All Things Wrong

Chapter 1390: Follow-up

The next morning, the backwind was released. Of course, he and his wife came out to sleep. Both of them were a little shocked. Although they were all in their thirties, they have never experienced such a thing. In the past few days, I have been sleeping on the list for almost all of them. I was so tired that I was so tired that I met a lot of reporters.

"I would like to ask the president of the counter, whether the previous rumors are true, whether you are involved in espionage."

"I would like to ask the president of the back, are you Chinese?"

The brow of the back is wrinkled. Yes, although it is closed inside, but he has heard a little about the outside, but there is still no way to make any instructions, because after all, it is a spy investigation, so he can’t Anyone who visits, after all, if it is a real spy, it may spread the news, so although he knows about it, he doesn’t even have a phone call, but now he is too tired. The guild is still in a mess, and the reporters are still messing up here, and the temper will be angry.

"Do you have any professional ethics? This is obviously a fall. Although I don't know who is falling, I see it as a nonsense. It is a conspiracy against our guilds." I have already investigated it, or how can I come out..."

"Maybe it is not enough evidence..." The front side of the front side just said that he heard a voice next to him.

"Who? Which **** said." The front has been very angry, and he couldn't help but scream.

"Hey..." Hearing the word "bastard", the reporters here havetened to record it. Now, how do they write about how to write this way? Anyway, it is said that the back is said to be broken and angry.

"Apocalypse, don't care about them. Let's go back and talk." The sleep next to him is also that the state of the back is not very good. She is the same, so she immediately came up and pulled the back.

"Do you want to evade our problems?" is another reporter who is so provocative.

"I warn you, if you don't talk nonsense, then wait for our lawyer's letter." The back of the side said immediately.

"Hey, this little day benzene still dares to sue us. OK, we will wait for your lawyer's letter." Another person next to him said, because there are so many people on the scene, so I can't see who is driving. The mouth, but being so provocative, the reporters here have also stood on the opposite side of the counter, no matter what the spy is, but all the reporters will not write very well about this report. .

"Apocalypse! Apocalypse!" next to the sleep of the sleep quickly grabbed the back. The two also got into the car and then left the scene.

Although the backwind has already been released, but now the situation of the gods is still not ideal, and there are too many problems. It is also a troublesome thing to find out what is going on in the back, because Li Huailin Just letting others out, and now a lot of things like the account record of the reverse front have not been changed yet, so within a short time, the gods can only stop and deal with their own problems. When he handles it well, it is estimated that the spiritual world over there is almost restored. The only thing that benefits the whole thing is the third party. That is, the guilds such as Lei Zhu, when they were involved in the two major guilds, they also chased a wave of economics. Now, the gap between the two sides is slowly shortening.

Of course, for the time being, regardless of Li Huailin’s affairs, the only trouble for Li Huailin’s side is to listen to Fu Weiwei’s embarrassment.

"The information stolen from the military has really been destroyed?" Fu Weiwei asked seriously. Because the information was really lost, although Li Huailin said that it was sent to his mailbox and then deleted, but he did not see it with his own eyes, this information can not really leak.

"Really pull." Li Huailin said, "You see me by the way also help you strengthen the network security system. Now the information is very safe, it is just two things."

"You tell me where I am." Fu Weiwei said with a headache. "The next time you want to do something, can you say it first? You have done such a big thing when you are screaming, but the whole department is looking for the loss. The documents, almost all of them have to send a diplomatic rhetoric to Japan and Japan."

“Where to do...” Li Huailin said, “The next time I want to have someone, I will tell you directly to let you catch him up?”

"Of course not, we are not your beating." Fu Weiwei said immediately.

"You see so much nonsense, it's not my own." Li Huailin said.

"You..." Fu Weiwei here is really speechless. "Can't you change a formal way? Why do you have to use these strange methods every time to suppress it according to your current situation?"

“Regular pressure?” Li Huailin said a little, “For example?”

"You are so rich, can you directly suppress the company that is facing the front by economic means?" Fu Weiwei said.

