All Things Wrong

Chapter 1477: The status of the Avengers

Half an hour later, Li Huailin appeared in the new base of the Avengers. Like the previous sacred alliance, the Avengers’ base is also in a neutral city called Giritto. In fact, the city is still a famous neutral city. This city is famous because the city is in the middle of the mainland. position. Yes, the whole continent looks from top to bottom. It is in the middle, from left to right. It is still in the middle. This city of Giritto is a city built by Gilto, and Girito is in the gnome. The meaning of the center.

Of course, now the city has long been a city of goblin, and the architectural style is not entirely the style of the goblin. After all, the whole city has basically lost the goblin. That is because in the events of the invasion of the whole continent by the undead before 100 years ago, this city is the headquarters of the undead, and then unfortunately it was finally captured by the undead. After that, the undead is of course the execution of the massacre. Those who fight against the undead are of course running away, but unfortunately all the civilians have been killed, so the city is almost destroyed.

After a hundred years of war, the city has been slowly recovering. Unfortunately, this is a neutral city, so it does not belong to any country. No country is willing to support them. After all, everyone needs to rebuild after the war. The city was once abandoned, almost abandoned, but soon there was a local named DeLand, this person was a resident of the city of Gilito, because he went out to do business and escaped the dead city of the undead, and then returned here after the war. I began to organize reconstruction work.

Although it was very difficult, after a hundred years of hard work, the city of Giritto finally recovered slowly. Although it was not the size of the time, it was already very good.

At this time, the city owner of the city of Gilito was the grandson of Deran, who was rebuilding the city at the time. The 29-year-old youth Ashto. Of course, at this time their family is not a merchant family, but also belongs to the aristocratic family, although there is no book, but after all, it is the city owner. Ashto's lifelong aspirations are similar to that of his grandfather, which is to restore the glory of the city of Giritto. Ashto is also a very ambitious and energetic young man. So when I heard that the newly established Holy Alliance Alliance Avengers wanted to find a base, Ashto also personally recommended the city of Giritto. Of course, Li Huailin was completely inaccessible at this time, so Dashe had several people. A little discussion has passed this decision.

At this time, the Avengers’ Base of the City of Gilito has been built for some time. Although it has not been fully constructed, it can already be used here, so now the six holy levels that have joined the Avengers are here. On the other hand, Li Huailin was also sent to the side of Dashe Juggernaut, and then appeared here.

"You killed Lancaster?" The first problem with seeing Li Huailin Da She Jian Sheng is this. The death news of Lancaster was of course spread throughout the continent in an instant, although most people heard that the first reaction of the news was not to believe, but the news was quickly confirmed by many people because However, there are so many people watching, it is not possible to block the news.

"Yeah, what happened?" Li Huailin said with a hip.

"How to do it?" Dashe Juggernaut asked a bit strangely. To tell the truth, Lancaster's strength is still above him. It is already the top level of the mainland. The more conceited person of Dashe Juggernaut is not convinced by the rest of the Holy Alliance. But Lancaster is an exception because he is really amazing. But now I have received the news that this guy has actually been killed by his own disciples, and it seems that he is still a brick and a brick, and this Dashe Juggernaut himself has some doubts.

"Just pick up the bricks, then ‘嗖’ and let it go, then it’s done.” Li Huailin also gave a little demonstration.

"How is it possible!" Of course, Dashe Juggernaut is not convinced. How can it be a brick on the mainland? This way, Fasan is too worthless.

"The truth is like this." Li Huailin spread his hand. "I am very honest."

"Are you still honest? Your treacherous from Aishan to Qidan no one knows no one..." Dashe Juggernaut looked at Li Huailin here, of course, the two place names here are mainland names. "Forget it, you don't want to say it..."

"I tm said that the truth is true, my person is really honest, okay?" Li Huailin really did not know how to explain. The other party is really being killed by one brick.

"But if Elder Lancaster dies, it will have a great impact on us." said Coma Fa, next to him. "Although there is no reaction now, I estimate that the other party will soon declare war directly... ..."

