All Things Wrong

Chapter 1342: Open

"What is the situation?" This is the common question for everyone present. What kind of guy is this guy? The fierce battle of ↑ itself has been stagnant for a while, but Evins was the first to react.

"What do you watch, just the other side ran, give it to me, hack the guys." Evans muttered. "It has been discovered here. It was discovered by Anthony. This group of people can’t sell it. If we don’t kill them, all of us will suffer."

Yes, although it is a pity, but now the people of the Gangara tribe can not be sold, because now Anthony found them, the only way is to kill Anthony, but killing Anthony is not enough, so many people prove that you Can you kill Anthony, the emperor of the Terran? The only way is to kill the people's cards. Even if they are found later, they still have at least one time to escape.

Now that Anthony is dealing with Soderro, the two are still playing opponents. They are not allowed to play for the time being, but Li Huailin is no one to stop the dozen elite soldiers, although Anthony and Sodero are not fighting each other. Going in, but killing a few villagers in the Gangara tribe is still no problem.

Evans glimpsed, and the elite soldiers immediately rushed toward the Gangara tribe. The people of the Gangara tribe are not ready to watch the drama. Several young and powerful people have just set off the weapons on the ground. They are the weapons of several jailers that Anthony solved. Now they are ready to fight back.

I also said that the people of the Gangara tribe have been cleaned for a round. The slaves that are not suitable for sale have been eliminated. Half of the remaining 100 people are strong men, fifty. There is still an individual's momentum in the past, but unfortunately the weapon is insufficient. And they are really not soldiers.

A dozen elite guards were not afraid of the fifty people here. They went up with the knife directly. The confrontation on both sides immediately gave the winner. The Gangara tribe was almost a one-touch defeat. The first few people were casual. A few knives were put down to the ground.

With a bang, a bottle popped on the heads of several people in front of the Gangara tribe. The potion splashed on a few people who had just been injured. Soon their wounds began to heal. Not only that, but they also felt that their body strength was supplemented.

This is of course the old Aide shot, watching the Gangara tribe here can not help, and immediately provide the help of pharmacy, not only because of the relationship to save people, but also the most important thing is to withstand the front. Although he can throw potions himself. However, it was impossible to get to the side of a dozen elite soldiers. Now, I can't get any interference.

On the other side of the battlefield, Anthony and Soderro have been fighting for a few rounds. Both of them are a little anxious to win each other, but after a few moments, both of them found a fact that is opposite this guy. The strength is just not too much compared with himself. After a few hard fights, Soderro’s power has the upper hand. However, Anthony's moves are more subtle, and the buffs on both of them are not too much. It seems unlikely that you want to take the other person quickly.

"The flames of the Gala family and the smoldering swordsmanship are well-deserved." Sodro suddenly began to use language and tactics to prepare to interfere with Anthony. He can see that Anthony has just sold the flaws because of his own words. But he still doesn't know why. He doesn't know that Anthony has lost his memory, so he just wants to find a way to see if there is any possibility of disturbing the other person's mind again.

"You..." Anthony took a look. I just wanted to blurt out the question "Do you know me?" But for a moment he also thought of the other party's intentions. He immediately closed his mouth and did not accept the other party's speech. He attacked the other side again.

"Cut." Sodro had nothing to say and greeted again. The swords on both sides are vertical and horizontal, and no one dares to approach them. And Ed has no time to take care of them. It is enough to help the people of these Gangara tribes.

"I feel a powerful force." Another bottle of potion, the people of the Gangara tribe here also felt the growth of strength, but soon another bottle of medicine flew over again and threw them at them. On the body, the people of the Gangara tribe who just got up in a flash have gone down.

"Beyond the pharmacy, I am not less than you." Evans’s voice came, he had already expelled his own potion, and now he can safely deal with Ed, which makes Ed a bit passive because of Ganga. The tribes of the La tribe are really unable to withstand the attacks of more than a dozen elites, and are losing ground.

"The **** little devil actually ran at this time!" Old Eide couldn't help but snorted. The little devil certainly said that Li Huailin, if he suddenly disappeared, was so passive at this time.

