All Things Wrong

Chapter 1415: big hero

There should be no problem with Mel Greens. Although he was also injured, it is a holy level, but you will never die. (.) Anyway, Li Huailin entered the palace with a group of soldiers. He did not receive any resistance along the way. There are some royal guards in the palace, but they are all themselves, not rebel troops. Li Huailin also joined the team of Li Huailin very consciously.

When I arrived at the entrance of the palace, Li Huailin followed behind a group of younger brothers who felt like they were trying to force the palace. Who knows that Li Huailin really came to save people. This time, Fang Serin really didn't run. It is estimated that this is my last chance. Even if I left, I can't do anything anymore, so I stayed, and I stood in the palace hall waiting for this time. Li Huailin, and Ma Linna with her, this time it is useless to hold Marina anyway, so she was also released.

Li Huailin also let all the soldiers wait at the door of the palace hall. Li Huailin walked into the hall with Dernat and Nemo, and of course saw the fraternity and Marinna inside.

"Okay, this is the end of the game." Li Huailin said, "Why do you want me to ask for a trip?"

"One thing I told you first, this whole thing is planned by me." Fang Seilin here looked at Li Huailin and said, "The Queen is here..."

"I already know everything." Li Huailin waved. "The second half is indeed the trouble for you to find me, but the first half is still the trouble for the Queen to find me again. You two have to do things that are going well. It’s very troublesome, you see this has helped me find a lot of things, and now it’s almost messy.”

"Are you not already a mainland emperor?" said Marina, directly.

"You thought it was a good thing. I was too lazy to manage this mess." Li Huailin said, "I didn't do this. I just went to Anthony to get a task and it was done. You are not giving everyone this hand. It’s all pitted, is there a benefit to you?”

"I originally thought that your ambition was the emperor of the Terran. I didn't expect your ambition to be bigger..." said Marlena.

"I have a fart ambition. I said that I don't want to be an emperor." Li Huailin is also really sincere. "I have done it. Where is Anthony? I quickly put people down."

"This is even on my head." Fang Linlin said suddenly. "I can't run this time anyway. If that's the case, it's better to let my sister..."

"I am free, does Anthony know about this?" Li Huailin asked.

I heard that Li Huailin said casually, Marinna here was surprised. Li Huailin actually wanted to let go of himself, thinking about it. Marlin here asked with a little vigilance: "What do you want?"

"I want a fart, how serious is this suspicion of suspicion." Li Huailin spread his hand. "I said Queen Queen, you first think about whether you have a big handle on my hand now. It will kill you enough."

"Yes." Marinna nodded here.

"Since I want a second handle, what is the use?" Li Huailin said, "I just want to have less trouble, not because I want to ask you what you want. Now things are enough, I don't want to find anything more." It’s good to be a rebel."

"Anthony has been in a coma for a few days. I should not know that this is what I did." Marinna thought about it.

"That's all right. There aren't many people who know this now. You can get it by yourself." Li Huailin waved his hand.

"His Royal Highness, this... okay?" Delnat said behind him.

"The Queen is not going to be a squat, just want to kill me." Li Huai-lin spread his hand. "You think about it. For Anthony, the two refutations against him and the queen hurt him. Which one is better for him?"

"This..." Dr. Turner thought about it. Marlene said that she didn't mean to be an emperor herself. She just wanted to help Anthony, although the means was a bit radical. If you think about it... It’s better to hide it, but hide Anthony’s opinion about Dernat...

"Okay, in short, the rebels sneaked into the palace, kidnapped the emperor and the queen. I fell into the loyalty of this country, ready to subvert the country, and then my great hero came forward and saved the King and the Queen, this story. What do you think?" Li Huailin said to the staller.

"This... yes... Duke adults." Dr. Turner thought about it. Still agree, nodded.

