All Things Wrong

Chapter 1452: Fall

Ten minutes is of course a joke. It takes ten minutes for the light to run back to the main city from here. Cypress can't keep up with the time prescribed by Li Huailin anyway, but he also tried his best. He just returned to the city to rest. Without a break, I rushed to the transfer point. Of course, as Li Huailin ordered, I immediately closed the transfer point, then drove all the players out, and then controlled all the npcs. 【

This can not be used to transfer points, of course, is very uncomfortable for players, but no one said anything, because these guys are npc only, do you still expect them to reason with you? Besides, this may be something like a plot event, so the players are also very curious, so they were driven out, but still standing at the door of the transmission array to see what it is.

Of course, Seprad also immediately pulled up the wall and blocked the adventurers. When he was commanding, a golden light flashed through the sky and Li Huailin appeared.

"It's a big brother!" A large group of players also saw Li Huailin. Although they didn't see anyone, they just saw the mount Xiaomi, but now everyone knows that the Golden Dragon is the mount of Niuqiang.

"You heard that there is no such thing. It is said that Niuqiang brother just got the pass outside the city."

"Yeah, I heard that the person who got the pass has a big arrow on his head."

Yes, no one thought of attacking Li Huailin at this time. The reason is very simple. Li Huailin thinks more about himself. It is true that he himself knows that the person who gets the pass is not invincible in the city, but other players don't know. Now this task is only open for a while, and there are not many other players who get the pass. And even if you get it, you will not disclose this information on its own initiative. Only when you get it and then be taken away will you be angry and open, so no one knows this information until now. Of course, no one wants to attack Li Huailin.

A large group of people are only discussing the case of Li Huailin getting a pass, but this is still quite normal for them. After all, it’s a big brother. Everyone is just watching the excitement. There is a person on the head who gets the pass. Everything that has been tagged has been heard, because many players have seen it. Now let’s see what the markup is like.

"Look. Big red arrow." Seeing Li Huailin landing, a large group of players began to look around, as if to see something very remarkable.

So the clubhouse npc clearing the field is to let the bulls come? why? "A group of players still have a bit of incomprehensible asking.

Li Huailin is also very strange why no one came up. At this time, others are still outside the door. If they are attacked, it is now, but no one wants to fight. Is it that the strength of their performance has shocked them? But of course this is also a good thing. In any case, Li Huailin quickly entered the transfer point. And Sprade is already waiting for Li Huailin at this time.

"Duke of the Duke, people have been under control." Seprad pointed to the side, Li Huailin saw about six or seven transmission staff in front of an inexplicable look at Li Huailin, of course, they also know Li Huailin, but not Knowing why I was caught, I didn’t seem to have committed anything, and I didn’t get the Duke’s adult.

"That, Duke adult. I am the stationmaster Domino here." A seemingly a little human aristocrat wearing npc wanted to stand up and talk to Li Huailin, but was immediately pulled by the soldiers next to him. Can only shout to Li Huailin.

"Domino? This name is good." Li Huailin nodded. "Domino stationmaster right, come and come, let him go, this guy is not."

The soldiers on both sides nodded and immediately released the Dominoes.

"This is the case, the webmaster, you know the last incident of the restoration of the old royal party." Li Huailin asked.

"Know, Duke adults." Domino said immediately, and of course I knew that this incident may be very serious, after all, it is involved.

"I now suspect that there may be someone in the association with the old royal party..." Li Huailin said.

"Oh? This is impossible. We don't have any old royals here." Domino said immediately, this is not to say that he believes in his subordinates, but that he must not have it. Otherwise, he has such people. Even if he can't escape, he can't escape the consequences. The consequences are too serious.

"Ha? I think there is, you tell me now, are you ready to cover the subordinates?" Li Huailin immediately said uncomfortable.

"This..." Domino is a bit of a dilemma. Although I don't want to have a rebel party under my own hands, I don't want to do it with Li Huailin. What should I do?

