All Things Wrong

Chapter 1422: Opening task

Seeing the character of this secret treasure, Li Huailin frowned again, because the attributes of this thing seemed to be less friendly to himself. It is not that there are side effects, that is, the effect is really too small. Looked at the property may be more suitable for the legal profession, it is of no great use to yourself, the most important thing is that this mirror should be reduced after the water is opened, and what should be prevented from being interrupted. It is of no use to Li Huai-lin, because most of the skills of the soldiers are instant. The only skills that Li Huailin has in his casting time are probably the sun spears, and then the tide of the Olympiad. Others are nothing, but stealing skills may be Can steal the skills of casting time, but still no big use, you can not let Li Huai-lin, this person who can't hurt at all, throw a fireball, what hurts?

The property of the last secret treasure made Li Huailin a little disappointed, and even more disappointing is that Li Huailin thought that there would be something special after collecting the secret treasure, just like saying that the gourd doll assembly will not become invincible, 8 secret treasures. After collecting, Li Huailin thought that there would be a big move, but he did not find it. Except for this unclear, "you have obtained all the information sections, and you have the qualification to understand the truth of this world. In addition, Li Huailin also found out what is different, and the previous secret treasure skills did not appear to be upgraded.

In short, Li Huailin felt that it was pitted. The last secret treasure was found for such a long time. The result was not very powerful. Now it seems that this "final mission" is the ultimate reward.

Of course, this is also because Li Huailin’s vision is a bit too high. In fact, other players have seen these things that Li Huailin got are already scared and crying. Before the Haitian Blue got a secret treasure, they dare to say that no one can do it. Li Huailin is also expecting too high.

In short, it is a bit uncomfortable. Li Huailin has to think about what he should do now. There are still two days left before the final task is triggered. These two days are probably the time to prepare for myself. I don't know what the final task is. I don't know what type of task it is. I don't even know if it is a single task. However, Li Huailin thinks that it is probably a single-person task. After all, it is triggered by one person collecting secrets, so I will prepare according to this. But in case it is a team task... I seem to have a plan.

Of course, if it is a team task, the person Li Huailin is looking for is of course to summon the Jade Emperor. In any case, Li Huailin feels that he should say hello to them, that is to say, let them not do other things the day after tomorrow, vacate the day and so on. If they are team missions, they will be put on them. .

Just thought of this, the remote call here came, Li Huailin looked at the system news, a little glance, because calling him remotely just happened to be a thousand years. I just want to find them to talk about it.

"Li Ge Li Ge, let's go to the team to do the cross-service battlefield opening task."

"I don't have you older, can you not call me Li Ge..." Li Huailin didn't know when the change was changed to this title. "And what is the opening task?"

"You don't know?" The thousand-year-old did not change a little. "Isn't the go-on to the Elavent explorer to pick up the mission?"

"I didn't go, I just got online so fast." Li Huailin said, "I will say that there must be a lot of people over there, so let's talk about what it is."

"That's it. It's really all people here." I can't help but say for a thousand years.

Yes, because the new version is just on the line, everyone wants to see the new Ellach explorer and the cross-service battlefield. Therefore, a large group of people immediately flocked to the door of the new cross-service battlefield transmission point in the main city. Now the doorway of this transfer point is full of people, basically it is not going to go. .

The one-for-one change has been squeezed in, and it provides first-hand intelligence. The situation is this. The Elabrian explorer here provides the delivery service. But it is not for anyone. According to their own words, those who are helpful to them will send them to the New World. Simply put, you have to do a few predecessors before you can play cross-service battlefield.

There are a lot of pre-tasks, but they are probably divided into two categories. One is the task of proving their own strength. According to the Eleaven explorer, they are too weak to send you to the New World. Because it is very dangerous there, I don't want you to die. The second is the task of sending money to them. According to the Eleaven explorer, those who contribute to them will send you.

