successful." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Yeah." Nozorda nodded here, as if he wanted to understand something. "In short, I will follow you now. You need a mount anyway."

"It’s too convenient to talk to you." Li Huailin nodded. "But we still have a big problem to solve."

"How can I get out?" Nozorda said here. "This is a rather troublesome thing."

"Obviously, I can't get you pet space right now." Li Huailin said here, "I can't fly out. I tried it before. There are air walls around here. I am riding a millet." Not going out."

Yes, the venue is only so big. When I flew to the edge, Li Huailin could still see the surrounding scenery spread to the invisible place, but although there was a road there, it could not fly, it was similar to the air. The things on the wall are blocked, and flying over there is a hint that you can't leave the battlefield for the time being.

"Yeah." Nozorda here nodded, and then thought about it. "You must have a space for storing items in addition to the space for pets."

“Hmmm?” Li Huailin took a brief look and then immediately reacted. “Oh, parcel, but this thing can’t contain living things.”

"I am still a living thing?" Nozorda asked here.

"Hmmm?" Li Huailin took a brief look, but soon shook his head. "I don't know how the system judges, but you really can't put it in the package."

Li Huailin doesn't know how the system is judged here, but the judgment of the package should be that only the item can enter, and the definition of the item is very vague, like engineering props, such a large tank can be put into the inventory, and then occupy a grid. Besides, living things, in fact, there are also living things that can be put into the package. For example, if the system task lets you catch rabbits, you can grab more than a dozen rabbits and put them in the package. There is no problem at all, but some things can't be put in.

"This thing probably needs the definition of 'articles' to be put in." Li Huailin said here simply.

"Well, then turn me into an item." Nozorda said suddenly.

"Ha?" Li Huailin took a look.

"Look at my skull, there is something called Longjing." Nozorda said here, "This is when I was a fire dragon. Of course, it should be contaminated now, take it out. I am dead. This thing should be an 'item' in the hands of your adventurers."

"Hmmm?" Li Huailin suddenly understood something, and then followed the meaning of Nozorda here. "The bones are naturally considered to be 'article keels' after you die, and should be able to put them in the package. These two things I can take you outside..."

"Do you understand undead magic?" asked Nozorda here.

"No?" Li Huailin shook his head.

"Then I will find another necromancer to help me to resurrect outside. Of course, I need a necromancer who is at least a saint-level sorcerer. You should have a sorcerer," said Nozorda.

"Well... probably." Li Huailin nodded, although he didn't know what the water was under his hand, but a big undead empire should have no problem finding a saint-level necromancer.

"Then let's do it." Nozorda here directly stretched his head to the front. "When you take it out, it will move a little faster. This should be very painful." (To be continued)


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