All Things Wrong

Chapter 1461: Offensive mage tower

The neutral city of Randi, the name of the city is simply “magic energy”. The great mage Lanzarro built the first mage tower here hundreds of years ago, named Rand Diva, and then there are many The Master has also established the Master Tower here, and gradually it has become a holy place for the Master, and gradually developed into a very prosperous city, known as the "City of Magic." :6d

This is simply a paradise for the Master. Basically all the equipment and props of the Master can be found here. Not only, in fact, there are still a lot of players here, because the Master’s professional tasks are basically coming here, and here is also the transfer place of the Master’s second turn, as long as you are a Master player, you must come here. The number of Master players is the most, so this has become the city with the most players except the six main cities.

It is a pity that the city is completely ruled by the Master Tower. There are no commercial shops that players can buy. It is only a little inconvenient to come here. The commercial development is not as good as the main city. There, so only the Master players come here, other players generally do not come.

As a result, a person who appears on the street is more conspicuous. Because the whole street looked all over wearing the mage robe or the player, then suddenly there was such a person carrying a big sword, of course, it was immediately seen, and this person is still familiar with the players, Called the Duke of Aquitaine, the players called him a tyrant.

The players feel a bit strange about Li Huailin's appearance, but they don't have much reaction. They are discussing why Li Huailin has no arrow on his head. Can it be said that Li Huailin's pass was robbed? They are still handed over to others for custody. Of course, they are more inclined to hand over to others. Now, the possibility that Li Huailin will be robbed is still relatively low.

The reaction to Li Huailin is generally relatively large. The mages here are more or less related to the Master Tower, and now they have heard more or less. The current situation is that Li Huailin has already called the emperor here, and he is still the mainland emperor, and the Master Tower has not yet recognized Li Huailin’s emperor.

Yes, there is no way to admit the Master Tower here. Because the Avengers Alliance over there has clearly acknowledged Li Huailin’s emperor, they cannot follow it. If they admit it, they are equal to acknowledging the status of the Avengers. This is of course unacceptable, so Li Huailin’s act of emperor, the Master Tower has not responded so far.

So the reason why Li Huailin suddenly appears here is a bit curious. Of course, Li Huailin certainly has no purpose. Otherwise, what do you do with a warrior? Should it be the reason for governance, is it to force the mage tower to express its position? But it’s another person...

They are a little nervous. While looking at Li Huailin and speculating on Li Huailin's reason, Li Hualin looked at the magic tower in the middle of Randiwa step by step. This is of course the magic tower where the Master's Guild is located.

This magic tower is of course the first magic tower built by Lanzarro, and later became the headquarters of the Masters Guild, because no one is qualified to own the Master Tower. After these years of transformation, it has become the most sacred place of the Master, and the approximate status is equivalent to the General Church of the Church of Light.

Of course, it is not easy to enter here, the player can only enter the hall next to the first floor, in fact, it does not really enter the Master Tower. Because the hall here is built in the back, the real Master Tower can only be entered after the invitation of the famous actor. Of course, no one has qualified until now.

"The bulls are marching toward the Master Tower. Is it going to go in?" Several Master players here looked at the direction of Li Huailin. Could it be said that the first player to enter the Master Tower should appear? And the irony is that this player is actually a warrior player, this...

Looking at Li Huailin to the Master Tower, a large group of people came around. Not only the players, but also come over, they want to see what the Duke of Aquitaine is coming to the Master Tower. If there is any unexpected situation, they can respond as quickly as possible.

However, Li Huailin just stopped at the door and was stopped. The one who stopped him was of course the guard of the Master Tower. Li Huailin also looked at the guard. In fact, the guards here are really strange, because the dress is too strange, it seems to be wearing a mage robe, and then equipped with a left hand holding a staff, and a right hand wearing a sword, is it still a melee mage? Of course, Li Huailin does not know that the Master really has a classification of War Mage, although the number is relatively small. Because the status is not high.

"The adventurer, in front of Rand Diva, the headquarters of the Masters Guild, do you have an invitation?" one of the combat mages said to Li Huailin.