Originally, according to the general situation, the previous task will be relatively simple, because it is for you to play a wave ss, or let you make a copy on the line, it should belong to the entry task, and the latter task is more difficult, because the brush The contribution is very troublesome, and I have already encountered this situation before when I was at the pet home.

However, the actual situation is completely the opposite. Now the general reaction of the players is that the donation task can be completed later, but the previous task of demonstrating strength cannot be played at all.

Yes, the donation task in the back is basically collecting materials, or it is more simple to donate money. Anyway, the Ellard Explorers have a good sense of setting. At the beginning, everyone is neutral. If you brush to be friendly, even if it is friendly, If you have contributed, donating money and donating materials will increase your feelings. Of course, doing daily tasks will be slower. After the brush is friendly, the other party will let you enter the battlefield. After that, the good feeling is to change the equipment.

For the current players, the problem that can be solved with money is basically not a problem. The rich people are everywhere. If you buy gold coins directly with rmb, you will be finished, but the previous task that proves strength is real. It’s a bit too mad. First of all, the task is randomly given to you, and the team can be done by a single person, but the task is really a bit change. For example, let you play a copy. The name of the copy has never been heard. On the forum, I asked if anyone had seen a copy of it. The result was told that it was a copy of level 80... How do you play this? Let the 65 players play a copy of the 80 level. Isn't that funny? And actually still need to pass at least **** level, this...

Then there is the task of playing wave ss, anyway, let you kill a wave ss, the result is to see this wave ss, more than 80 levels, if you really want to play, the sea tactics may be drowned, but the loss It’s too big, it’s not a question of saving money.

In short, the new version was only opened for an hour or less. There are already a lot of people in the forum. There are players who have suddenly lost their line yesterday. Now they are added to a group of people. Tianyu has not responded so far until now.

"It turned out to be like this." After listening to the thousand-year-old, Li Huailin also nodded. It is indeed the same as the one-hundred-year-old saying that it is really simple for him to brush his feelings. It is enough to use the slap in the face, and that The extremely difficult trial task is estimated to be harmful. It is the same as the previous one. This version is estimated to be a bad task for the card player. It is just a very general task, that is, to the player. A threshold, you can go to the 80th level to enter the cross-service battlefield settings, but the current situation is really killing people, the average person can not really complete.

Of course, this only refers to the average person. No one has completed it. Li Huailin does not believe it. At least Li Huailin feels that he can pass the 80th level of Hell's difficulty copy, and one person is enough, and other people Li Huailin thinks it is possible to have it too. For example, what is the day of the party, of course, because it is a cross-service battlefield, Don't have a server.

"What task did you receive?" Li Huailin asked.

"The task of killing a wave ss is estimated to be an 80-level wild wave ss. I haven't answered it here." The thousand-year-old said unchanged. "This receptionist said, the team is also OK, and one team can complete a mission. So, ask you to ask, everyone has done a simple point together."

"Well..." Li Huailin thought for a moment, and he is really fine now. Yes, although Anthony had half done yesterday, I don’t know if people are going back to the palace, or how, or whether they have recovered their memories, but the secret treasure has been found, and Li Huailin is not in a hurry to go back to him. However, because he basically has no use, Li Huailin certainly does not care whether his memory is restored.

Of course, Li Huailin, who is in his own fiefdom, does not want to go back. Li Huailin, who is involved in the ceremony, is too lazy to participate. Of course, there are so many things to go back. So now the most important thing is to solve the final task of the next two days, just now, and now they will say hello to them for a few thousand years. By the way, it seems like a good situation to cross the battlefield.

"Understood, let's gather, look for summoning them." Li Huailin said directly to the thousand-year-old.

"Okay, I contact Xiao Yu, you are looking for summons and Enron." The eternal answer said, "The old city of the main city gathers."

Li Huailin quickly contacted the call and Enron. Of course, because the new version is open, both of them are online, and they are also preparing to cross the battlefield. So soon the team is assembled and five people meet again in the pub of the main city. (To be continued...)

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