All Things Wrong

Chapter 1471: Kgalifis Manufacturing Plant

Neutral City Randiva Central, at the door of the Master's Tower, is a group of people gathered here, whether it is npc or the player, seeing that Li Huailin is coming again, I know that something is happening, and of course it is gathering again. Come over, I didn't expect to have a follow-up story that I didn't read. Of course, I have to come back and have a look. ●⌒,

But what happened to everyone did not happen, Li Huailin looked at the door of the Master Tower, it was very quiet, the guards at the door were gone, and even the entire tower did not light, as if no one was here.

"What? Run?" Li Huailin took a look, and I really didn't expect that the other party actually ran. To tell the truth, this really makes Li Huailing a bit headache. I don't know where the other party is going, and I don't have time to look for it.

To tell the truth, Li Huailin originally thought about it very simply. He came over to kill the guy named Krassen who had never heard of it. The purpose is of course to tell everyone that only the person I designate can be the president. Others go up to oneself. Kill one and see who you dare to go up. Of course, killing a person is a very simple matter. After all, you can be a magician of the wizard's guild. You can't let a guy wearing heavy armor come to it, so Li Huailin can be second. Killing a president will not be a few minutes, so it is not delayed.

But what I didn’t expect was that the other party actually ran away, and it was dragging the family to run with them. Now I don’t know where to find people. This...

"Oh... someone saw where the people of the Masters Guild went?" Li Huailin looked at the people around him and asked.

"No, it’s a big brother."

"I didn't see anyone coming out."

"There is a transmission array in the Masters Guild. It is estimated that it is running in a transmission." Neither the npc nor the players are telling Li Huailin about the situation.

Since there is a transmission array, Li Huailin does not know where to find someone. When he is in a headache, the team information of the night flight here is also coming. Because the time of the collection is coming, the night flight is also a slight reminder of Li Huailin, because he himself said it is easy to forget.

"True tm egg hurts." Li Huailin is speechless, the Tang Masters Guild, the pharmacy Bilian. Actually, the entire tower has ran, what to do. But I really don't have a way to do it. I can't wait for someone to look around the world.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin, who was very upset, saw that there were about three high-rise majestic mage towers. This building is really a bunker, and it is said that it has been hundreds of years old and is a symbol of the entire mage union.

"Broken it." Li Huailin said that the escaped monk could not escape the temple. It is really impossible to catch up with the monk, and it can only blow up the temple.

"Come. Everyone is flashing, and it is not responsible for accidental injury." Li Huailin only said hello to the people next to him. Although I don't know what Li Huailin wants to do, everyone is still more obedient, and soon let some open. . Looking at the distance, Li Huailin's right eye flashed white, a white laser cut through the night sky, and then swept directly in the middle of the mage tower, it looked like it was going to cut off this thing.

But it was a bit unsatisfactory because it was at the same time as Li Huailin attacked. The exterior of the Mage Tower suddenly flashed a yellow light, as if a magic shield had suddenly appeared, and it was in front of Li Huailin’s laser, and the strength of the shield looked very good. Because it perfectly blocked the laser attack, and then a huge explosion sounded, the laser's subsequent explosion damage was also triggered, but after the smoke, Li Huailin still saw the mage tower standing, as if nothing did not receive anything. damage.

"Hey? It's a bit powerful." It looks like this wizard tower has something like the magical array of automatic defense. And it looks quite strong, and there is nothing in the reaction of a laser.

"Is it necessary to remove the tower?"

"The trough is too hoisted, seems to be useless. It won't break."

Li Huailin also knew most of the players who had blown up the main city before. Now seeing this skill and Li Huailin's release angle, everyone also guessed that Li Huailin wanted to directly dismantle the Master Tower. This is the Master Tower, the symbol of the Masters Guild, and Li Huailin actually wants to take it apart. This is really too strong, and it is worthy of his name.

"It's useless." An npc next to this time suddenly said, "You can't beat it."

