All Things Wrong

Chapter 1227: Planning

The location is still in Longgu, where the conversation was changed to the cave of Longgu, because Li Huailin felt too tired to call a few dragons, so all the dragons became human and then went back to the cave to continue talking. △ Only the 13 dragons who are now transformed do not know what to say, because they feel that they do not understand the meaning of Li Huailin.

"Destroy the Orcs?" This is what Li Huailin just said, but what does this mean? This is not very likely to be seen. The Orc is one of the six strongest races on the mainland. It is too exaggerating to say that it is extinguished.

"Hey, what's the situation, I am so scared when I say this." Li Huailin said, "The extermination of the Orcs is our first goal, so that you all know what the purpose of what you are doing now, Given your level of intelligence, I am going to teach you how to make a plan this time. I will directly say what you are going to do after the meeting."

Li Huailin turned around and looked at Remidios: "First confirm our strength."

"Strong force?" Here's a little bit of Remidios.

"How much can be played." Li Huailin explained.

"Oh... as you can see..." Remidios here pointed to the thirteen dragons around him.

"I..." Li Huailin lifted the amount. "I have just seen it outside. The young dragon has no fighting power except for it, but the youth dragon is still a little combative. How many?"

"What, do you want those children to go to the battlefield?" Remidios said immediately. "This is not good!"

"Do you still say this at the crucial moment of the race?" Li Huailin smiled. "I don't know if I know the number is limited. I will try not to give you less staff. I need to know my own strength now."

"This...16 adult dragons, 41 youths. The remaining 88 are in their infancy." Remidios here replied.

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded and said, "There are three adult dragons, and the number is not enough."

"Calmast them?" said Pelagia here. "They are more casual. The recent gatherings are not coming."

"I am responsible for getting them back." Fleet Liga here suddenly said, "Now is the time for everyone to contribute. They must be powerful as a dragon."

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded. "Confirmed the number. We first talked about why the orcs were destroyed. I said before. The so-called coexistence is based on equality. For now, we and others. The race is unequal, why?"

"Hey...because we are dragons?" said Pelagia here.

"You tm nonsense." Li Huailin said, "Because we can't communicate with them, it's very strange. The dragons basically have the lingua franca of the mainland, but they can't communicate. That's because some dragons choose to avoid the world, and another While choosing to despise other races, and they are. There is no way to communicate with us because they simply don’t know how to communicate with us. Because there is no communication channel at all, I estimate that in all other continents, the dragons are basically It’s about the same as monsters, so the first thing we have to do is to let other races on the mainland understand that the dragons are not monsters, we can communicate.”

"Oh... what should I do?" All the dragons lingered for a long time. This is really a theory that I have never heard of. I thought about the person here.

“It’s very simple, we will complete a country,” Li Huailin said.

"Hey?" All the dragons are a glimpse, this...what is the situation.

"Because other races are based on the state, we want to communicate with them on an equal footing. We must also establish our own country." Li Huailin said, "Or else you will be a monster tribe, how to communicate with them, people do not You are going to be."

"No, no... humans, we have a total of 16 adult dragons here, even if we count 145 children, then we will establish a country?" said Erwin Gent.

"Well, then I ask a question. How many people do you think the ruler of mankind, that is, the royal family?" Li Huailin asked.

"This..." The dragons on this side looked at each other slightly, but no one knew.

"The human emperor Anthony. The Jura family now has two people." Li Huailin said, "I think we are not bad. At least 145 people are already a relatively large family. Remidios is the queen to support the royal family. Then the rest of the aristocrats, is this not the superstructure?"

"But we only have such a person. This cannot be done according to human standards. Human beings have a population of more than 35 million." Remidios said here.

"Yes, according to your algorithm, we have only the royal family here, and the country without the people is called the country." Here, Ewegant said.

"Of course, what country is the country without civilians, so we are looking for civilians now, so you have to ask, where are the civilians?" Li Huailin smiled and said: "I heard that there are still many on this continent. The creatures with dragon blood, what dragons, or dragons, Yalongs, half dragons, etc..."

