All Things Wrong

Chapter 1158: aims

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Li Huailin is looking at the information sent by Sudense here. The information here is the information about the Fashen on the mainland. Due to the relationship between talents (the talents of both the Terran and the Mozu are wise, they all increase their intelligence by 10%), the information of the Fa-Saints here is almost completely contracted by the Terran and the Mozu, and the list of the mainland is open, the Terran There are 3 French saints, 2 Mozu saints, and the remaining one is an elf. Of course, this is still balanced, because the samurai on the orc side is obviously more. These are estimated to be set. relationship.

"This tm is too sinister. Can a sacred sacred man be able to tens of thousands of people?" Li Huailin looked at the information here. It was also a bit big. The data basically registered the record of the sacred priest, which is why the other party Will be sealed as a sacred, of course, has participated in actual combat, more law reports above the law saint basically played an unparalleled strength in the previous battle, what to reverse the very inferior war, there is a person to keep a city, a People who are tens of thousands of people in the second are simply savvy.

"His Royal Highness, this is the strength of the French Holy," said Suedes next to him.

"Then why I have never encountered such a person in the battle." Li Huailin said a little strangely. "Isn’t that he can reverse the battle? Now the Mozu are beaten, and they have not seen this. The two devils of the demon family jumped out to reverse the battle."

"This... of course, because the Terran is also the fighting party for the Mozu." Sudés here said, "If the devil's sacred sacred shots, then the sacred sacred sacred will also be dispatched. Not the extent of local fighting."

"Oh?" Li Huailin nodded a little. It turned out to be the case. The reason why the two saints of the Mozu here did not shoot is because the undead and the Terran League here are playing the demon, so in case they really shot Of course, the three saints of the Terran will not sit and watch, really fight. Of course, the Terran side is dominant. Although the French saint is arrogant, it is also a human being. You jump out to support the Mozu and then die... This is not a big loss.

From the perspective of Su Wise, Li Huailin also learned a few points, that is, these holy figures are generally very high-class. To put it simply, I think that I belong to the level of the world's nobility. The people below are noisy, and they will not easily shoot because they think they are not a level with them. This is totally different from what it was a hundred years ago. It should also be the concept that has emerged in this century.

Of course, not everyone is like this. Li Huailin knows two holy levels. His own teacher, Dashe Juggernaut, is not quite for his own country. Although he is a super small country, his situation is quite special. . Because he is a member of the royal family of this country. The other Meg Ryan Juggernaut Li Huailin is not very familiar, so it is not good to comment.

"Think about it this way. Fortunately, there is no law saint of the undead people..." Li Huailin suddenly thought of this. In fact, although the people of the holy class are so powerful, Li Huailin is not afraid at all. The few holy people who are seen here are the Terran, the Devil, and the Elves. They are all clearly said to be living, as long as they are Is it a living thing, will Li Huailin be afraid? Of course it won't. Even if the other party hangs again, it can only stand for 17 seconds in front of himself. How can I be afraid? The problem is that if the other party is an undead person, then it will be troublesome. If there is no aura, I believe that according to my own strength, it should be impossible to fight these abnormalities.

Therefore, Li Huailin also paid attention to this point, that is, although he really needs a saint-level necromancer. But this person must also be loyal, otherwise the guy is a scourge, because he can't make him. At least it’s a good thing to notice this now.

But Li Huailin quickly frowned again because of a troublesome thing.

"Here... Why is there no law of dark magic?" Li Huailin asked.

Yes, the trouble here is that the six saints in the list given by Sudez actually have no law of darkness. This information is still very complete. The magic of the various saints, the magic that is not good at it, is recorded. When it comes to this level, it’s basically all the magic of each department is very proficient. The magic that is not good at it is also relative to the good at it. For example, the list of the human race law called Selewen Kyle Mosut. Proficient in fire, thunder, and earth systems, the water system, the ice system, and the wind system are all general (this is generally the same degree as the big magician), but the dark magic is not mentioned.

"His Royal Highness... you don't know?" Sudes said here a little inexplicably.

"Ha? You didn't say how I would know?" Li Huailin said strangely.

