All Things Wrong

Chapter 1376: a priest who can't put a spell

"According to my commanding power, even if a group of chickens are commanded, there should be no problem... there is a ghost!" Li Huailin did not finish talking and saw the soldiers in front rushing, and then the chickens began to mess around. Run, the only thing that can still be played is the biggest chicken, and it really can be played, because these twenty soldiers actually still have no way to take it. Inbq.

It is a pity that the biggest skill of this chicken is silence. It still has a little effect on the players, but the guards on the opposite side are all flat-cut fighters, so it is also possible to kill them around the 20th. And it may be the relationship of the system setting. Before this chicken was injured by Li Huailin, and then tried to open the city gate, it may be that there is no strength, although it is also hard to fight, but no way to see it. The power of the wave ss form before.

"So in the end is to fight these miscellaneous soldiers, or this pastor, or the queen behind." Li Huailin also thought a little bit, in accordance with this situation, of course, is the first to kill the queen, because the queen is trying to restore his magic value, Of course, she killed her before she finished. However, Li Huailin is a bit hesitant, because this queen is an important task storyteller. Is there any problem with killing now? Although I seem to think too much, but it has been stunned by the system many times, Li Huailin has been very experienced.

"Well, save the chicken first." Another important storyline is this chicken. Li Huailin certainly can't let it hang. Now, twenty people will kill it when they look around a chicken. Li Huailin thought about it or save the chicken first.

"Come on, Xiaomi, Shang." Li Huailin waved his hand directly, and Xiaomi rushed toward the guards. At this moment, Li Huailin’s shouts came from behind him. He turned around and saw that they had summoned the Jade Emperor. They arrived and saw the situation on the field. Everyone was a glimpse. Because what is the situation of this big chicken and chicken plus the dragon? What happened to the guards on the opposite side, who is the guy the priest is wearing.

"Where did this soldier come from? Is the wave ss summoned? Who is the guy, is this mission a two-wave ss?" asked for a thousand years immediately.

"I don't know, it seems to be said. This queen is recovering his magic power, and now there is a big bishop to help her protect the law." Li Huailin said, "What should I do? Directly do this will restore the magic of the queen will not come out What question, do you want her to wait for her death to die?"

"It's a bit reasonable." The summoned Jade Emperor here also said, "According to the fairy tale of the wild swan. It is true that there is another archbishop in addition to the queen who is also a villain. It seems to be this person. But in case this battle is What can't you let the queen recover the magic?"

"Why did you control the blood volume of the queen first?" Li Huailin said.

"Try to attack first." Summon Jade Emperor waved, the back of the thousand-year-old unchanged, not directly speaking in the direction of the Queen is an arrow past, but the arrow hit a wall in the middle of the road, was blocked Come down.

"Dakota, you recover immediately, hand it over to me." Reginald here immediately said a line.

“Do you remind us to kill the bishop first?” said the same for thousands of years.

"Do you want me to try a wave?" Li Huailin asked.

"What is a wave?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"That's it..." Li Huailin said that the direct right eye flashed, and then a laser directly shot at the queen who was still recovering. The front wall did appear in the light wall, but it only blocked for one second. The next moment the laser penetrated the wall directly, then shot the queen behind again, then shot the queen's body again, then shot it into the building behind it, all the way to the front, until the city wall did not stop.

Of course, followed by a series of explosions, starting from the front of Li Huailin, all the way to the outside of the city, needless to say that these buildings simply can not help Li Huailin this hair, but also fell into pieces.

"How come again!" There was a smog around. Nothing can be seen clearly, summoning the Jade Emperor directly to take Li Huailin’s martyrdom.

"I will first take a look at whether the other party is invincible, and the result does not seem to be." Li Huailin said that he looked at the front, but could not see the current situation. So he immediately shouted, "Millet, defogging!"

"Hey!" The snoring of the millet that came from the smoke, and then heard the sound of huge wings fluttering. After a while, the surrounding smoke slowly began to dissipate. The situation on the spot is also a glimpse of everyone, because suddenly there are many people who don't know.