"No." Li Huailin directly spread his hands. "Nothing can't be right."

"Of course." The captain here immediately said, "Especially you are still a warrior adventurer, then it is even more..."

"Wait..." is saying, the Master Tower is coming out of a mage. This looks like a 5 year old. Seeing that the race is a demon, Li Huailin doesn’t know how to look at the rank of the teacher. It is said to follow the chest. Seen from the Jinwen logo, Li Huailin did not understand, but from the reaction of several guards, this is called Mott Zoros and looks very good.

"Zuoros adults!" Several guards saw Zoros, and immediately went to court. The etiquette used was of course the etiquette of the Master. Li Huailin had never seen it.

"Hey... If I chose the Master at the beginning, I might be mixing here." Li Huailin also sighed.

"You are too blind, this is the Duke of Aquitaine of the Terran Empire." Li Huailin, the Duke of the Human Empire, is certainly admitted, so it is also introduced.

"What? This is..." The guards here have just recognized Li Huailin. Of course, he also heard about Li Huailin’s claim that the bombs were going to blurt out but they immediately stopped. "This... The Duke is just really sorry."

I thought that Li Huailin would say something: "You apologize, you just keep your duty." But there is no such thing. Li Huailin has no guards. This very unattended behavior made the scene a little awkward. Zoros here immediately said: "Duke, please don't be angry. Of course you are eligible to enter the Master Tower. Elder Lancaster is also deliberate. Send me to meet you."

Zoros is quite polite to Li Huailin, but it is not the case. All the masters have a high sense of being above the other professions, just like the holy level overlooking others. Although Li Huailin is the duke of the personal family, the title of the title is nothing to the mages. Of course, Zoros also knew that Li Huailin now called the emperor, but in his opinion, doing the right thing with their mage tower is simply a behavior of seeking death. Li Huailin’s best hand should be the rebellion of several holy levels of the Holy Alliance, but Zoros thinks that these people are too far away from the elders of Lancaster, and they seem to have the same number of people on both sides, but In fact, there is no way to compare. In fact, Zoros does not know why Elder Lancaster will let him come to Li Huailin specifically. If he kills this guy directly, he will not finish.

"It seems that you are still a bit ambiguous." Li Huailin said that he still said that he didn't give face very much. "What you just said is that the person who called Elder Lancaster agreed that I could go in and feel like it?"

"This... Is there anything weird?" Zoros here does not quite understand the meaning of Li Huailin. Isn't this true?

" the mainland emperor. Where do I need to get the consent of anyone else? I wonder if this person named Elder Lancaster has the right to limit my entry and exit. Do you want to rebel? ?"

"What mainland emperor?" Zoros here is a bit uncomfortable. I thought we didn't admit you yet. You really took yourself seriously, and your face was a little bit worse. Of course, he didn't immediately say it. "In short, our Master Tower only listens to the orders of Elder Lancaster."

"Well? It seems that I really want to rebel." Yes, Li Huailin is completely rude, because he is asking for trouble, why should he be polite with them, "I am giving you a chance, now let this Called the Lancaster guy to give me a apology, I am bothering you once, or else the entire Master Tower, no, I have flattened the whole city."

"What, do you dare to fight with our Master Tower?" Zoros on this side was stunned. How did the other party be so embarrassed, and they didn't say anything on their side, and the other party was still preparing to take the initiative to fight? This guy is not sick.

"Hey? You mean what I mean, I don't dare to look like it." Li Huailin said with a smile. "I am very curious. What are your cards here?"

"Don't say anything else, just because I am Zoros here, you can't be here... ah..." Zoros wanted to pretend to be forced. The problem was that he didn't pretend, and he didn't finish it. Li Huailin went up. Gently kicked on Zoros's body, Zoros directly flew up here, then squatted on the wall next to him, then fell directly to the ground, blood flowing to the ground...

"Mr. Zoros, Master Zoros!" The guards next to him rushed over. As a result, Zuros turned over and looked at it. "Zuo Luosi...dead?" Welcome you.

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