All Things Wrong

Chapter 1235: Sign

The main city of the Mozu, the three countries here are in progress. ◎There are representatives of the three countries sitting in the venue. The delegation of the Terran is headed by Li Huailin. The delegation of the undead is headed by Su Dasi, and the representative of the Mozu here is of course Prince Mawei, but this is responsible for signing. Everything else has nothing to do with him.

The first half of the meeting was very fast, because many conditions were not the focus, and soon the consent of the people and the undead were obtained. For example, the question of the ascending to the throne, the Prince Marvin of the Tenjins here did not object, the other party was a broken one. The waste of the arm is of course well controlled, and the Terran also agrees. In addition to the problem of cutting the land, the two sites of the undead are completely inconsistent with the Terran, so the Terran side is very casual, and the Western Territory of the Terran is not bordered by the undead, and it has nothing to do with the two sides. As for the latter trading city, customs and garrison problems are very simple, Li Huailin here and Sudas said a little greeting, and both sides reached an agreement, the final question is still on the compensation.

Both the Terran and the Undead have to pay for the Devils for decades. The problem is that the Mozu can't pay so much, and they can't afford to sell them.

"I didn't think that the appetite of the undead is bigger than us. We have 200 million yuan. The other party needs 300 million yuan. It will pay off in 50 years. This is really not to give the Mozu alive. Before they were allies, the undead people here are simply It’s the wolf ambition.” During the meeting, Sulan said here, “The empire has begun to pay attention to the development of the undead, and there must be a little restraint on them.”

"The difference in quantity is so large that it seems impossible to talk about it in a short time," said a think tank member next to him.

Sulan nodded here, and then looked at Li Huailin, who was slightly distracted next to him. "What about the Duke of Aquitaine?"

To be honest, Li Huailin’s status seems to be a bit disappointing today. Sulan here is also very strange. The previous negotiation work is basically what she is doing (Li Huailin gestures to Su Dasi in the back). Sulan was originally studying, but she did not feel anything at all.

"30 years and 200 million is already the limit that the Mozu can come up with." Li Huailin said, "It doesn't make much sense to pull it again. It's just like half of us and the undead."

"It's not that simple." Sulan said here. "Since the undead side dares to raise the price of 300 million gold coins, it is definitely ready to die. Now directly deduct two-thirds of them, the other party can't promise, I I feel that there is definitely something to be prepared for the undead people here, especially that..."

Sulan here said that he pointed out the window, this position just can see the Argos in the sky, the Terran is still a little worried about this thing.

"Is it?" Li Huailin said that he got up directly and then shouted at the opposite camp of the undead who also discussed inside. "Hey, the opposite. For 200 million years, we are equally divided, 100 million each. How do you see it?" kind?"

Sudés here was a little stunned, because some suddenly, Li Huailin’s words he did not hear clearly, but the gesture here he understood, no matter what Sudas said directly nodded: "Well. What you said is very reasonable, we agree."

"Okay. Solved." Li Huailin said with a wave.

“Hey?” All the other people on both sides are a glimpse. What happened? What agreement has been reached? You are too sudden and exaggerated.

"Hmm." Li Huailin here nodded. "If this is the case, then all the questions have been discussed."

"Yes." Sudés here also nodded. "You can draw up a treaty."

"Wait and so on..." Sulan suddenly said, "I just agreed to the conditions? Just 100 million?"

"Yeah." Sudace nodded here. "A very reasonable request, I think it is acceptable."

"Yeah, I also feel very reasonable. Are you not talking about it?" Li Huailin said.

"No...I..." Sulan didn't react for a long time. Is this problem solved in two sentences? You are too playful. It’s a game between countries, and it’s too much difference with her imagination.

Not to mention that she can't understand. The civilians behind her are all members of the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some have not seen such a simple treaty sign for decades. They are ready to fight long-term battles. You are too...

Although I don’t know how to reach consensus on both sides, this condition can be accepted by the human race because the fact that the Terran here is not short of money, the purpose of which they want is to punish the Mozu, and the other is to curb the undead. Everyone has taken 100 million yuan. This is no problem for the Terran. I even think that it is the best plan now, and I don’t know why the undead people agree.