Yes, in addition to the 20 soldiers, there are now more than a dozen individual people. Ten people also have one thing in common. That is, the clothes are almost the same, they are all aristocratic costumes, and they are carried on their heads. Small crown. Seeing this obvious feature, Li Huailin certainly found the chicken subconsciously, but found that the chickens on the scene were all gone, it is obvious, these are the princes who have become chickens, and now the spells have been lifted.

"Women's skills are lifted?" One of the uncles who appeared to be in his thirties looked at his body and said that he was the great prince, Messer. "Moya, Landers, have you all changed back?"

"It has finally changed back!" The princes looked very happy, but they also came back to explain that Dakota's magic should be restored.

Li Huailin immediately looked at the direction of Dakota, and now Dakota has been surrounded by a circle of green light, and the whole person is floating in the air, it looks different from the state just a little wilting, finally It’s a bit of a ss, but Li Huailin’s attack is not without it, because it’s obvious that you can see the wound on Dakota’s body, and it’s still bleeding.

Looking at the wound, there was a golden light next to it. Bishop Reginald also came over here, and immediately went up to be a treatment to help Dakota recover.

"I finally caught up. I almost couldn't stand it anymore." Reginald looked a little tired, and it seemed that the previous defensive spells consumed a lot of his magic. "Dakota, what now?" ”

"Things have already been exposed. We will leave here immediately." Dakota thought for a moment. "It is no longer possible to get the Solar Charm first. Go back and report to Your Highness and start the war immediately."

"In this case, Dakota, you will go to tell your story about this situation, I will resist the pursuit." Reginald also immediately decided.

"What?" Dakota was a glimpse first, but he nodded very quickly. "Well, I will hand it over to you, and your Highness will remember you."

After finishing the Dakota here, the whole person flashed green, and then directly turned into a group of green smoke flying toward the sky as before, but this time the speed is much faster than just now, almost blink of an eye. Time flies out.

"There are still follow-up tasks in this way." Li Huailin did not chase, watching Dakota leave the direction.

"Sure enough, I can't kill her at this stage. You just almost lost the follow-up tasks." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "Forget it, so this wave of ss is this guy?"

Summon Jade Emperor pointed to Reginald here, because the scene left him, and the princes over there have now changed back to the human form. The soldiers who were fighting against the chickens also found themselves playing. The man was actually the prince of the prince. Of course, he quickly stopped his hand and his name changed back to green. Now the enemy unit with only one red name in the audience is Reginald.

"Reginald, the running dog of your queen!" said the great prince, Messer, pointing forward to Reginald. "Your conspiracy has all been exposed, and you are not ready to go?"

"When you are ready to go? Your Majesty will immediately start a war. Can you block our attacks? The country of Kangdal will be destroyed. His Majesty Manuel will unify the two countries and reproduce the glory of the country!" Reginald said, "There is a chaos in the city. It is impossible to stop our troops. And since I can't get away, kill a few more princes and make you more chaotic."

"You dare! Protect the prince!" The soldiers around him also understood that the main character of Reginald was the bad guy, so he quickly protected the prince of the prince. The situation is indeed very chaotic. It is even more troublesome to die several princes.

"No use, look at me..." Reginald seems to want to release any savvy skills, the whole body shines, but when he wants to shoot, suddenly the whole body's light disappears again, Lei Jin Nad himself was a glimpse, and then turned to the left. When he just spoke, Li Huailin didn’t know when he had already reached Reginald’s side, and now he’s just cut into Reginald’s On the body, this is the knife, Reginald suddenly was silenced, because Li Huailin used the root cause, which hit the enemy can be triggered by the effect of silence.

"Look at what, look up and output." Li Huailin shouted directly at the call behind them.

"You!" Reginald was a little embarrassed, but immediately cast a spell to Li Hualin what skills, but did not shoot, Li Huailin is a knife, so, and silence.

"..." Reginald stayed again, this...what?

"I have you still want to release the skills? Come, you try to release the skills, I will count how you win, come." Li Huailin is not in a hurry to fight, standing next to Reginald, the other hand raised A knife, raising a hand is a knife, Reginald can not throw any skills with this.

From start to finish, everyone did not see Reginald’s skills. This was not even better for a priest who was permanently banned. Then there were so many people around him, even the soldiers came up to help cut because the other I can't attack at all. About five minutes later, Reginald, who was depressed, was depressed and died on the ground. (To be continued.)

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