The whole thing was finally completed. The final result was similar to that of Li Huailin. That is, all the responsibilities were pushed to the rebels. Anthony was rescued. The people on the side of the party were all Grabbed it up, of course, Li Huailin was also rehabilitated here, not only rehabilitated, but also instantly became the role of a big hero, although this role seems to be a bit less to make Li Huailin comfortable.

Yes, Li Huailin’s good feelings began to be calculated after the end of the incident. When Li Hualin was originally framed, he was temporarily hostile because of the war with the Terrans. The degree of goodwill has not changed, but after the rebellion, the Terran is his own. This is a hero, the degree of goodness is the plunging, and the whole family is plunging. Fortunately, Li Huailin’s side is usually a miserable, and the accumulated good feelings are relatively high, so this wave of deduction of Li Huailin’s goodwill is still Yes, or else it is estimated that the human race has just been settled and it is hostile.

Despite this, many people have poked Li Huailin's backbone and secretly smashed Li Huailin to save their empire. Why not rebel, it is a good thing to rebel.

So this whole circle, Li Huailin felt that he was in a good loss. After he had been busy for a long time, he didn’t get any benefit. The trouble was a bunch of things. The most troublesome thing was the mainland emperor’s side, although it sounded very handsome. It’s like this, but it’s actually not the case at all. There are a lot of troublesome things, just like what the army of the Terran side should do.

Anthony has been rescued, but the three major regiments of the Terran side have joined the name of Li Huailin at this time. This is really too much trouble. You can’t let the people have a soldier, but they still feel back. It is also very troublesome, at least a lot of people under Li Huailin disagree.

"No, no... Geer, you think about it, do we need the army?" Li Huailin is now arguing with Gert, who has just become the cabinet minister.

"Of course." Gert is of course opposed to sending back the three legions.

"You need a wool. You want to see what forces are still not convinced by the whole continent. The six major countries are now convinced. What military do we need? If we want to, let’s let the following countries send troops. Just fine, we don't need to be right." Li Huailin persuaded.

"This..." Gert thought a little bit, but it really makes sense. "But there is an army in hand..."

"We built our own army." Li Huailin said, "We use our name to build a new army. Anyway, it is called the name of the mainland emperor army. These three regiments still go back first."

"This... seems to work." Gert thought about it and nodded.

"Call... I finally got it." Li Huailin also sighed, then turned to the back of Anthony and said, "I have done it, so there is no big problem with the Terran side."

"Cabinet..." Anthony was a bit curious about Li Huailin's cabinet system. It seems to be quite good, because he is also very tired when he is an emperor. It is not easy to find a few people to help him. .

"You don't do it." Li Huailin also saw what Anthony was thinking about, and immediately said, "You are different from me. This thing is more troublesome. I am doing this because of the strong control, and I am I am not afraid of accidents. You are not the same here. Even if you have nothing to do, your future generations will be weak, and then a strong power minister will immediately make a big deal, so I think you should not do this on this side."

"Is it..." Anthony also nodded slightly. "But you are very good at Huai Lin. Actually, you can really make the forces of the whole continent biased towards you."

"Just look." Li Huailin said, "I am a nominal emperor. Do you really think that the Orc or other people will listen to me? Well, finally, it is almost handled, really. I am sick of me."

"Your Majesty, about the ceremony of the throne." Just after the end of the next, Gert came again.

"This is handed over to you. Arrange to inform me of the time. I trust you very much, ok?" Li Huailin immediately said, "I have to ask for it. The ceremony must be fast, I hate extravagance and waste." , ok?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Although there were a lot of slots, Gert didn't say anything and nodded directly.

As he said, Sodro came over from the side. Li Huailin’s return to the Duke’s House was to find Sodro with Anthony, otherwise he would not want to come back. This is a lot of things coming back. Endless, if Sodro is here, he will run straight.

"Your Majesty." Sodro also made a profit for Li Huailin, so of course, it was also called Li Huailin. Although the identity is still uncertain, but it is probably a person around the mainland emperor, Sodro feels good about this arrangement.

"Well, let's talk about the situation here." Li Huailin immediately said. (To be continued.)

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