"Yeah, why don't you talk to us a little bit about it?" said Meg Ryan Juggernaut here.

"Hey, what are you doing wrong?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "You think we have all killed the other elders, and it has been a whole day since the incident happened. Why is the other party not?" Declare war? Don't you feel weird?"

"Oh, this is..." said Dashe Juggernaut.

"Because they are weak?" Li Huailin lifted the amount. "They certainly do not dare to declare war immediately, so you understand, we are now dominant. Why are you so embarrassed? It should be that we are declaring war on them. Why do you have to wait for people to declare war on you? If they don’t declare war, you won’t fight?”

"Hey?" Everyone is a glimpse, but I really didn't think about it, because I have never announced the war to the Holy Alliance. If I encounter such a thing, they will think about how to deal with the Holy Alliance. The revenge, but Li Huailin reminded me of this. It’s true that the strength of the comparison is indeed that there are more people here, and their elders, Meg Ryan and Foss, are both dead. Now, the Holy Alliance should be a state of internal chaos, because you don’t know who can lead, and the rest of the people are about the same strength, and it’s not easy for anyone to take it. In this way, their advantage is really great.

"That... declare war?" Koma thought about it, "Now?"

"Of course." Li Huailin said with a hand, "I don't think there is any doubt about this."

"It's a bit too reasonable." Dashe Juggernaut here also nodded. "That, Lorra, ready to declare the war."

"Yes, adults." Next to the next servant nodded.

"When did we start to attack?" Meg Ryan Juggernaut asked here.

"No, no, no, we have something to do here." Li Huailin said, "You will see the situation attack and you will be finished. Pay attention to all people to act together."

"Hey? You are not here to command us to declare war?" asked Dashe Juggernaut.

"No, I just heard this by the way."

"What are you doing here?" Dashe Juggernaut asked strangely.

"I came to learn skills, Master Master." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Oh..." Dashe Juggernaut was a little stunned, then his eyes glanced and sighed through Li Huailin's body. Soon he almost knew about Li Huailin's current situation. "It turned out that the strength has improved, but... It seems that there is no way to kill Lancaster..."

"I have said... forget it, can you learn the righteousness in the end?" Li Huailin asked.

"Well, you come out with me." Dashe Juggernaut here nodded and should be level enough.

Soon Li Huailin followed the Dashe Juggernaut here to the training martial arts here. Of course, this training martial arts field has not been completely built, but only half of it has been built, but it is almost enough.

The teaching situation is still similar to that of the previous one. It also requires a little test of Li Huailin's current swordsmanship. In simple terms, it is almost the same as a task, so Li Huailin also vacated so much time to learn skills. Fortunately, Li Huailin’s current skills are indeed many, especially the honest secrets, which are very difficult for the soldiers, so there is no problem in completing the task.

Ten minutes later, Li Huailin has successfully completed the teaching of skills and learned new skills. Seeing the property of this esoteric skill, Li Huailin also stayed for 1 minute. To be honest, the attack of this skill is not very powerful, but this property Li Huailin has never seen before, and the cooperation with other skills is also Very wonderful, so Li Huailin was also stunned for a long time.

"Tmd seems invincible." Li Huailin suddenly said.

"How, although the flying flower is not a strong attack skill, but the actual combat effect can be good." Dashe Jiansheng said with a smile.

"I understand the truth, but why should I go to such a mother's name..." Li Huailin said.

"I want you to manage." Dashe Juggernaut said, "In short, you just said that there is something to do, what is it?"

"Oh, now I am going to dismantle the headquarters of the Masters Guild, and then go to do a more troublesome task." Li Huailin said.

The Dashe Juggernaut behind did not hear clearly, but the front was to understand: "What? Demolition of the Masters Guild? Now?"

"Yes...Yes, what happened?" Li Huailin asked.

"Really? In the end, what kind of hatred is with the Masters Guild." Dashe Juggernaut also thought about asking, "In short, do we need to act together?"

"No, no... I thought of a very good way here, I don't need you to be out." Li Huailin said with a smile. (To be continued...)

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