All Things Wrong

Chapter 1437: Don't be too happy too early

Li Huailin originally wanted to go straight to the sea and thunder them, but he couldn't find anyone after turning around. ◇↓三◇↓江◇↓阁◇↓ novels. ¥f Li Huailin is also a bit strange. I don't know where the other person is going. If the other party is collecting materials, it should be nearby. After all, Huaxia District is directly cutting trees next to it, but Li Huailin did not find it.

However, this search has had some unexpected gains, because Li Huailin suddenly found a wild nest. Oh, it shouldn't be a wild monster, because it should be npc, because these guys are also wild but the name is yellow, of course, it is a neutral monster. According to the setting, this group of people should be able to be npc, but... The look of the other party is also a bit strange.

The last clothist was already very strange, and this time it became a spike. Yes, the biggest feature of these guys is that they have a lot of spikes on their backs. These guys are all red, slim and look very technical, but they have a lot of spikes on their backs. It seems to be very combative, but these people are actually neutral.

Although I don’t know why, now Li Huailin just needs such a bunch of npcs. Yes, he just wants to block a stronghold at the birth point in East Asia. It’s hard to be uncomfortable for them. Of course, it’s important to find a second stronghold. Help the new neutral npc, and then estimate that they want to brush their good feelings to let them work for you. It is not difficult for Li Huailin to brush up the feelings, but Li Huailin’s problems are not this.

"Hey, hey, hehe..." It’s obvious that the spurs of the Latin name of the Latin name don’t know how to speak the mainland lingua franca, they just scream, it sounds like mechanical. Sound, maybe they may be considered a mechanical race, anyway, Li Huailin can't communicate with them anyway, of course, can't communicate with Li Huailin and don't know what to do with them.

“How is this done?” Li Huailin said, “The system should not set the options that cannot be completed. Since we are looking for a neutral monster to do npc. Then there should be a way to communicate with them, otherwise how? Connected to the task of sensitivity?"

Li Huailin felt that he was right, but he didn't know how to get it. He thought about these things and might ask those octopus they would know. So Li Huailin decided to go back first. Otherwise, I don't know what to do here. Of course, he has already remembered the location of the birthplace in East Asia. Although he was looking for an hour and a half before, it didn’t take so much time to fly. In fact, Li Huailin felt that it would fly in about fifteen minutes. . Of course, when Li Huilin didn't fly back when he went back, this was too slow. Li Huailin uses the easiest way, and that is... dead.

Yes, the plane jumped directly, and then it was hanged. Before the resurrection point in Huaxia District was completed, Li Huailin should be resurrected there. After controlling the blood volume, Li Huailin hangs very smoothly, and then a white light flashes in the center of the base in Huaxia District. Of course, this is still the center of the first-level base. It is very simple. Li Huai-lin is the first death, so it is very fast. It is resurrected (the death time of the battlefield is a propulsion system. That is, the longer the resurrection is, the more certainly you will exit the battlefield and then spend another 100 gold to reset the resurrection time). Just resurrected, Li Huailin saw the npc working at the center of the base, which is the octopus captain Desaru who saw it before.

"The great Huai Lin adults, I saw you again." Desaru here is still a state of worship for Li Huailin. When he saw Li Huailin, he immediately greeted him with enthusiasm. Li Huailin immediately told Desaru about the problems he encountered now, and asked if there was any solution to the other side.

"Oh, are you talking about the problem of not being able to communicate with the locals? This is a good solution." Desaru said here happily. "In fact, we have tried to communicate with many ethnic groups here after discovering it. I also mastered some techniques that can analyze their language..."

"How come you don't say tm?" Li Huailin said directly to Desaru's collar.

"This is this... This technology is not free to offer to your adventurers..." Desaru looked at Li Huailin's face and said immediately. "But... the relationship between Huai Lin and our Elavin is extraordinary. I can teach you for free..."

"Oh?" Li Huailin nodded and put down Desaru, which was an unexpected gain. I didn't expect that the benefits of brushing the feelings were quite good. Not only did I avoid the ticket money, but I also saved this fee. "That line, you teach me now."

"Please bring this first." Desaru here took out a thing that seemed to be a helmet directly from the side, but this thing has a sense of technology. To be honest, it looks like a game helmet. It’s a bit strange to bring a game helmet in the game. But of course, Li Huailin is also brought.

