All Things Wrong

Chapter 1456: Enhance strength

Early in the morning, Li Huailin got up early on the line. The place to go online is of course the place where the blood diamonds were stored yesterday. Now the place has changed a bit. Before Li Huailin looked for Filett Liga to guard, but it was also for Reggae to assist them. Regg’s instructions to Li Huailin were of course very good, so I also found a group of reinforcements to help. Nearly 100 people have begun to feel the establishment of camps and temporary defense facilities in this place.

When Li Huailin was on the line, he saw that the soldiers here were logging wooden fences. These soldiers should be recruited by the First Corps, not Li Huailin’s private army. Of course, it is also private. Because he did not go to find his own private army, Regg should also consider that Li Huailin told him not to tell Gert himself that he was here, so Regg did not go back.

"Very good." Li Huailin saw the situation and was satisfied with nod. "Continue to work hard."

"Yes, Marshal." I only listened to the sentence very well. Here, Regg is very touched. Whether it is loaded or true, Li Huailin feels that this guy is very good. It is very sensible. .

In the temporary camp, Li Huailin found the current duty, that is, summoning the Jade Emperor, they also arranged a time on duty, now it is the call to call the Jade Emperor, just saw the call, the call here will pull Lived Li Huailin.

"My mobile phone is yours. Let's have strange information sent to my mobile phone since yesterday..." summoned the Jade Emperor to look at Li Huailin's collar.

"Calm and calm." Li Huailin immediately said, "Do you think this is not to collect intelligence? Now the information is not sent to you."

"Have you blacked out the game forum? Why do the posts I see are unencrypted bounty stickers, you can see the other party's information without buying?" The caller Jade Emperor here has also seen it. Li Huailin’s hacking skills, although I don’t know how to be so embarrassed, actually went into the game forum.

"Cough and cough... I am not worried about being cheated. You don't worry about it now. Anyway, we can all go to the information, verify it later, and you want to give it back, then Without delay, we are one-handed..." Li Huailin said.

"You are here..." The summoning of the Jade Emperor here, although it is also true. But this is not always good. "Would you get into trouble?"

"You are worried about being investigated? Nothing, I am at ease, I am serious, no one can find me..." Li Huailin said, "Well, okay, don't look at me like this, I am not laughing."

"If you do this, I will be responsible for it." The call of the jade emperor here said.

"Nothing, you can rest assured, even if you are really found, you will report my name. Just say that you are my woman, let you out in minutes, hehe..." Li Huailin was beaten before he said, "I am not really No kidding, this doesn't matter."

"Okay, okay, although I don't know if I believe you in one time." Summon Jade Emperor said, "I will let them authenticate the information here, and then I will try to hit a few times. Then you side……"

"I am going to practice a little level." Li Huailin said, "The task behind it may be difficult. So prepare a little."

"How many levels can you train in two days?" said the jade emperor here. "You are now tens of millions of experience in level 80 and level 81. It is estimated that it is difficult to score 10% in two days."

"Nothing, I have a way to upgrade, there is no problem in giving birth to 10 in two days." Li Huailin said with a wave.

"Oh..." The summoned Jade Emperor here was almost scared to death. "What? Ten-level? I haven't seen your level for a month, and now suddenly rise to ten."

"Really. I... I am too lazy to explain. Anyway, upgrading is just a matter of how long it takes. In short, I will rely on you to support it. Tomorrow, I will come to pass the pass. Today, let me prepare more time." Li Huailin Said.

"Okay, okay. Anyway, I didn't expect you." Summon the Jade Emperor said, it is the summoning of the Jade Emperor or that Li Huailin wants to be lazy, but Li Huailin is lazy. It seems that they are used to it, and they don't want to manage it.

"I am not really leveling." Li Huailin said, "I have forgotten it. I like to use facts to speak. So, tomorrow I will scare you to death."

"I am so afraid of walking, in short, let's go first." Summon Jade Emperor waved directly.

"Hey, you tone this way..." Li Huailin said. "This forced me to fix it. You waited for me..."

"..." summoned the Jade Emperor to be too lazy to talk, anyway, quietly watching Li Huailin's pretending to be finished.

