All Things Wrong

Chapter 1425: Sailing

Mishwara, the western port city of the mainland, is not the border of the human Nasser empire. The western part of the mainland is basically a small country. Of course, these countries are basically human countries, but they do not belong to the Nasser empire, but basic It is also a subsidiary of the Nasser Empire. Hey, this port city is the capital of a small country. Of course, this small country is also the genus of the Nasser empire. There is no place to brag about this small country, but this port is indeed the largest port in the western part of the continent, and even there is a dwarf here. And the flight over the elves.

Li Huailin, they are here now. This is still a clue to ask after half a day. Although they know that their crusade is on the sea in the western part of the mainland, they don’t know where it is, but five professional players gather. Together, we can still discuss a little reliable result. This time, we will summon the Jade Emperor’s proposal to go to the Mercenary Guild to ask if there is any clue, because there are more news there.

As a result, they went to the Mercenary Guild. They saw that they were almost vomiting blood. The task of crusting Hailong Lakia Kurus was really not exclusive. The Mercenary Guild had an identical task, and the Mercenary Guild also ordered The s-class standard, the reward is still 100,000 gold coins.

Five people looked at the task list given by the Mercenary Guild, and then looked at the task list given by the Elavent Explorer in their hands. The tmd even gave the picture the same, except that the following bounty disappeared. It can be said that it is taken as usual.

"This is definitely a pit." The thousand-year-old said unchanged. "Is this octopus directly transferred the task props we handed over to the Mercenary Guild to get a 100,000 gold coin?"

"Would we wait for ten days to count..." summoned the Jade Emperor.

"Don't, I'm gonna blow it out here, and now I will see people after I have finished my hand." Li Huailin immediately said. Yes, this news has already been transmitted. Li Huailin is a task in front of so many people, and it is still a s-level task. This news is too hot. Of course, it was spread out immediately. Li Huailin didn’t even know the forum and knew that he had already got the top post. Although this is indeed a big one, it can’t be embarrassed at this time. What is the 100,000 gold coin, the face is The biggest.

"This octopus is definitely for us." Summon Jade Emperor said. "How can you pick this s level for so many tasks?"

"It’s not a problem for him to target it." Li Huailin waved his hand directly. "What sea dragons are, don't worry, look at my strength and single defense..."

Although it feels a bit pitted, but they summon the Jade Emperor, they are not people who love money, so it is no problem, but what makes people even more uncomfortable is the attitude of both sides. The Ellavi explorer here gave a wanted order, and then the approximate location was told in the system task prompt. The mercenary guild has no one to answer the task, and some people have kindly told you about the general situation of the mission, and also suggested that Li Huailin go to Mishwala, the difference is really too big.

In any case, Li Huailin came to Mishwala in accordance with the recommendations of the Mercenary. This is a very quiet port city, because the small countries in the western part of the country have rarely had wars. It has been around for hundreds of years, so the whole environment is completely different from the Nasser Empire. The surrounding rhythm seems to be very leisurely. It feels like a tourist attraction.

I didn't see other players in the city. It may be that the surrounding monsters are not suitable for the player to level up, that is, the talents who do the task come back here. No players. The city is relatively quiet, in short, this is a rare place in the game.

Of course, Li Huailin still came to do the task, not the tour. First of all, he also asked about the clues of Hailong Lakia Kurus. Of course, the target of the inquiry was the nearby boatman. The task reminder did not mean that Hailong often attacked the fishermen. So they should know something.

"Hailong Lakia Kurus?" A fisherman heard a few words from Li Huailin. He had already scared his face before saying anything. "That is the Lord of the sea, what do you want to crusade? Young People still cherish life..."

Like the task tips, the nearby fishermen seem to know Hailong Lakiyakurus. Moreover, some people still respect it as a sea god. Every time they leave the ship, they must sacrifice the sea dragon Lakiyakurus, so it is said that they will not be attacked by it. Over time, the sacrifice of Lakia Kurus seems to have also become A boating ceremony for fishermen, anyway, the fishermen are not willing to mention this more, just as the average bright believers do not want to comment more on the gods of light, you can not talk about the good or bad of your faith in God.