The bang of the "bang", the old Ed's words just finished, the wall next to the result exploded directly, everyone was shocked by this sudden explosion, immediately subconsciously protect the body, but the scope of the explosion Not big, it seems that only the wall has collapsed.

A ray of light came into this dark basement, everyone looked at the direction of the wall, and there was a huge figure in the breach...

"Dragon?" Everyone is a glimpse, but the old Ed and Anthony here immediately reacted, which is of course Li Huailin's pet millet.

"I am coming back!" With a scream of screaming, Li Huailin jumped from Xiaomi's body and looked at the situation inside the prison. It seemed that nothing changed, but there were a few more people of the Gangara tribe on the ground. None of the elite guards has been reduced.

"Tmd mixed boy, where did you go halfway?" Seeing that Li Huailin appeared, the old Eide here couldn’t help but scream. Who is going to be angry? You killed half of this life and death. It is playing with wool.

"I am going to hang up." Li Huailin waved and pointed at the dozens of elites. "Oh, um, it’s very obedient, didn’t run, it’s good. You guys can force me to open, it’s a miscellaneous fish. The glory of the world."

"The glory of the miscellaneous fish world..." The old Aide’s mouth is pumping. "I said the little devil, let's make a serious fight, don't make trouble?"

"Where am I going to make trouble? This is not because I am in trouble." Li Huailin is really full of sorrow. "If you don't throw poison at me, can I still use it to open it? It's not all you are troubled." ""

"..." Old Eide didn't know what to say, how could this guy find trouble? Of course, he can't understand why all the thrown to Li Huailin is a precious pharmacy that adds attributes to the other party. Li Huailin will also tell him why he is messing up.

"The golden dragon mounts, this guy is the Duke of Aquitaine. If you see Li Huailin's mount, Evans here finally recognizes him. It seems that this time is a big deal, not just Emperor Anthony knew this, and the Duke of Aquitaine also blended in. This is not to offend the entire top of the Terran. This time, it’s really bad enough. He was not a Geffler’s slave team. But this time in order to get the precious poison of the Gangara tribe, the whole race was offended. Fortunately, he is an alchemist. If the human race can't stay, he will go to the alchemy guild. According to his own strength, he will be in the alchemists' association. There should be no problem in being an elder, but first, he must run away first.

"Kill him." Evans waved again and ordered the elite guards to start with Li Huailin. Several elite guards immediately rushed over to Li Huailin. Anyway, Li Huailin had just handed over his hand, and his strength was not so good.

"Good..." Li Huailin nodded very happily. "Let you see the strength of my arrogant brother, let you understand the truth, don't fight with the openers."

After talking about Li Huailin standing in the field and doing nothing, he directly looked at the elite guards who rushed over to him, and then suddenly his right eye flashed red.

"嗖", a white laser shot from Li Huailin’s eyes, the speed of the millet before the speed of the people have no time to escape, let alone the soldiers, no one has ever reflected, The laser hit the first elite soldier directly.


The unreasonable damage figures at all, this is still the number that has been reduced by 20% of the damage (the old Debuff is still there, the same Evans buff is also), the first elite soldier is directly penetrated The right shoulder, the entire right hand flew out, the laser was completely unimpeded, and directly penetrated the second elite guard behind him.

-67588 (crit)

This time it was directly through the chest, and the second guard fell directly to the ground. The laser did not stop, directly penetrated the guards, and penetrated the body of a Gangara tribe who was not far behind him, and then swept through the battlefield between Anthony and Sodero. Break through the opposite wall, then continue to walk through the entire building, and then puncture the next building again... From the top view, Li Huailin’s laser directly runs through half of Markala city until the northeast wall is shot. Flying out of the city, disappeared on the horizon to finish.

The whole scene was quiet, everyone stood still and did not move. Just when they hadn’t reacted to what was going on, the front of the person who was shot by Li Huailin’s right hand suddenly suddenly banged. He blew, he blew...

The explosion was just the beginning. The explosion of "bang" and "boom" exploded along the route of Li Huailin’s laser sweep, and it was blown up from the middle of Anthony and Soderro, and then blown through the wall behind them. It was the house behind, and the explosion continued all the way until it was blown through the walls of Markala City. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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