All Things Wrong

Chapter 1434: Looking for death

When Li Huailin woke up, it was already in the afternoon. It was also a long time ago. Li Huailin still felt a little sleepy, but continued to say that he couldn’t sleep, so he still got out of bed and looked at the forum here. He found that he actually There is no top post.

Li Huailin passed at least three new copies yesterday. The announcements were announced three times, but there was no top-up. It was really unexpected. I looked at the top post and the second post was yesterday. The one that introduced the cross-service battlefield is of course the introduction of the cross-service battlefield. The following messages are as many as 80,000.

The top post is published by the Spiritual Society. It is still about the cross-service battlefield. The title is "Cross-service battlefield construction process, update the situation at any time". Obviously this is a post that is updated at any time. Some news will be displayed here.

Of course, Li Huailin also wants to know how the construction of the base of the cross-service battlefield is now, so I went in and looked at it. The situation is probably like this. The site has been established, but there are no facilities in it. Now, the resurrection team is being built. This is of course the most important thing, mainly to save money for all players who come in later, or to go out to the battlefield once, and come in. It’s going to cost 100 gold. Isn’t this a pit person? This kind of thing will not happen again after the first resurrection point is established. Unless this stronghold is captured, the dead will still go out on the battlefield.

Of course, the post also introduces the situation inside the cross-service battlefield, of course, mainly in terms of construction, these are much more detailed than the posts of the wind, so this post has more than 440,000 replies, the degree of fieryness is simply against the sky .

Of course, the post also pointed out the name of Li Huailin, because night flight feels that the credit for sending people in, of course, mention Li Huailin. According to Li Huailin's usual style, I will not hide anything, so I will say it directly. The result of this is that there are a lot of replies below, "There is a task of "opening the door! I am forced to bring me..." Reply.

Of course, there are people who ask this question, "Is it possible to let the squadron open the door with the spirit guild, I want to enter." Yes, everyone who sees the current position has entered the battlefield. Except for Li Huailin, several of the other members of the squad are all members of the Spiritual Guild. This makes everyone think that Li Huailin only has the Spiritual Guild. Then joining the spiritual world will naturally let Li Huailin take it. The result of such an idea is of course that the spiritual world is very hot. After the guild territory was destroyed, the members were a little restless, and the situation is now stabilized.

Of course, the post also mentions the situation of the battlefield base. Of course, the most important thing is the lack of people. The manpower is not enough, because the resources in the battlefield are all collected by people themselves. For example, the timber stone needed to build a stronghold. Players who need to have a career in life are going to pick it up. The luck is better because most of the players in the spirit world are in the logistics department. The combat power is not good, but the life profession is definitely enough. So it was smooth, but it was not enough. It was too busy. The half of the 100 people who entered the spiritual world did not sleep at the present position. The remaining half was also a batch of rest, but it was still built. Still progressing slowly.

In fact, what they don't know is that they have already taken up a lot of money. The resources they collected have not been so smooth, because there are various wild monsters around the resources and they are coming back to interfere with them. For example, cloth people. But because Li Huailin and his teammates have already finished brushing these things yesterday, the surrounding area around the birth point is basically no stranger. This also makes the work they collect a lot better, or else the team of the logistics team can really beat so many 80-level monsters.

There is also a third post, this post is not a famous character, but the matter is very important, because it is about the person who Li Hualin has been thinking about yesterday, who entered the uniform in the battlefield yesterday. Case. This post is also a screenshot of the forum, of course, the original post is in English. This poster was slightly translated. It means that several players of the Eurolink server passed the opening task and they have entered the battlefield. Then they are happy to post a message, but the original post also shows that they went in. It has been found that there are five people inside. According to the previous full service announcement, the first one to enter should be the player of Huaxia District to summon Jade Emperor. As for the other people, they are also asking what the server is.

