All Things Wrong

Chapter 1459: Skill test

Yes, Li Huailin first saw that the last task of this full unblocking was rewarded. Is it actually 200 points of intelligence? Of course, it should have been an increase of 200 points in intelligence, but now... Turning to look at the status of his characters, the intelligence is actually deducted into a negative, really Li Huailin has not seen the attributes of the characters until now. Can it become negative, what is the situation?

Fortunately, in the game "Glory Heart", the only link between the intellectual property and the intellectual property is the law injury and the magic resistance. Li Huailin looked at his own attribute law injury has become a buckle, that is to say, if Li Huailin will fireball Originally, the level 10 fireball damage was about 400-500. Li Huailin could not throw 100 injuries, because the power of spell skills was also permanently reduced by 25%. It is really impossible to hurt. Hey, and the evil resistance aspect Li Huailin has also been greatly affected. Originally, Li Huailin’s magic resistance is still able to see, and now it is almost close to 0.

Fortunately, these things are still acceptable to Li Huailin. After all, the intellectual property is really useless to the fighters, but ... can't really be negative, because this is no problem of mental retardation. It is a negative IQ. However, I thought about it. If I deduct other attributes, Li Huailin couldn’t accept it. I thought it would be OK.

It is said that Li Huailin really wants to see what happens when Wan Wan is deducted to the negative. Of course, he does not dare to try. If there is something wrong with it, there is no gm to help you fix it.

"Forget it, anyway, there is no intelligence." Every time Li Huailin said this sentence, I feel that I am accustomed to being deducted. After reading this, Li Huailin looked at the other attributes of the roots again.

Sure enough, as before, the other attributes of the root source have also been improved a lot. In particular, the attack has already broken through the 2000 mark. Now it should be the strongest weapon of its own attack, but the attribute is not the attribute that you want. The most important attribute is intelligence, and then your own intelligence is negative. Is there any use of this percentage?

The skill of the brilliant aura is still upgraded as much as I thought. Now it's 500% of the 960 yards. If you can bring a Master's group, it's almost invincible. You can avoid the magic value without any worry. The skill of summoning the magical beast seems to be nothing. Variety. However, Li Huailin, who has experience, has not been able to summon it until he is estimated that the skills of the magical beast itself have been enhanced. And Li Huailin has no time to summon, the most important thing is to look at these new skills.

Magic extraction, this is a skill to infinitely improve the spell damage, of course, for the Master is the magical skills in the magic. But... What is the relationship with Li Huailin? Obviously, it doesn't matter, his intelligence is negative. What is the skill of this skill? Anyway, it is also a passive skill. Let him go.

Feedback, this skill is a very good skill. In a flash, everyone within 30 yards can lose their magic value and can cause damage. It is not only an aoe, but also a control field. This skill is of course the skill that Li Huailin wants. It is. To tell the truth, seeing this skill, Li Huailin feels that it is worthwhile to be deducted 200 points of intelligence, and negative IQ is the IQ.

These two skills are still within the scope of Li Huailin's understanding, but this last artifact skill Li Huailin is a little bit incomprehensible, the magic law? Rule ability? Although Li Huailin has been playing for so long, the artifact has seen a lot of things that I have never seen before. I looked at the property and can unconditionally kill all the armorless or cloth armor units, that is to say, all the wizards and warlocks can be second. Pastor occupation? It doesn't seem to be very strong, because Li Huailin's current attack power hits these cloth units. It is a second, so what is the use of this seemingly awkward rule skill?

"Is it not only the player? NPC can also be seconds?" Li Huailin slightly stunned. Because I haven't seen the judgment mechanism that I don't know much about this thing, to tell the truth, Li Huailin thinks that this skill is not so simple, and I really want to try what it is.

"Big brother, bulls!" When thinking about it, Li Huailin suddenly heard someone calling himself. Looking down at a few members of the spiritual world, seeing Li Huailin look at him again, the following people immediately said, "Big brother, the president is looking for you!"

Li Huailin looked at it, and sure enough, the night flight here has already been a long-distance call. But I was thinking about things I didn’t see, and now I’m picking up the remotes directly.

"How, Huai Lin, is it finished?" asked the night flight.