"What, those hybrids!" Pelagia said directly to the front step.

"Hmmm?" Li Huailin did not speak, and the next door of Erwei Gangte stared at him directly. Here, Pelagia looked at the situation and immediately bowed his head.

"No, no, Pelagia said it is good." Li Huailin suddenly said, "Yes, they are hybrids, so they are civilians. The most important thing to maintain order is to grade. It seems to me. In this respect, the dragons have great advantages because the pure blood dragons are nobles, and the pure breeds are all civilians. This setting is very simple and straightforward. It can be said that it is a very good classification method. Is this not a good thing?"

"Hey...we want to accommodate those half-dragon people to join our new country?" asked Fleet Liga on this side.

"Yeah, I don't have anyone to treat them as their own. It's just a matter of being a hybrid." Li Huailin said with a smile. "In fact, the human side is the same. The nobles basically do not put civilians." I think it is a creature of the same race, so I don't think there is any problem, they will be very happy to accept this setting."

"That is of course." Here's Erwin Gent, "The dragons are willing to absorb their words, and the hybrids are expected to be very happy to sell our lives, right?"

"Yeah." Several dragons here nodded. These half dragons themselves have the blood of the dragons, and they also yearn for the recognition of the dragons. This is just a mouthful. Basically, these half dragons will be very happy. Come in, this is not a difficult thing.

In this way, several dragons think that this is a play, it is indeed able to make a decent thing, but just said...

"Well, there are civilians, there are nobles, then what else do we need? Right, it is a slave. So what is the best slave now? Come, Mr. Erwingart answers." Li Huailin One pointed to Erwei Gangte.

"Orphan?" Here, Erwei Gangte said with the meaning.

“Congratulations are correct,” Li Huailin said.

"But even if we have a collection of half-dragons, it is estimated that the sum of the full calculations is estimated to be less than 100,000. The orc is a big country with a population of more than 12 million. The gap is not a bit..." said Crosia.

"I have seen the bigger gap." Li Huailin said of course that it was a certain dynasty in history. When entering the customs, there were a total of 80,000 people. As a result, the whole China was ruled for more than 200 years. You said that 100,000 people could not make 12 million. Not talking about it.

"We actively attack the Orcs..."

"That is a must. This is our most important opportunity, not only because the construction of our new country now requires slavery, but this is an important opportunity for us to communicate with other countries." Li Huailin said.

“The opportunity to communicate?” All the dragons don’t know what’s going on.

"You have to understand that the elves are still fighting the orcs, so once the dragons participate in this battle, they will get a chance to negotiate with the elves. Once they start to negotiate, that is, let the elves recognize the country of the dragons. Very important, this is an opportunity to be on the stage of history.” Li Huailin said, “This is what I said, and equal representation. Everyone is an exchange between countries and countries, and it is an equal exchange.”

"Oh..." All the dragons understand what it is, and this is really important.

"So now divide into several teams to start the action, here is the strongest dragon to raise his hand." Li Huailin said.

"This...I..." Remidios here thought about raising his hand.

"Well, you are going to attack the medium-sized city that the Orc is closest to here, the one with a population of more than 100,000. The goal is to kill all the people inside, one will not stay." Li Huailin said.

"Hey?" Remidios here is a whole person.

"I will go." Here, Ewegant took the initiative.

"No, now we have another advantage. Other races are actually not very clear about the strength of the dragons. The purpose of our strongest Remidios is to let them all think that the dragons have this strength. It is very important for our right to speak. Remidios, you don't want to keep it. This is very important. It must be done neatly. Anyway, it can show your power. The bigger the better, the more exaggerated the scene. Li Hualin said.

"This... well." Remidios nodded reluctantly.

"Ferit Liga here to call back the other three dragons, then Erwei Gangte, you led the team to find the half dragons, let them all come back here, pay attention to the surface to give me politeness, after all, their own civilians, can If you don’t fight, you won’t fight. If you don’t listen, you will die.” Li Huailin said.

"Good." Erwei just featured.

Li Huailin is like a leader who commands several dragons. Soon, all dragons have begun to act. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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