All Things Wrong

Chapter 1270: the whole story

"What?" Li Huailin showed a very surprised look. But actually Li Huailin had already known this, not what Li Huailin guessed, but what Li Huailin had in his hand told him. . ¥f

The thing I got was naturally the paper I found in the box of Mibao. Of course, this is not a normal piece of paper. This is really a contract. It is estimated that the three people feel that they are in the heart. Unstable, after all, the people they have to deal with are the top of the empire, one is the emperor Rein, the other is the imperial marshal Mofas, the other is the senior officer of the first legion, so it is also afraid that people can not help but say, so it will be Under the written contract, of course, after the decision, the three people would not dare to say it outside, or else they will die.

It is estimated that there was one person per person in the same year, and all three people signed the fingerprints. The one that Jitalera kept here is placed in the box of the secret treasure that he considers to be the safest. In the hands of Li Huailin.

Yes, Li Huailin was really surprised when she saw it the day before yesterday, but such a connection immediately made things clear. No wonder Malinna said that Anthony’s history is very dark. This is really very dark. Black is at this point.

"Duke of the Duke, please don't sing." Gitallar here is very nervous, looked around, although there is no one inside the tent, but there are still people outside, the voice of Gitallar is also pressed Very low, try not to be heard.

"This thing can be a bit serious," Li Huailin said.

"I know." Gitallar here nodded. "But please believe that this is true. I also trust the Duke and you will tell you, and now I have to say it." It is."

"Well... what is going on, tell me clearly." Li Huailin said.

"Okay." Gitallar nodded, since it has already been said. Of course, I will not keep it. "This matter is actually proposed by Anthony. Of course, with our ability at the time, it is almost impossible to kill our three fathers, but Anthony and we have a plan. The power of three people is combined. It is really possible to succeed."

"What plan?" Li Huailin asked.

"This plan is from weak to strong, one by one," said Gitallara. "That is to say that the three people are resolved in order from weak to strong. Of course, this first step is naturally my father. At that time, he It was the sergeant of the First Corps and the proud deputy of Marshal Mofas at the time, but it was easy to handle. Anthony and Malina teamed up to convey the wrong information to him, causing him to delay the military. Although Mofas The Marshal didn't want to do it, but he was still under pressure to implement the military law. But everything was in Anthony's plan, and Marshal Morfas felt that he was a little embarrassed to my father, so when I proposed to join the First Legion to inherit my father's legacy. At this time, Mofas here did not want to agree immediately."

"It turned out to be the case." Li Huailin nodded. "But why do you want to change your status? You just want to inherit the title of the Count of Vitalera, isn't it right? Why do you want to change your face?"

"That was because of an accident." Gitalera said here, "After the establishment of the trio, we continue to collect these gems, of course, because of the power of the gems. At least we thought so at the time, But when we collected seven gems, suddenly this thing was discovered without knowing what happened, but it was not discovered, but was discovered by the Protoss. At that time, I realized that we were hot and should not Get into trouble."

"At the time, I had already gone to the First Legion to report. But just before the departure, suddenly a Protoss who claimed to be the ruling sect of the temple visited me, and then I took me to a place to judge without saying anything." Talila said.

"The temple ruling? This name is a bit familiar." Li Huailin said a little, "And then you went to the realm?"

"I don't know where it is. I was really scared at the time. After all, it was only 19 years old, but it was not long before I was released. There was nothing at all. Listening to the Protoss who let me go, the temple is in power. The person was punished for this, and I was taken away. I thought it was a dream, but I didn’t know it until I woke up on the Orc’s territory.” Jitalera side The memory said that it seems that the attack on him is still very big, and it is estimated that he usually does not dare to recall.

"The territory of the Orcs?" Li Huailin asked again.

"Yes, when I woke up, I found a strange place. It was not my own home. As a result, I took a few steps and I met a team of orc cavalry." Gitallara said, " This is really amazing. I actually leapt thousands of miles to reach the Orc land, and the unconscious time actually passed for almost six months, but I didn’t feel anything about it until I checked myself. The body only found that the beard was full."

"This is really interesting." Li Huailin said.

"Yeah, this adventure has made me understand a lot. There are some forces in the world that we can't compete and control. So the secret treasure is still not to touch it." Gitallara said, "So I Immediately I used the secret treasure to buy the orc soldier who found me at that time, let him sell the secret treasure, and then took the opportunity to escape to the territory of the Terran and find Anthony who was going to the First Army immediately."

"You told Anthony the whole thing?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, all things," said Gitallara. "But he seems to be very interested in this. In fact, he seems to want to collect all the secret treasures, but I lied to all his secret treasures have been lost."

"It turns out." Li Huailin nodded. It seems that Anthony is almost like himself. He is very interested in the unknown. After that, Anthony took back the unparalleled gems at the auction house. Here, I got things done.

"Because it disappeared for half a year, the people of the Terran thought that I was dead. In fact, I didn't dare to reveal my identity at the time. I was afraid that the people of the Protoss would stare at me again. The original plan could not be implemented, but Anthony soon I also came up with a workaround. That is, I, as Anthony’s helper, went to the First Corps with him. The purpose was of course to deal with Mofas. Unfortunately, although I was mixed into the First Legion, it was not like It is easy to get the trust of Mofas by using the identity of the Count of Gitarella, so this thing can only be slowly dragged down.” Gitallara said, “So time has been dragging on for a long time. For a long time, there have been more than a decade, and a lot of things have happened during the period. I have to say that basically things are in Anthony’s plan. Although Anthony successfully entered the first legion, it was indeed under the pressure of Mofas. Although young and promising, even if it is a performance, the credit is also given to other subordinates by Mofas. The online newspaper basically does not bring his name. Marinna was really scorned by Rein. According to Anthony’s arrangement, she applied to Lei’s intelligence department. It was estimated that Rein did not want to see Marinna, so she agreed. These are all planned according to Anthony. The development has finally waited for more than a decade, and the time has come."

“Time?” Li Huailin asked. “Why wait so long?”

"That is to wait for me to be promoted." Gitallara said, "Morfas has to guard against Anthony because of his own, so even if he wants to start, it is impossible to succeed, so it can only be done by me. There is no need to drag on for such a long time, but it is because of the previous accident, so I can only wait until I am promoted to become the confidant of Mofas before I can start to work."

"It turns out." Li Huailin nodded. "So what is Marshal Morfas really doing?"

"Yes." Jitalera here admits very simply. After all, the matter of killing the father's treaty has already been said. This is nothing to hide. "In fact, it was me who started it. The method is very simple. Anthony When I got some special medicine, then let me think of a way to let Mofas eat. Of course, he would be killed in the battle, so about a year ago, when the Terran and Orc raced, Anthony contacted me. Start implementing the plan."

“It seems that the plan is very successful,” Li Huailin said.

"Yes, no one has found that in fact no one will discover it at all." Gitallara said, "After the death of Mofas, Anthony immediately came out to preside over the overall situation. Of course, this matter can be concealed immediately. There will be no Anyone found that Mofas was killed. Everyone thought it was just a war dead, and the body was just taken away by the orcs. Even if you want to examine the body, we still intend to destroy the body, but Instead, it helped us save this step."

"This plan is doing a good job." Li Huailin nodded. "Anthony is really a bit level."

"Yes, I have always admitted this." Gitallara said, "Anthony is indeed a genius, and his plan is not finished yet, after..."

"It is the last of the three scorpions. Of course, it is Marinna's father, King Rein. In fact, you decided to rebel at the time?" Li Huailin said.

"Yes, we have already begun to prepare, but at this time, there was another accident..." Gitallara said. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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