"Then I started." Desaru here also directly pressed the button on the helmet, and then the helmet gave a blue light, then Li Huailin received a system prompt.

System Tip: You have learned the indigenous language of Balarda.

"This tm is really simple!" Li Huailin is speechless. What kind of high-tech is this, which is more advanced than the virtual learning machine in reality. This game is not set in the Middle Ages. What is the detached magical thing? .

In any case, Li Huailin has learned the Aboriginal language and should be able to communicate with these neutral creatures. However, Li Huailin thought that he did not immediately go to the birthplace in East Asia, because he thought of some things and decided to prepare a little.

First of all, Li Huailin first contacted for a thousand years, because the next job needs a thousand years to help: "Is it free now?"

"What? Is there any task?" asked for a thousand years. "I just finished the professional game. It was just empty when I practiced. I contacted Xiaoyu them?"

"No, no, I need you to cooperate with me this time." Li Huailin said, "Of course, if you come, you can do it, just kill the small Japanese benzene."

"Kill the small day benzene? This is what I do, what do you say?" The thousand-year-old did not agree directly.

So Li Huailin once again came out of the battlefield and the thousand-years here did not touch the head, but the question asked to make this one thousand unchanged is also a bit unintelligible.

"Do you know where there is a particularly special kind of bird? Or can fly a wave of ss and the like, if it is the kind of beast." Li Huailin asked.

"Hey? What do you want to find a big bird?" asked for a thousand years, but did not wait for Li Huailin to answer and said, "I know a lot because I am a hunter. I always want to catch a good pet. You want If I find it, I have a lot of bird wave ss."

"That line, take me to you." Li Huailin immediately said, "Hurry up here."

"This... I don't know if they have refreshed." The thousand-year-old said the same.

"That is not easy to fight, and there are fewer people to brush." ​​Li Huailin said.

"That line." Thousands of nodded nodded, then took Li Huailin to a mountainous area. "There will be a wave ss above 70, which is called a black arrow, although I don't know why." Call this, anyway, it is a black big eagle-like World of Warcraft. This is because it is very difficult to play, so few people brush it. You don’t see people leveling here because it is all around 70. Ordinary blame."

"Just near here? Can you find the beast vision?" Li Huailin asked.

"There is no problem with the beast, of course, I will try."

Sure enough, the two searched for a while, and then they encountered this wave of ss on the ridge. It was a black eagle. Of course, it was very large. When it was spread, it was similar to a small plane, and Li Huailin could see it. This guy's level, this is actually a level 80 wave ss, of course, the intensity is not very high.

"Hit it?" asked for a thousand years.

"No, catch him, you can catch it." Li Huailin said.

"This... I am only level 69. Although there is a possibility of success in this game, it is very low, and it must be weak and unable to move." The thousand-year-old here does not change.

"Then let it be weak and not moving." Li Huailin said.

The method used is very simple, weak, it is to fight, hit no blood, and then move is very simple, directly let Xiaomi go up to open Longwei skills, anyway, not scared is to settle, scared Li Huailin to open the eyes of Titan and then pull, Li Huailin is responsible for controlling this wave of ss. The next thousand-year constant is the constant use of persuasion to persuade the bird, and the success rate is as low as the thousand-year constant. Originally, Li Huailin didn’t take a minute to kill the bird, but now it’s hard to get it for more than 20 minutes. Finally, the tortured blackbird finally surrendered, and the success is not for a thousand years. Changed.

"Where, I am getting rich this time." For a thousand years, I said with a smile, "I actually accepted the flying pet, this tm can't fly, it's too embarrassing..."

"Don't say this first, hurry and I will enter the battlefield again." Li Huailin went back directly to the city after he finished.

Although I don't know what the situation is, the thousands of loads here have certainly returned, and then I entered the cross-service battlefield with Li Huailin. The thousands of loads along the way are still very exciting, this pet is really cool.

The result was just out of the gate of the battlefield portal. Here, Li Huailin directly said a word to the thousand-year-old, leaving the whole person speechless for a thousand years: "Come, here, the black bird is released." ”

"Ha? Ha?" It’s been a silly for a long time, "You...what are you talking about?"

"Release, speed." Li Huailin said again. (To be continued.)

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