All Things Wrong

Chapter 1350: Unexpected

Li Huailin's wave is really good, it can be said that it is surprisingly good, because he has become the slaughter of the China Games Forum, not only the issue of the top posts, the first page of the entire forum Look at all the posts in the past are related to Li Huailin, and the amount of reply is unusually amazing.

It is said that Li Huailin’s wave is good because this one not only hits Li Huailin’s effect, but also the effect that he did not expect. Yes, Li Huailin’s hair has also produced a lot of effects that he did not even think of.

The first is the top post. There are three announcements issued by the China National Games Professional Competition Committee. First, the first explanation about yesterday's game. The approximate content is like this. First of all, I apologize for the live broadcast accident in the game. Then, after the results of yesterday's game, after two sides of the negotiation, the last international recognition will be won by Huaxing Group. This is of course also studied. Shangming International is also very smart. This is basically the result of personally knowing what to continue to play. Of course, Shangming International could have applied for a replay. After all, they didn’t finish it, but they also know This wave is stealing the chicken. The next time the replay is prepared, the opponent is more ugly, but it is better to come to a 3-2 end. You can also get 2 small points. After a while, the game will be 3-0. People want to cry without tears.

Then came the announcement of yesterday’s accident. Yesterday, Li Huailin’s gun directly led to the explosion of 1,033 spectators in the west stand. Among them, there were 788 dead viewers. The rest of the luck was very good. After being blown up, they actually landed on the ground. Not dead, but also directly buried alive, but because the game is buried alive as long as you can go back directly to the city roll, so it is fine. However, the total number of deaths of the audience is far more than that, because the audience is too high. It caused conflicts with the np troops that appeared on the scene, and then did not know how to do it, which caused more than 500 spectators to be hacked to death by np soldiers in the conflict. This group of people is really miserable, not only dead. I also lost the good feelings of the guards and the main city, and I don’t know how to cry.

The decision of the Games Committee is to give a certain amount of ticket subsidy to the 788 spectators who were killed by Li Huailin, that is, to return some of the tickets, there is not much, and the other is the same as the np fight, completely irrelevant. Doing your own work has nothing to do with them.

These two announcements are all announcements that Li Huailin and everyone can think of. In fact, the handling of the game committee is not what everyone expected, but the problem is this third announcement... The professional player league in China is actually suspended.

Yes, the game is really suspended. This season's game has only just begun. There are games every day for almost a few days. I should have a match today, but the game committee issued an announcement to suspend the game and delay it. This made everyone a glimpse, and the results looked at the official explanation. It is still related to Li Huailin’s shot.

The one before Li Huailin directly destroyed a large stand in the west of the stadium. Of course, this is not a problem, because I don’t know why the arena was destroyed. But after a little waiting for a day, he will fix it himself, but the problem is not this, but the announcement of the np side does not allow the adventurer, that is, the player to hold the game in the arena of the human main city.

This is really a problem that the Games Board did not expect. Of course, they communicated with the game company Tianyu Group for the first time, but they actually received a reply from Tianyu Group, hoping that they would change the venue to the arena of the Dwarf City. Held, this is a big deal. Although there are also arenas in the main city of the dwarves, everyone is used to watching the game in the main city of mankind. You make them more troublesome now. The most troublesome thing is that although there is an arena in the main city of the dwarf, it is a new place after all. A lot of things need to be familiar, adding a lot of trouble to both the broadcaster and the event. They are not very willing.

However, the final result of the negotiations seems to be compromised by the match committee and the broadcaster. Finally, it is ready to change to the arena of the dwarf main city to hold the back game. Of course, it will take some time to prepare, so the game is suspended. The specific recovery time has not yet been determined, but it is foreseeable that the latter schedule may be more tight because of this arrangement. After all, the time of the finals is affirmative.

Therefore, Li Huailin’s gun directly hit the game to the main city of the dwarf, and of course it was more legendary. However, it is reasonable to say that this change should be beneficial to some people. This part of the people is of course the merchants of the dwarf main city. Like the main city of mankind, the main city of the dwarves also has commercial areas, but also the shops of the players. Of course, this part of the shops has already been divided up by the players. Now they are all open, but to be honest, the dwarf main city The flow of people is really inferior to the main city of human beings, which leads to merchants who are also very embarrassed and have no profit at all. But now the venue of the professional competition has changed. In theory, the traffic of the dwarf main city will definitely rise, and the merchants should Very happy.