Fortunately, not all fishermen think that Lakia Kurus is a god, but also a guy who recognizes the facts, such as the fishermen that Li Huailin found, called Carano. This guy is a forty-five-year-old brave man. Although he is a little older, his body is still very strong. His skin is dark and he is a pure fisherman. Then the reason why this guy does not believe in Hailong Lakiyakurus is very simple. Because his son was killed by Lakia Kurus, of course he would not be worshipped.

"I have a way to find it." Carano said straight to the door.

"Really? Please teach us." Summon Jade immediately said.

"Don't teach, I will take you directly to find it." Carano stood up and said, "You are the adventurer who came to crusade him. Hailong Lakia Kurus is in the deep sea, if you want to find His words must be taken by ocean fishing boats, but also the fishermen who have experienced and then willing to take the boat to take you. There are many people who think that Lakia Kurus is a god, and even those who do not believe will not take the initiative to provoke. It is because it is too dangerous. There are not many people you can find, but I am one. I am not afraid of death."

This guy is so self-sufficient, of course, Li Huailin will not refuse, because Li Huailin can fly, but they can't call the jade emperor, so the transportation can only be used by the boat, and Kalanuo will help find and willing to borrow the ship. Of course it is the best. It seems to have been going smoothly so far, but I have had some trouble before sailing, that is, the sailors are not enough.

The fishing boat of Carano is not a small wooden boat, but a ship that can sail, wooden structure, and the hull is a medium-sized ship. The main power is of course the wind. Such a ship certainly needs a lot of sailors to run. Carano has more than 30 people under his own hands. Although some people are part-time, they can basically fill up the necessary amount each time they sail. But this time it is not going to fish, but to fight monsters, and Carano is not telling all the sailors directly. It involves life, even brave sailors. They will hesitate, not to mention that many sailors themselves are also convinced of Lakia Kurus.

After a while, after a moment of consideration, only 10 people are willing to sail with Carano. These 10 people are basically Carano's confidants, and they can be sold to Carano, so they know that the danger has followed. Others card Ronno did not say anything about them. The two sides said goodbye to peace.

Although the scene is still touching, the main problem is that the manpower is still not enough, even half of the people who usually sail. However, a little calculation, usually because of fishing, so a large number of people need to pull the net, but also need to pack, manage what, but this time because it is to fight monsters, so do not use so many people.

"Several of you guys are also helping, probably enough." Carano said here.

"Ha?" Li Huailin said directly. "Uncle, are you letting us sail?"

"It's not a boat trip, it's a handyman, it helps to pull a sail." Kalano said, "I will tell you what I want to do. I have to remember that I am the captain on the boat. You all listen to me." I will guarantee that you will come back safely."

"Oh..." Li Huailin really has nothing to say, is the main force of the fight not his own? I promise you are safe to come back.

Because the manpower is not enough, the whole boat is a little empty, but there are a lot of people coming to see the line. The city is relatively small. Everyone has heard about Carrano’s departure to find Rakiacurus. Although he is not optimistic about this, However, because of the usual relationship of Carano, everyone also came to see off, the scene is quite spectacular. There is even a fisherman who doesn't know where to find a small cannon, probably a 30mm caliber mountain cannon, and then gave it to Carano. I don't know what they think about it. Is it hope to use this thing to fight monsters?

Anyway, anyway, the ship sailed. Just after leaving the port, Carano walked to the front of the ship, as if looking at the surrounding situation, looking for the location of Lakia Kurus, Li Huailin went a little curiously to look at it, but found the card Lanno is closed with eyes.

"Well, I understand." After a little while, Carrano opened his eyes. "Everyone has it. Turn left at the rudder and drive in the west. Lakia Kurus is in the West." ”

"Ha? You found it, how to find it, don't tell me that you can find Lakikurus with your telepathy with your eyes closed." Li Huailin couldn't help but say.

"What do you know." Carano waved. "A qualified seaman can only judge the direction of the storm by feeling the humidity of the air stroke. If you tell you that you don't understand, the front sail is missing, you Help me now, Nord, teach him how to sail, and you, all go to the deck to help." (To be continued...)

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