"This... In fact, the Dark spells and the Undead spells are very close together. Once you study the Dark spells, you will inevitably come into contact with the Undead spells." Sudes said here, "You also know the undead on our side." The saints are all destroyed by the coalition forces. Of course, they are not allowed to have the sacred sacred spells of the undead spells. Therefore, after they have destroyed our sacred priests, the coalition forces have also announced that the undead magic is evil magic, any The magicians who study the undead spells will be expelled from the Masters Guild (by the way, all the six law saints mentioned above are members of the Masters Guild)."

"Oh? It turns out." Li Huailin nodded.

"And the dark magic is actually dragged down by the undead spells," Sudis said. "Although the two sides are different factions, but because they are close, there is no explicit prohibition of dark spells on the mainland, but the general dark spells. It’s all resisted, and there was one thing that happened seventy years ago...”

"Oh? What?" Li Huailin asked.

"A Dark Master of the Master's Guild, called Rousselot, was expelled from the Masters' Guild. The reason the Masters Association announced was because Rousselot was derelict, but in fact a little bit of a brain knows that dark magic has been oppressed. At that time, it was not far from the time when the undead people invaded the mainland, so everyone generally resisted the dark spells, so no one sympathized with Rousselot,” Sudés said. “But the choice of Rousselot here is very Surprising, because after he left the Masters Guild, he actually summoned a group of Dark Masters and then established the Warlock Guild..."

"Warlock Guild?" Li Huailin took a look. It is no wonder that the Warlocks and Masters in the nine major occupations are separate, because these are two different guilds, which started from this time.

"Yes, after the establishment of the Warlock Guild, gradually these dark masters who were unfairly treated gathered in the Warlock Guild. The Warlock Guild was more united than the Master Guild, so it gradually grew stronger and now it has developed very It’s a good degree, although it’s not as good as the Master’s Guild, but it’s already a bit of a voice,” Sudes said.

"It turned out to be the case." Li Huailin nodded and then touched his head a little. "That is, I am looking for a warlock of the French level. Should the warlocks that the warlocks should understand?"

"No." Sudés shook his head here. "The undead spells on the plains have always been spells that are forbidden in the mainland, but in any case, learning the dark spells will inevitably touch the undead spells, but the Warlocks Association will announce What comes out is that they never study the undead spells. Although they have been criticized for a long time, what is the specific situation, the Warlocks Association has not been announced."

"Well..." Li Huailin nodded. "In any case, it seems that I am looking for a warlock to ask..."

"His Royal Highness... Do you mean to find a warlock of the French holy level... and then let him join our camp?" Sudes asked here.

"Yeah, what happened?" Li Huailin asked.

"But... this is impossible," said Suedes here.

"Impossible, why?" Li Huailin asked strangely.

"In fact, there is only one Warlock of the Franciscan level that is known now. That is the president of the Warlock Guild, which is the Rousselot I just said. Of course, he is impossible to join us. He and the undead have a lot of hatred. Although we study dark spells, we are absolutely swearing, "Sudes said.

"Only one of him?" Li Huailin took a look, which was a little troublesome. Yes, Li Huailin intends to turn the other party directly into the undead and let him join, but the trouble is that the other party and the undead are really swearing, even if they turn the other into an undead, the other party does not Joining it first, it is even more troublesome, because Li Huailin did not take him.

"Yeah, now the Dark Master...and so on..." said Sudes, who was here, suddenly paused a little.

"What did you think of?" Li Huailin asked.

"I remembered, there is another, there is a mage who was expelled by the Warlocks Guild a few decades ago. The reason is that because of the study of the undead spells, it was still very big at the time." Sudais here suddenly said, "Wait Wait, I forgot what he called, but I have never heard of him in these years, and I don’t know if I am still alive..."

"The warlock who studied the undead spells is very good." Li Huailin nodded. "Is it OK?"

"Well, yes, I remembered it." Sudis said here suddenly. "I think of the identity of the other party. The other is Rousselot's younger brother."

"Rousselot's younger brother, Rosello, the president of the Warlock Guild, right." Li Huailin asked.

"Right, it is his brother." Sudes said.

"It seems... is a very suitable person." Li Huailin suddenly nodded. "Okay, this is the case, I will try it..." (To be continued...) r1292

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