"Mother's Laozi has no time to spend with you." Li Huailin said that he directly looked at the remaining staff members. After picking one, he looked at the most disrespectful. "You, right, that is you... ”

"Public, Duke, I am not a rebel party, I absolutely support the rule of Anthony's Majesty..." The staff of this side are scared.

"Who made you loyal at this time." Li Huailin said, "I ask you, do you know a place called the city of Mesanso in the Dwarf Country?"

"Messan Sode City?" The staff member was a little glanced. This topic has also turned too fast. Suddenly asked what to do, isn’t it a traitor? But of course, I dare not answer it. As a staff member of the transmission array, of course, the names of all the mainland are very clear, so I immediately replied, "I know, you know the map, it is here..."

"Oh..." Li Huailin nodded, then waved directly. "Well, he is, this guy is the old royal party."

"Hey?" Not only is this staff member, but even Sprad is a glimpse. How do you judge this is the old royal party? He also knows where the city of Mesanso is, is it that he answers and knows that he will be arrested as a traitor? Is there anything special about this Messan Sode city? Is it the headquarters of the old royal party?

I didn't know what was going on, but Seprad still waved, and the two soldiers in the back quickly pulled the staff here.

"No, no, the Duke, you made a mistake. I am really a loyal and loyal person. It’s really not the old royal party." The staff here is quite miserable. This is really nonsense because he really It was shackled.

"This, the Duke adults pressed this person back and tortured?" said Spider, who came to Li Huailin's side.

"Well... I’ve hacked it on the spot, and I’m upset when I see the old royal party.” Li Huailin said with a wave.

"Cut hacked on the spot?" Seprad was a glimpse, and it was too arrogant.

"Yeah, well, everyone is fine." After talking about Li Huailin, he turned his head and said to other people, "The traitor is just like this, and now you can continue to work. There is still something to be done right now. Go to the city of Mesanso, the one over there, and quickly prepare me for the transfer."

"This..." A group of people can't keep up with Li Huailin's rhythm. What the **** is this.

"Tmd can't do it faster, I don't know if I am in a hurry." Li Huailin immediately shouted.

"Yes, Duke adults." Although I don't understand it at all, no one dared to question Li Huailin, of course, according to what Li Huailin said. The other staff here were ready to transfer the array, and then Li Huailin went to Meishan Sode City smoothly. As for the guy who was shackled, Li Huailin was too lazy to control anyway, but now it is time.

Mesan Sod City is an ordinary dwarf city, probably located in the southern part of the dwarf country. In the previous battle, the southern part of the dwarf has not been devastated by Li Huailin, so the situation is relatively good, the city is still peaceful. And because this is not the leveling area of ​​the current player level, there are fewer people. Several players have seen the obvious red arrow on Li Huailin's head, but the players obviously don't know what it means, just a little curious. Pointing at Li Huailin, but no one came up.

Li Huailin didn't control them to go straight to Xiaomi, and then proceeded toward the northeast direction of the night flight. While flying, Li Huailin used the team channel to contact other people in the team, and they should come. It’s almost 20 minutes, and I may have already met each other.

"I am here, you guys, are you finding the other party now?" Li Huailin asked.

"Are you here?" Summon the Jade Emperor a little, "Safely?"

"Crap, am I really afraid of them?" Li Huailin said with a sigh.

"All let you not come, forget it, anyway, we are also looking for people, you are more convenient in the air." The call of the jade emperor here said.

"Is still looking? I haven't found it yet?" Li Huailin said.

"Crap, do you think it is easy to find a person with such a large map? Although there are arrows, you must also see talents." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "Now the news is almost half an hour away, the other party may go. How far is it not clear..."

"Then... Is there a clue?" Li Huailin asked.

"This is really there." Summoned the Jade Emperor. "In fact, we actually met a few people. One of the players told us that we saw a red arrow on the head and the player is moving towards the north, so we are now Going north."

"Oh, I understand." Li Huailin nodded. "That line, I am looking for a clearer vision from the air. I think the farthest distance of the other party, I think I should be able to catch up soon."

"That line, we are chasing on the ground, who first found out and reported the coordinates." Summon the Jade Emperor nodded.

"Okay, that's it." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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