All Things Wrong

Chapter 1496: site

Li Huailin walked out of the trial venue as he watched the two new red diamond patterns appearing on his hands. Yes, as Li Huailin guessed, the opposite Huake King Kong could not stop Li Huailin’s blow. A laser directly sent the other party. Of course, the host directly announced that Li Huailin had won the victory, and Li Huailin’s hand The red light flashed to get these two new gods.

"Wilin." Looking at it, suddenly someone was calling himself. Li Huailin looked up and turned out to be a firehead. Before that, he saw the summoning of the Jade Emperor and the wind. They also left the scene. Still.

"Oh? How are you still on the fire? I thought you have already gone to other trials." Li Huailin said.

"I didn't say it. There is no plan for the Raiders here. I came here and the board said that let me see it, so to be honest I didn't want to enter the next round of the plan. "The fire head spreads the hand and said, "To tell the truth, I will print my **** directly to you. I don't need it. I can go back and explain it after 8 hours."

"This is not going to be used, I still don't need it." Li Huailin waved his hand. "But you won't go to other trials?"

"No, this is not anxious. Anyway, there is still another chance. I will go see it later." The fire waved. "It’s not bad to follow you. Anyway, if you play against the game, I will lose it directly to you. If you cooperate. If you can, I can help you here too."

"Oh..." Li Huailin nodded slightly.

"It’s really more than one person who is waiting for you to finish here." The fire head pointed a little around. Li Huailin also looked up and saw that there were really a lot of players around. They waited for Li Huailin’s game to finish, and when Li Huailin saw them, most of them directly avoided Li Huailin’s. look.

"It seems that some people are coming from the team, and you have already listed you as a key person to observe. The people here are estimated to look at your situation." Firehead said. "The one over there is one of the members of the Raiders squad of the gods, and there are people from the European Union there. I don't know anything else."

Li Huailin knows that the fire is reminding himself, but he does not care to say: "Just let them observe, anyway, can't stop me."

"This is not necessarily true. It seems that some people here are specifically designed to deal with you. You should pay attention to the people here. You should pay attention to what you have encountered in the back trials." The fire said again. "And the skill estimates of your last performance have also been exposed. Now it is estimated that everyone who wants to deal with you knows."

"So, let's just say them, even if they know that they are only trying to do what they are doing now." Li Huailin waved. "So don't worry about them, summon them to know there?"

"I don't know, I am alone here. So the news is not very well-informed. It is estimated that I should go to other trials, but I don't know where I am." The fire head shook his head.

"Forget it, this is fine." Li Huailin nodded and looked at the time. Now it’s been an hour before the first round of trials. Most of the players are currently participating in the first round of trials. Of course, Li Huailin can't wait here. So I started to go around with the fire and see if there is any suitable trial.

Now players have been able to freely move in the city here, and Li Huailin is of course looking around. There are indeed many different buildings around. Of course, they are all tried-and-tested buildings, but Li Huailin looked a little and found some strange buildings.

First of all, they found a building similar to the pavilion. There were a lot of players gathered here, and asked a little about the place where the gods traded. Yes, God Seal cannot be traded at any time, nor can it be traded in trials, but both of them must come to this special place. Then stand in a place similar to the altar, and then trade, of course, this effect is not big, but for this reason, it is a lot of players who have participated in the trial and have failed. Because the task is not over now, everyone is gathering here, maybe someone will give them a **** seal.

Seeing the presence of Li Huailin, the eyes of these people seem to have flashed some glory, because Li Huailin is the only known person who has three gods. What is here to do, is it to find someone to do things? of? At this time, it is of course necessary to find someone to do things, and the reward is naturally a **** seal. Of course, although I was looking forward to it, no one came up to ask. After all, those who got the pass were considered to be well-known players, and everyone could not lose face.

In addition, they found another strange building, not far from the trading point of the gods. This building is also not a trial building. Anyone can enter and exit. There are only a few large pieces in the whole building. The screen, then the display seems to be the information of the current trial.

The things displayed on the information panel are probably the same. The first one is the number of gods that the player now has. From the top to the bottom, Li Huailin looked at 0 to 10 people from 10 to 4, and only 1 person from 3 gods. Li Huailin certainly knew that he was himself, and now there are 21 people in 2 gods, and the rest There are 390 people who have a **** seal, and 40 people have lost all their gods, and 35 others have lost their qualifications.

“How come there are so many lost qualifications?” Li Huailin asked a little surprised.

"Now it seems that the loss of the qualifications of the competition should be in violation of the rules, such as talking about the contents of the trial hall or trying to cheat." The fire head here said, "This seems to be system monitoring, once the foul is Will be kicked out of this mission."

"Well..." Li Huailin nodded. What I didn't expect was that there were so many people who would lose their qualifications, but I thought that maybe those who failed in the trial felt that they couldn't have someone else to give him a seal, so I started. Going around, then you are kicked out of the mission.

In addition to this, it also shows the information of each venue, there is a simple map next to it, it seems that this is really a more important place. The information of the trial venues includes not only the difficulty and simple content that Joel said before, but also whether the venue is currently undergoing trials and even the number of people waiting in line.

For example, Li Huailin saw that the 17th venue showed the status of the unopened trial. The above shows 6/16, which means that the trial needs to be opened by 16 people, but now only 6 people are waiting there. So I can't open it, I can only wait.

Because of the importance of this place, Li Huailin also found that it seems to have become a temporary team of players with the gods, for example, the need for two people's trials, they will come here to find individuals to participate in, etc. Li Huailin saw that there were many people on the side who were discussing the tasks together.

"This is a lot easier." The firehead here looked at the map and said, "This way we don't have to wander around, just look at this and you can choose."

"Unfortunately, I can't find out who is in the specific position. Now I can't team up to talk, or I can't summon them to call them." Li Huailin said, "Let's just pick one and go and join."

"Want to take part in it?" asked the fire. "I counted a total of 18 trials with simple difficulty. Now it's basically full, and 12 of the intermediate difficulty trials are still very empty. There are a total of 6 trials for difficult difficulty, basically no need to consider."

“Hey? Why don’t you think about it?” Li Huailin asked a little strangely.

"Hey? Do you need to think about it?" The fire head is a little sigh. "Do you have 3 **** seals now? Although you can participate in difficult difficulty trials, you don't need it. Just participate in an intermediate trial and win. You can win two, so that you can get five gods and customs clearances, even if you fail, you can still have one. In any case, it is worthwhile to participate in the intermediate game."

"Let's not be so embarrassed. You see that although you only need five **** seals, but after all, the upper limit of God's seal is ten. Although I don't know why, but it is definitely more good, maybe it is useful, we are going to this. The goal is done," Li Huailin said.

"Oh, so your goal is directly ten gods?" asked the firehead here.

"Yeah." Li Huailin spread his hand.

"But the problem is that you can only participate in difficult difficulty players. You only have to look at all the difficult trials here. It takes at least 2 people to start the trial. It can't be opened at all." Firehead said.

“啥?hat?” Li Huailin looked at the map here. Sure enough, there are a total of six difficult venues, and the lowest one also needs two people. The others are more than two people, and now they have three gods. The person is just one of him, so he has to wait until he has difficulty, until the second player with 3 gods appears.

"That's it, just pick an intermediate level of difficulty." Li Huailin said, the light is waiting for it is too boring, it is better to pick one, Li Huailin casually looked at, and then pointed to a location on the map It is the No. 20 venue, "Let's do this, 6 people's trials, let's go."

"We?" The fire was a little slammed. (To be continued...)

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