"Oh?" Li Huailin just wanted to attack again. It is also very simple to think about it. Anyway, if you can't beat a shot, you will have a few more rounds. Anyway, you use your skills without magic. Li Huailin really doesn't believe that this thing can keep going. But it was a bit strange to hear that the seemingly older npc next to him said. This npc seems to be a mage, of course, it should not be the mage of the Master Tower, because the gold text on the chest is not the same, Li Huailin is a bit strange why the other party said so positive.

"This Randyva Master Tower is the Master Tower built by the legendary Master Lanzarro. It has been in existence for more than three hundred years. In the past three hundred years, this Master Tower has also experienced large and small Various attacks, wars, but no one has ever been able to destroy the tower.” NPC sighed and said, “The master of Lanzarro is really a master. So far, many wizards have established a lot of mage towers. But none of them have the same abilities as this Randyva Master Tower, and this technology has been lost, so this is the only mage tower on the road that will not be captured..."

"It turns out that it is no wonder that the other party is so bold that they all run straight. It turns out that it is hard to take advantage of their mage tower. Anyway, others can't beat it, so it doesn't matter..." Li Huailin nodded.

However, Li Huailin seems to want to dismantle the tower in this way. Unfortunately, Li Huailin still can't think of any way, and the main reason is that the time for gathering now is coming soon. After thinking about it, Li Huailin decided to go and make a copy first.

I didn't think so much. Li Huailin left the scene directly, but I didn't expect that the rest of the group would be open after the departure. Because Li Huailin did not do anything, it feels like he has eaten. Ah, there is no way to take this thing out of the tower. I don’t think it’s like a sneak sneak away. It’s not a shame.

"The cow is dying."

"Ha ha ha, there is nothing wrong with this."

"At the end of the day, there are also times when the squad is not forced to be smashed." The players immediately began to talk about it, because Li Huailin seems to have no way to go.

"Sure enough, there is no way to take this thing." The npc next to it began to talk about it. Although this group of npcs is not a mage of the Master Tower, it is also a Master's occupation. It is also a bit uncomfortable to see Li Huailin pretending to be honest here. Now, I saw Li Huailin eating and walking away. It was also inexplicably comfortable. I started to ridicule. "Sure enough, the Master is still very powerful, but the current Master does not have the level of Master Lanzarro..."

"Oh... when can I restore the glory of the Lanzarro period?"

Li Huailin didn't know what was going on, because he really didn't think so much. He must have tried to get rid of the tower. It is just a matter of time. The matter of demolition of the tower is not anxious. Leaving the city of Randy Diva, Li Huailin quickly transferred to the city of Moganli, a neutral city located in the south-central part of the mainland, closer to the dwarf city, but in fact it is a dwarf city and a dwarf This kind of neutral city is rare in ethnic minorities.

Li Huailin came here for the sake of a copy of the Raiders. I used to listen to the night flight. This copy of the factory called Kgalifis was originally a factory of a gnome called Kgalifis. Mainly for the construction of machine parts and the like, but then attacked by unknown robotic monsters, and then occupied, the other party is probably using this as a stronghold, but also built a mechanical castle, not only that, they also Drive out the gnomes here.

In fact, before this happened, the city of Moganli was still about ten kilometers away from now, that is, the position of the copy of the Kgalifis factory, but later the gnomes were driven out. A new city was built here, of course, also called Moganli City, and the original place became a copy.

When Li Huailin arrived, the people in the spiritual world were already ready, and the personnel were slightly adjusted. The night flight also increased the ratio of anti-war and treatment, because the output was almost useless. After all, this is really too If you are strong, you can’t move at all, or you have to keep your life.

Nothing to say immediately, Li Huailin also because they have not been to follow the night flight, they walked for about twenty minutes, and finally saw the copy of the door. Of course, there is no one at the gate of the copy. In addition to the help of Li Huailin in the spiritual world, other guilds can't open the copy.

The copy of the gate is estimated to be the original door of the city of Moganli, and it seems that part of the transformation, Li Huailin looks like this copy of the painting style seems a bit different, because the sense of technology is full, even the door is made of metal, There are some styles like steampunk.

"This is a little hard to beat. I am going to try it advanced. If it doesn't work, then there is no way." Li Huailin said.

"Yeah." The night flight also nodded. (To be continued.)

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