Since they have already boasted of Haikou, then the natural task of Li Huailin is to level up. Of course, Li Huailin has no need for leveling, because the level of training increases is Li Huailin’s attribute point. Now Li Huailin adds attribute points. It's useless, because when you touch a woman, you can increase the attribute point by 80%. How long does it take to level up?

Although he summoned the cow on the side of the summoned Jade Emperor, Li Huailin is not very concerned about the leveling, and Li Huailin’s main things are two, one is skill, and the other is equipment.

First of all, the skills, now Li Huailin’s skills are basically enough. In fact, the basic skills of the fighters are very good except for the whirlwind. Other basic skills are really not used. Li Huailin wants to learn now. Skills, but now your own level is not enough, so this is the reason why Li Huailin wants to level up. According to the previous habits, the level of the next esoteric skill should be learned at level 90, so Li Huailin now wants to raise his level to 90 or 100, and then go to see Dasha and teach. Your own skills.

Then there is equipment, and Li Huailin’s demand for equipment is not great. If he decides to upgrade, then naturally he needs to play another 90 or 100 level equipment, because it is not too much for Li Huailin to play the copy. Difficult things, so there should be no problem, the main cost is still time, so Li Huailin still has to hurry.

Another problem with equipment is of course the problem of the unblocking of artifacts. This is also the biggest improvement for Li Huailin. Of course, there are still a lot of artifacts in Li Huailin's hands, but in the end, the most powerful ones are two pieces, the light and the roots. Of course, Li Huailin wants to unblock the two pieces.

The side of the glory has been unsealed to the last level, that is, the level is still full. Li Huailin thinks that there may be special rewards after the artifact is completely unsealed. After all, the previous online games are like this. Set up, the faint light here is also from time to time to provoke Li Huailin to unblock, saying that I am very quick to unblock me. Li Huailin also thought, the problem is that the conditions are too exaggerated, where are the millions of people looking for them. Here is an analogy. Li Huailin will go to the gods’ guild now. The other party will come to 50,000 people and will be killed by Li Huailin. It will be killed ten times. This is only 500,000, and it is necessary to kill 50,000 people for 200 times. Mission, and 200 times that is the other party lost 20, you think that the other party may be stupid to this extent, 20 levels are not running? Therefore, Li Huailin really can't think of any good way to brush this point unless it launches a nationwide ethnic annihilation war.

The root of the other side, now unblocking the second layer, the number of points currently needed is 5 million. This Li Huailin looked a little, as if... okay. Yes, unlike the glory, in fact, the unsealing conditions required by the roots are a little looser. As long as someone releases a directional skill for you, then one can give you unlimited brushing. But the problem is... a person is really too slow. The simplest way that Li Huailin can think of is naturally a bunch of people around Li Huailin constantly giving Li Huailin skills.

According to the current Master's cast distance is 30 yards calculation, that is, a circle of 30 yards centered on Li Huailin can attack Li Huailin. According to the area estimate, the 30-yard circle has about 2,500 square meters, according to one square meter. Personally, then 10,000 people can attack Li Huailin at the same time. If you can really be so ideal, each person can attack Li Huailin 500 times to complete the task, and 500 spells are really nothing for the Master. When they level, they must cast so many times in an hour, so If it can be achieved, this is still very simple to complete.

But now the problem is here, Li Huailin does not have so many people. Li Huailin does not form a guild. It is really impossible to find so many people to help, but Li Huailin really wants to unblock the roots. Although I don't know what the final skills are, it is good to unblock them.

Li Huailin thought about it now is two ways, the first way is to find a guild to help; the second way is to post a post to find someone to help. Li Huailin took a look at the first one, of course, because this is a group activity. All of them are idlers. It is too much trouble to organize. The guild’s words are very organized and disciplined, so they should be faster. It won't be too bothersome.

I thought about Li Huailin and decided to find a night flight. Although he just repaid his own personal feelings, he can still owe it again, and he will not have it in the future. Let me talk to him first, let him start organizing the staff, and then you can start leveling. After a while, practice leveling and automatic connection, the time card is good. (To be continued...)

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