"European Union?" Li Huailin took a brief look. Hearing the name of the European Union team, he remembered the captain of Nylon, the European Union team. However, it was not Nero but a few of them who looked at the original post. I have never heard of a name, one is called carrion (ar day on), the other is called rdu (can not be translated directly in English), the names of the two have not been heard, but looked at the following reply is also someone who has a science Both of them are professional players of the European Union, but they are all a-level players. Li Huailin certainly has not heard of it. It seems that I have received a relatively simple door-opening task.

Those who passed the door-opening task yesterday were just a few people, but today there are some new people who have passed the door-opening task. The Spiritual Association has just announced the situation. Now there are 91 people in the battlefield (some have to go to rest), and 14 people are not theirs. Eight of the 14 people have already announced themselves in various forums. The identity is 3 European Union servers, 5 East Asian servers, and 6 people have not seen anyone posting.

What makes Li Huailin a bit uncomfortable is that the five people in the East Asian server are all Japanese and Japanese, and there is also a familiar name called Hai Lao Feng Lei... This person still adheres to his consistent style, and after completing the team opening task in the morning. The first time was posted, and the other four people were members of their team. Like Li Huailin’s team, they also completed five tasks and went in.

Li Huailin is very upset about this guy. I didn’t expect it to be so bad when I was in the National Cup. Now this guy dares to jump out? However, it is said that this guy came out again. Li Huailin made the Japanese benzene team so bad last time. In theory, these Japanese benzene team professional players should not jump out if they are not hacked. This guy is what happened?

Li Huailin did not understand the slight investigation. The result was also found a little related information. Sure enough, after the National Cup, the members of the Japanese benzene team suffered a serious blow, but after the economic crisis, it was all People's attention has shifted to the past, so they also got a little breathing space. After the National Cup, a large number of Japanese benzene game teams had financial problems, so they were directly disbanded, but soon a new team came up, and the old wind and thunder was replaced by a new owner, because the previous Most of the players in the National Cup contest attributed the failure to Li Huai-lin’s behavior against Japanese benzene, which led them to have sympathy for these professional players. After the Japanese Benz captain’s death was forced to retire, it was a large number. The players began to support the old wind and thunder, this guy actually still became their last hope, so Hai Laofeng Lei recently mixed quite well.

After reading this situation, Li Huailin was very uncomfortable. I was not happy with the Japanese benzene team. You still jumped like this. Actually, the jump was quite good. Li Huailin thought that he should make another wave of the Japanese benzene team.

"But I don't know where the birth point of the Japanese benzene team is..." Li Huailin thought it was a bit of a headache. He couldn't check other people's coordinates in the battlefield, and he couldn't see the other's territory. It was really impossible to find them. At the birth point, riding a dragon to find? The map of the battlefield is actually very big. It is estimated that riding a dragon can find someone who can't find a day.

However, Li Huailin really wants to engage in a wave of them, especially the time of the opening, and this time there are legitimate reasons, because now, in addition to the Huaxia District server, the largest number of people coming in is the East Asian server, and of course the opponent Is the best reason, or with the righteousness. But it is very troublesome to find someone...

Li Huailin is also thinking about what to do while watching the webpage. The result is a headache. Suddenly I saw the top post in the Nikko Game Forum here. Hai Laofeng has just sent a showy post because they just Occupied a territory. Of course, they are their birth points. Like Li Huailin, the old wind and thunder is also a game for the players who have not yet come in. What is the situation in the battlefield? What are the various reward mechanisms? Of course, they also show off their own, so they are also released. A popular science sticker. However, the post that was released by the wind is not the same. The post published by Hai Laofeng is not only the text, but also the screenshots of the game. Just like the people who love self-portrait on Weibo, Hai Laofeng also cut a lot of pictures to give all People look at what is in the battlefield, and Li Huailin sees these pictures.

"Oh... it doesn't matter if you can't find a place. Some people take pictures so well..." Li Huailin smiled a little, and it was really possible to find it. There are so many photos on it. Finished, "Well, I like you to die like this. It seems that you must teach you how to be a person again." (To be continued...)

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