All Things Wrong

Chapter 1427: Decisive or dying

I have to say that the dragon's body is really strong enough. In this stormy weather, Xiaomi flies in the air and is also stable. It will not be affected at all. Li Huailin has finally stabilized. It seems to be a bit too entertaining. I think it’s okay to turn the boat over, and I’ll fly anyway. 》. 》

Flying into the air, Li Huailin finally saw the situation now. The sea below does have a black shadow. Now swimming, it should be the Hailong Lakia Kurus, but it feels very little. The surface of the water is only moving downstream of the water, and the previous effluent does not seem to be aimed at their ship, because it feels that the other party does not care about the boat. Now this fishing boat is also a little out of control, and is pushing towards the outside of the storm by the waves, but it has never been turned over.

"Is it found?" There was a voice calling the Jade Emperor in the team channel. Of course, I saw Li Huailin in the air, so I asked.

"Looking is found, but the problem is that the other party is underwater." Li Huailin said, "The dive is not very deep, but it does not come up."

"We can still dive." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "But the words inside the water seem to be more troublesome."

The game "Glory of the New" is still very scientific in some places. The water has always been criticized for being a bit too real. There are many places where it will fight in the water, but the battle in the water will be subject to many restrictions. As a result, the player is very uncomfortable, so basically there will be no players battling in the water, or if they are attracted to play, it is not good to play, but the other is not a place to blame.

"There is only the introduction?" Li Huailin said, "After the wave of ss and the hatred, the wave ss should directly attack us."

"Can you see us here?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"Hey..." Li Huailin looked down a little, although the current situation was not very good, but looking carefully at Li Huailin and seeing the four people standing on the surface of the sea, "No problem, see."

"Then you open a strange, and then pull to us, we can't find a strange here." Summon the Jade Emperor said.

"Okay is no problem." Li Huailin nodded. Then directly to the Xiaomi below, "Millet, open strange, Longxing group."

"Hey!" Xiaomi nodded here. Then directly directed to the direction of the sea below, the sky has been able to be very dark, and now the dark clouds have become more dense, a few blue meteorites fall from the air and then fly directly to the surface. Of course, the aim is the shadow below.

It is estimated that Hailong Lakia Kurus here has not noticed that someone in the air has already aimed at it. It is still swimming slowly in the sea, and there is no action to avoid. Of course, the dragon star group falling from the sky directly hits. Wearing the sea, and then it is like a huge stone falling into a basin of water, the sound of "咚", the water splashing around, the waves directly rolled out from the hit position, the out The wave is estimated to have a height of more than ten meters, like a tsunami.

Because the scene is really a bit confusing. Li Huailin didn't see if there was any damage figure jumping out, but looking at the battle record here, Xiaomi's Dragon Star group did hit Hailong Lakia Kurus, and it also caused 114781 damage. Li Huailin, who is hurting, is a bit stunned, because the skill damage of Xiaomi is not so high, even if it is counted as Xiaomi’s law injury, it will not be exaggerated to this point.

I still haven't figured out what happened. The following loud humming sounds, Hailong Lakia Kurus has once again rushed out of the water and started to roar against Li Huailin. Looking at it, I finally found the dragon millet flying in the air. At this time, Li Huailin also saw the other side's appearance for the first time.

Lakia Kurus is also a creature that looks like a dragon, but the head is more like the head of the dragon in the east, and the body is a bit like the body of a plesiosaur, because there are two fins. . The body size should be slightly larger than the millet. Probably the size of Red Dragon Queen Remidios, it is quite fierce from the outside, but Li Huailin, who is used to the dragon, is not too surprised.

"That... pull here?" Li Huailin is about to start pulling strange. The result is that Lakia Kurus directly has a mouth, and a blue-colored thing like a water cannon directly shoots into the air, Xiaomi The instinct of dodge. The result has not yet been flashed, directly in a shot, and then the blood volume directly fell 13%.

"Liu trough!" Li Huailin was shocked. The blood of this millet was suddenly killed by 13%. It is necessary to know that Xiaomi now has more than 900,000 lives, so that this is the case of Lakia Kurus. Killed hundreds of thousands of blood, this tm is really 80 wave ss?

"Which is your trouble, why did you suddenly put a big move and roll up such a big wave, we all rushed to fly." When Li Huailin screamed at the gods, the caller Jade Emperor directly shouted, it was just so big. The huge waves directly washed away a few people. Although they were walking, the waves could not escape.