Since the other party had no opinions, the treaty here soon began to be drafted. Soon after it was finally completed, both sides looked carefully. It was indeed no problem. Soon Li Huailin and Su Daisi both signed the documents. I gave my name, and then I gave it to Prince Ma Weien here. Ma Weien didn't want to sign, but there was no way. Finally, he signed the name. At this point, the three countries reached a meeting, which took time, one day...

At the same time as the signing of the treaty, the war of nearly two months was finally over. In a flash, Li Huailin’s system news was just like an explosion. Since the system message is too much, the eye speed can't be seen at all, and the text is just like a screen. However, most of them are the battles that Li Huailin participated in or commanded. Basically, they listed the combat evaluation of each battle.

Li Huailin probably looked at the tips, only the few are important.

First of all, Li Huailin's military **** skills upgraded, and upgraded 5 times, the effect is now this.

The military god: all the subordinates' total attributes increased by 60%, morale +11, and 70% chance in the battle so that morale will not fall.

This military god's skill should be upgraded in an epic battle, so Li Huailin played a lot of battles in this battle, but only 5 games were rated as epic, so he upgraded 5 times. However, 60% of the attribute bonus is really very embarrassing, +11 morale means that even if it is a negative morale of 10, as long as Li Huailin immediately directs you to bring morale, this basically does not have to worry about the sergeant's collapse, morale is fundamental. Can't beat it.

Then the second one is more important, Li Huailin’s goodwill in the whole family has dropped by 30 points. But immediately after that, because Li Huailin killed too many civilians, due to Li Huailin's atrocities, the npc of all the lawful camps rose to 30 points against Li Huailin, so it seems that there is no change for most npcs.

Article 3: After statistics, Li Huailin’s enemy forces under the Li Huailing army in this battle were about 390,000, which directly gave Li Huailin more than 1.52 million honor points (should be increased). ). But the number of civilians who died under Li Huailin was more than 510 million, which gave Li Huailin more than 13.2 million honor points. This way, Li Huailin’s honor points are a bit exaggerated, so that the display box in the system can’t fit this number. However, Li Huailin can't think of any use of these honor points for the time being. Anyway, his rank has risen to the point where he can't rise, and the marshals of the 90th grade can be considered, and nothing else is needed.

The fourth article, also Li Huailin is more concerned about, that is, the title of the million Dukes here has attributes. It was just a title, there is no additional attribute, but this time it has, and it comes out once. Strip attribute.

Exclusive title: Million Duke.

1. The cumulative speed of honors is reduced by 50%.

2. The speed of improvement with the human family npc is reduced by 25%.

3. Death experience penalty increased by 50%, and the red name status still has a 50% chance of not dropping items.

4. There is a 50% chance of not increasing the notoriety after murder.

5. The npc whose character is "timid" will be under your control.

"Ha?" Li Huailin looked at the property of the title of the million Dukes. First of all, the first two are troublesome for themselves, but this third is indeed a good attribute, mainly due to a 50% increase in death experience punishment. It should be reduced by 50%, which means that one death should only be 5% of the total experience, but now it has increased. That is to say, the current situation is that it is 15% of death. For yourself, it is dead. I have gained more experience in the future. This is not a good thing. I have lost 10 upgrades. Now I am finished 7 times. This is too comfortable. Li Huailin is very satisfied with this attribute. The fourth killing does not increase the notoriety should be a good attribute that should have been to prevent the player's red name, but because Li Huailin would not have a red name, so it is useless. Finally, this npc, whose character is "timid", will be controlled by you. Is it scaring him to listen to his own words?

It is true that Li Huailin looked at the title of the million-duke, and felt that there were five attributes directly because the battle itself killed more than 5 million people. This is still a growth title. ...... The added attributes are mostly related to pk or npc. Li Huailin wastes a lot of good attributes, but the only attribute that is owned is very good. In general, Li Huailin is quite satisfied.

"Well, well, and the meeting has also been reached." After reading all the system news, Li Huailin clap his hands and said to the people on both sides, "Everyone can go back to report earlier, it is not a good thing."

After talking about Li Huailin, I looked at Su Lan around me: "The peace talks here have already been settled. What happened to the plan you said to get the unparalleled gems? Is it OK?"

"It should be no problem, you think it is right." Sulan replied.

"Ha? What do I think?" Li Huailin said inexplicably. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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