"I won't." Li Huai-lin spread his hand. "I don't know anything about the economy. How do you get me?"

"Is your fiancée not?" Fu Weiwei said.

"Oh..." Li Huailin nodded. "That way, I will get the gods' guild to go bankrupt, and let Ruoyan buy them?"

"..." Fu Weiwei’s direct support, has been speechless. “It’s too much to talk to you.”

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the situation there first." Li Huailin said, of course, the situation there is the incident of the temple.

"In the whole, the first step is still successful." Fu Weiwei said, "Before I have already agreed to the plan for the increase of our staff. Of course, I have reported this incident. This time, it is estimated that the time for replenishment will be shortened. According to the current plan, it is prepared to double the number of people, so that the speed of reading the data will of course double."

"Look, it's still good," Li Huailin said with a smile.

Fu Weiwei directly whiteed Li Huailin without an interface, and then continued: "The recent analysis of some documents basically confirmed our previous inferences, but what is missing now is the information of the cold country..."

"They haven't responded yet?" Li Huailin asked. "Is it too light for me this time?"

"No, it is already serious enough. In fact... The speculation in the cold country is not bad with what you said. Now the dissatisfaction of the people in the cold country has basically arrived. Every day there are demonstrations and teams. The country is basically in a state of stagnation, but it is a kind of fire that ignites the entire torch."

"I am going to order a fire?" Li Huailin asked.

"No, you are still too dangerous to shoot, this time I am coming." Fu Weiwei said.

"You?" Li Huailin looked at Fu Weiwei with amazement. "Hey? This is a novelty."

"You can rest assured that the means used are much more formal than yours." Fu Weiwei here said, "Now the cold country is unable to control the current situation, and the support rate of the people is rapidly declining. It is estimated that a temporary campaign will soon be held. Let the new ruling party take office. We just contacted a politician in the cold country. He will participate in this temporary election. Of course, the main guarantee for the election is to restore power. Of course, he has already said good to us. Of course, after the successful election. We will restore power to them, and then he will hand over all the information we want to us immediately after taking office, so that both sides are satisfied."

"It turns out." Li Huailin nodded. "This is a good way. Minister Fu, you are really capable."

"..." Fu Weiwei is too lazy to say, "When I need to restore power, I will say hello to you. Now I will wait for the election there, but I guess there is no problem, it is a matter of time." ”

"Understand." Li Huailin nodded. "I said Minister Fu, I think we are really very good at joining forces. Do you want to stop thinking about it?"

Fu Weiwei: "..."

"Okay, okay, I am going to play the game, okay?" Li Huailin said.

"Wait, there is still something to talk to you." Fu Weiwei said.


"I heard that there are many consortia in the magnesium country ready to cooperate with Tiancheng Group. Now let us pay attention to this matter." Fu Weiwei said, "You should also know the purpose of the magnesium consortium."

"What is the top for you?" Li Huailin asked. "That is really a formal business."

"If you forget this, I will contact Su Ximin directly." Fu Weiwei thought about it and said, "I am talking to you here."

Li Huailin thought about it and probably understood what was going on, but it should have nothing to do with it: "You do it yourself, I am playing the game."

Of course, Fu Weiwei also left very quickly. If it is not really business, she is too lazy to talk to Li Huailin. Li Huailin looked at the forum a little and then quickly got on the game.

The place on the line is of course in the Dragon Valley. I saw that Remidios is not there. It is estimated that it has already started according to his own instructions. Li Huailin did not stay too much and sent it directly to Dashe Juggernaut. Of course, for insurance. Li Huailin still wore a shadow whisper robes, although it will not be invisible during the day, but it can cover his face.

When the white light flashed, Li Huailin appeared in a relatively empty place. When he looked around, he found that the place where he stood was a huge circular pothole. Of course, Dashe Juggernaut appeared on his side, and opposite. Bandura Juggernaut and his disciple Til are also standing there, and they seem to be waiting for someone.

"Come on? First wait for Koma." Dashe opened his eyes and said, then closed his eyes and continued to meditate. (To be continued...)

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