"Don't say that, this wave of ss can kill more than 100,000 damage, can this play?" Li Huailin said.

"So?" Everyone is a glimpse. It was originally an ordinary wave ss battle, but it is too exaggerating to hit hundreds of thousands of lives.

"What should I do? You can't stop it for more than ten thousand injuries." Summon the Jade Emperor.

"I can hold it, the problem is..." Li Huailin looked down at the blood of Lakia Kurus, and the dragon star group of Xiaomi had more than 110,000 injuries, and then the wave ss off. How much blood, 2%, is that Lakia Kurus now has 98% of his blood, and Li Huailin has calculated that this guy’s total blood volume is at least 5 million. This is just a joke. Forget it, it is rare to want to play a wave of ss at the normal point. I really feel that the system is deeply malicious. Ok, well, you are all flashing, I am going to open the ring and forget this wave of ss. ”

"..." They still know about Li Huailin's aura calling the Jade Emperor. After all, they have seen it in the previous game. Li Huailin also showed them the effect. To be honest, this aura is a bit shameless, but also There is no way who told them that they really can't beat this wave of ss.

"Millet continues to attack and attracts attention." Li Huailin said that he jumped directly from the back of Xiaomi and fell to the bottom of Laki Kurus, because now Rakia Kurus should have not seen it. Li Huailin, the attention is probably on Xiaomi’s body, and it should not be the case of Li Huailin. According to the explanation of the game, hatred should now be on Xiaomi's body, so it will not attack Li Huailin.

Sure enough, Li Huailin’s plan was smooth, and very simple Li Huailin jumped to the back of Lakia Kurus, then pulled out the light directly and forced it to the next. Li Huailin hung the whole person in Lakia Kuru. On the body, of course, the aura of the gloom of the light also came into effect immediately. Li Huailin immediately saw that the blood of Lakia Kurus began to fall.

The millet in the air did not continue to attack, because it has no attacking skills. The cooling time of the Dragon Star Group is as high as 40 minutes, so it cannot be used continuously. Now is the ability to avoid Lakia Kurus everywhere, it seems to be very embarrassed, but in fact, here is the danger of Lakia Kurus, because Li Huailin's current aura is 6% per second. Blood loss, after a while, the blood of Rakiacurus has begun to go in the direction of 50%.

"Oh..." A scream rang, Li Huailin was a little stunned, but it wasn’t Lakiy Kurus that he was screaming because his blood was 40%. Looking up at the sky, Xiaomi Jinguang flashed and then exploded directly. Yes, Xiaomi hangs. Li Huailin is a glimpse first, and then understands that this silly dragon does not know to fly a little farther. Now it is burned by his own aura. .

It doesn't matter if Xiaomi hangs, but the goal of Lakia Kurus's second hatred is Li Huailin, so when Xiaomi is hanging here, Lakia Kurus immediately discovers Li Huailin on his body and turns to the right. Li Huailin is a blue dragon.

Li Huailin’s lofty sacrifice has not yet been triggered. Although Xiaomi’s empty blood can’t produce reflex damage, it should be immune to one injury, so it should not die, but even if it is hit by this water cannon, it’s very troublesome. When the plane ran, it was miserable. Li Huailin did not hesitate, turned directly, the black light flashed, the black beast came, and the two claws immediately caught the body of Lakia Kurus -


A shell hit the body of the black beast, coming in and out from the front, directly piercing the black beast, but it may also be because this Li Hualin was hard to resist the gun but was not shot. Of course, the aura is still open, and the black beast can of course return blood. Both hands grab the black beast of Lakia Kurus and open the mouth directly to the other side to directly blow back, a dark aurora shot to Lakia Curus. Although the damage is only 8000+, it is also very effective in reducing its health because it is a continuous damage.

It is estimated that Lakia Kurus also feels that his life value is a little dangerous. After being blown by a black beast, he did not choose to fight back. Instead, he turned directly into the water and did not know if he wanted to run or how. Of course, Li Huailin could not let go. Although he thought so, the other party had just started to rush into Li Huailin and was directly washed out by the water. Because the body became bigger, the resistance was multiplied. Li Huailin was completely unaccustomed, but although he let go, At this time, the time has come. Lakia Kurus has not escaped far away, just turned over and slowly sank. (To be continued.)

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