It is a pity that this is not the case at all. The merchants are all flustered, and the reason is caused by another situation that Li Huailin did not expect. Below the top post, that is the case.

As everyone saw it, yesterday's Li Huailin's gun not only broke the auditorium of the arena, but also crossed the entire main city to the wall, and the city was also seriously damaged. According to the statistics of the players, the main city was There were about 103 buildings destroyed, and there were countless damaged buildings. They have not been counted yet. The np that was accidentally killed and killed is estimated to have hundreds of people, the player... completely okay.

Here to explain, Li Huailin's attack killed more than 700 people in the arena, but after the attack went out of the arena, because the main city itself is a safe area, in addition to the arena, players in other areas attacked the player. Invalid, so Li Huailin's hair is out of the arena, but it is ineffective for all players, so the outside players are not dead, but np is all dead.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Li Huailin’s attack has also passed through a more important place, that is, the player’s shop area.

Yes, Li Huailin’s attack just passed through one of the commercial streets opened by the players. Among the buildings that were penetrated by this one, four of them were shopkeepers. It’s unfortunate that all four of these shops were blown up. This is why the shopkeepers in the main city of the dwarf are so worried.

Everyone had never thought that the commercial shops opened in the main city could still be destroyed, so everyone was not prepared. As a result, the damage caused by this shot was amazing. The four stores were not only destroyed by the storefront, but also the goods sold inside were buried, and they could not be dug up for the time being.

Among the four stores, two of them are professional businessmen, and the other two are guild shops. The shops of the two merchants are all five-star shops, but it is still not completely broken, but it is partially damaged. A little bit of material and gold coins can be repaired, although this is also a big loss. The biggest loss was the shops of the two guilds. This four-level, five-level shop was directly smashed into ruins because of the medium target. It could not be repaired. It could only be rebuilt, and the reconstruction must start from the store and the store... ...that means that all the work before this was basically in vain, but the loss can no longer be described in words.

The more unfortunate thing is that the two stores belong to the same guild, that is... the spiritual world. Yes, the shop that Li Huailin hits is just the shop of the spiritual world. As mentioned before, when the spiritual world and the rebirth were still split, the spirit circle opened a shop, which is directly opposite the shop of the reborn five-level shop. , preparation is to regain business with the rebirth. However, after the merger of the spiritual world and the rebirth, these two shops are of course directly returned to the new spiritual world. It’s rare for two stores to be in the same block or opposite, but it’s a rare guild, but it’s just a coincidence. Then it’s more coincidental that Li Huailin’s gun went straight through the two face-to-face shops. Then the two stores were flattened.

This sub-spiritual world directly exploded. Although the shop is now opened because everyone is open, there is not so much money to make money, but it is also one of the important sources of income in the spiritual world. There are not so many raw materials areas controlled by the store. Where is the finished product sold? Is the auction house still making money for the system? This is not just a loss of a five-level shop and a four-level shop. Before the store is rebuilt, the loss of the spiritual world is simply uncalculated.

The more troublesome problem is not here. What is even more troublesome is that this attack was caused by Li Huailin. Because of attacking the opponent’s guild shop, Li Huailin’s Red Women’s Guild and the Spiritual Association immediately started the guild war directly, because Li Huailin The ruin of the store of the guild of the other party led to the deposit of about 60,000 gold coins in the guild guild shop directly as trophies to the guild warehouse of the Red Women's guild.

The Red Women's Legion is still in the war stage with the Spiritual Society. There is no truce on both sides, because this problem does not know how to deal with it, and the president of the Red Women's Legislature, Red Moon is not online at this time, she I still don't know about it. Li Huailin himself did not know, although the system prompts, although there are too many system prompts issued by this gun, Li Huailin simply could not see it, and did not notice it. At this time, everyone is waiting for the reaction of the spiritual world to see how the spirit world is prepared to deal with it. (To be continued)

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