"Yes, the mission is already completed, the weapons are also unsealed. I am looking at the attributes of the weapons here, so I just squatted a little." Li Huailin said.

"How about the weapon's properties?" The night flight here is also a question, but I thought about it and said, "Forget it, when I didn't ask." Yes, he also thought that he was too abrupt, this kind of thing is still not The initiative to ask is better, and I have no brakes.

"Oh, that's it." Li Huailin turned his eyes, because he just wanted to try this magical law. There are just so many wizards here. Now, what is the situation in the player's body? Anyway, this thing has been given. The night flight has been seen, so there are two more skills for him to look at. It is estimated that the other party will not spread out, so Li Huailin posted the attribute of the Excalibur here.

"The trough..." The night flight here has been seen again. Although I have seen it once, but once again saw the property of the sword after the unsealing, it still has to be scared. "960 yards is 500. % back to the blue, it is too invincible to open this group game. It is too embarrassing."

"Is the opponent also good?" Li Huailin said.

"Although it is, but it is used well, forget it..." Night Airlines said, "This sword is a pity. It seems that the Master is more powerful. It is a pity that you are carrying it. All of them are skills of adding injury. If you can spell it, the damage will explode..."

"I also want to be a mage." Li Huailin wanted to play the mage at first. What he didn't expect was that he was deducted by talent. As a result, he is now black all the way, and his intelligence is deducted into a negative number. Now think about it from one. Start the flag set.

"This rule skill... What's going on?" Sure enough, the night flight here noticed this rule skill. The law is very audible, but the explanation of this skill is also slightly ambiguous. feel.

"I also want to know, or do we try?" Li Huailin asked.

"Oh..." At night, I knew why Li Huailin wanted to show him the attributes of the sword, but he really wanted to know what was going on. After thinking about it, he nodded. "Slightly wait, I will arrange it."

The consideration of night flights is much more than that of Li Huai-lin. First of all, this group of people has already seen his discipline, so it is not very good for them to participate. The night flight is also a little talk in the guild channel. At the end of the activity, the rewards and other guilds will be taken to the collar, and then the people here will be disbanded.

Then the night flight looked for a few people in the guild to test, of course, they are more confidant members, it should be the kind that will not go out to talk. The test location is placed in the arena, because the pk inside the arena is dead and will not lose experience and equipment, so the test skills are very convenient.

Li Huailin is of course obeying. The other side thinks more than himself. Of course, he listens to him. So he went to the arena with this night flight. Although it took some time, as long as he can test it, Li Huailin thinks it is worth it. .

The test of the first step is of course started. The first thing I will face is a mage. First test how this spike ability works. Then Li Huailin gently cuts the knife. The opposite side lies directly on the ground.

"But... my own attack power can also be a knife and a second." Although everyone is a little surprised to see Li Huailin here, but Li Huailin said that this is no big deal, but did not show the number of damage.

"Also..." The night flight nodded. After all, Li Huailin often played tens of thousands of injuries in the previous game. The cloth can have no such blood. "But I think that any damage reduction can also work." , knife brother, you try to open a magic shield."

This player, who is not a knife, can open the magic shield directly into the ring. Then Li Huailin goes up and is a simple knife. The other party is directly on the ground. It still shows no damage figures. The magic shield should be To deduct the mana, but this time did not show, anyway, it died directly.

"This, it seems to be a spike, but the reduction should not work, but it is invincible?" This is not very unexpected, but the night flight immediately think of another aspect, "Ice method has a skill called The refrigerator can keep 8 seconds of invincible time, although it can't do anything by itself, but it is a life-saving skill. You have this skill in the day."

"Yes." The wizard, who called Tiantian, nodded and stood up. "This invincible skill is very good. It is a very rare chance. I just have it."

"That try..."

Nothing to say, the other side of this day also fell on the platform, and then directly opened the refrigerator, Li Huailin said nothing to go to the refrigerator is a knife, and then ... the people inside died, yes, should have been invincible, However, Li Huailin was hacked to death. This refrigerator is an active skill. Even if it is broken, it cannot be ignored. However, it was hacked to death by Li Huailin.

"Looking in the trough! Even invincible can be seconds? It must be seconds." Night flight was also surprised. "But... according to the instructions above, I would like to know if other professions wear cloth, can Is it?" (To be continued.)

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