All Things Wrong

Chapter 1498: rule

"No, no, Nero, don't take me, let me die this guy." No. 20 trial hall, Nero here does not know how to do Li Huailin, and Li Huailin wants to get rid of the opposite Coco Ram.

"Captain Li, Captain Li, you are a little calm down." Nero is also a little crying and laughing. "It's just a nickname. There is no need to care about this."

"Hey, you are a blond handsome guy, of course, don't care, I am a dead fish eye, you look at my sincere eyes, where is like a dead fish eye." Li Huailin said.

"No, no....It doesn't matter to my nickname. I mean don't care too much about this." Nero here is also a little headache. "Now I still have to complete this trial."

"No, no, I think this nickname is more important than the trial." Li Huailin immediately said, "You see that the trial is just a task, and this nickname is a personal insult. You look at which one. More important?"

"I feel that things are a lot serious when you say this..." Nero’s amount on this side, "But you see that you are not only injured, you see, for example, the lady here, she is all Don't be angry, you can't be a little..."

"No, I am also very angry." Nero's words have not been finished here, the blonde girl here directly interrupted.

"Yeah, yes, you have a name, and the blacks and blacks on our side are noisy." The two blacks here also said immediately.

"Hey, how do you have the nickname of the black a black b? I haven't even got the nickname on my side." Andrew said with a raise.

"..." Nero looked at the group for a few seconds and was silent for a few seconds. When he didn't know what to do, Andrew suddenly spoke.

"Hey, you have to know that it is a kind of grace to give you a nickname." Cocolam said here, "You are still suspected of this."

"Hey. Please don't give me any grace." Li Huailin said.

"Anyway, can you give me a nickname first?" Andrew said, raising his hand.

Next to Nero continues to help, what kind of guys are this?

"Well, the protest is invalid." Cocolam here directly on the ground and said, "The trial of the 20th trial hall officially began, please witness the witness of Saint Ilofrey."

A white light flashed. It seems that it has been linked to St. Ilofrey, so the trial is officially started. Everyone's face is changed, and they become serious.

"Well, um... now it looks quite decent." Cocolam nodded a little, and after all, I felt that everyone’s eyes had changed. "But you are still dead."

"Hey..." Li Huailin just wanted to say something. But Cocolam said first.

"Well, now I will explain the content of this trial. Everyone will listen, because I will only say it once, if I don't hear it clearly. I won't repeat it." Cocolam said, "First of all, this is A mid-level difficulty test, so of course it is very simple, you should also see it. The goal of this test is to test your wisdom and combat ability, so this test is...Scissors stone cloth."

"Hey...hey...hey?" Everyone is a glimpse, of course, they have heard of rock-paper-scissors, but. I did not expect it would be such a simple trial, a little thought about it, is it two people rock-paper-scissors. Then the winner will attack the trial?

"No, no..." When everyone did not speak, Cocolam continued to say, "I know what you are thinking, but definitely not what you think, listen to me and say the rules. First of all, this game. The reason why it is called rock-paper-scissors, is because the six of you will be divided into three groups at the beginning of the trial. They are the scissors group stone group and the cloth group. As for what group is assigned to it, it is random. In this game, it is very important to be assigned to what group, but it is very unfortunate. You all will not know which group you are in."

“Hey?” Everyone is a glimpse, don’t know which group they are assigned to?

"Yes, at the beginning of the game, your head will show you the group you were assigned to, but the problem is that you can't see it yourself," Cocolam said with a smile.

"That is... we can see the mark on the opponent's head, know what group he is, but don't know what group is right?" Andrew thought about it.

"Yes, it's just like that." Cocolam nodded here. "Then all the people will be transferred to any room in any floor of the building after the game starts. Then the game is official. At the beginning, of course, the focus is on, and that is the way to win. The first way to win is to kill two players in your group, that is, the stone group kills the scissors group, the scissors group kills the cloth group, and the cloth The group kills the stone group. As long as it can kill the two players in the group that you are acquainted with, the team will win. Of course, if the two teams are killed, the team will fail, and if another team survives, it will be unbeaten. ”

Said Cocolam here a little pause, and then said: "To help you understand this idiot, I give an example, the stone group killed two pairs of scissors, then the stone group won, left Whether it is one person or two people, both of them win two gods in victory. Of course, the scissors group loses two gods each, and the cloth group that has nothing to do with it is unbeaten, so it is not deductible. ”

"No, no, you don't need an example, we all understand." Andrew said here.

"When I talk, don't interrupt, what do I forget about important things in a while?" Cocolam immediately said, "In short, there may be two groups at the same time, so when this happens, both groups count Failed, and the remaining group wins automatically."

"In the case of simultaneous extinction?" Nero asked here with a slight eye.

"Yes, and it's still very easy to appear," Cocolam said. "Because there is this killing penalty in this game, that is, if you kill the wrong person, you will have trouble. Specifically, if You kill the people who restrain your group. You will lose the qualification of the game when you kill him. For example, if you are a stone group, you kill a cloth group, then you Both will lose their qualifications at the same time, and they can basically be regarded as dead. Before that, if two people are killed, then the game will end and statistics will be taken, so be sure to pay attention."

"Understood, because we don't know what group we are, so there may be cases of killing the wrong person. At that time, both of them are dead..." Andrew nodded here.

"I have a question to ask?" Nero said suddenly.

"Yes, there is a problem. It is best to ask clearly now. Otherwise, I will not answer any of your questions after the trial starts." Cocolam nodded and said.

"What will happen if you kill your own companion?" Nero asked. "After all, if you don't know what group you are, you may kill your companion."

"Oh, this... no problem, there will be no punishment at all, but you can only continue to play alone," Cocolam said.

"It turns out." Nero nodded slightly.

"Well, there is one more thing about the prompts." Cocolam said here. "In order to prevent several of you from hiding, you don't fight completely. So ten minutes after the start of the game, everyone will be reminded of each floor." There are a lot of players, there are a total of six floors you have seen, and you will be prompted to have 2 people on the first floor, no one on the second floor, etc., then remind you again in nine minutes, then eight minutes, in short Reminders are more and more frequent, until every minute reminder. After all, I have no time to wait for you for so long.

"Oh, yes." After the completion of Cocolam's sudden meal, he said, "It is important to note that this is the only hint after the trial begins."

"The only hint?" Andrew gave a slightly glimpse.

"That is to say...Is there a reminder if someone is dead?" Nero asked here.

"Yes, if someone is killed, no matter whether it is a name or a group, it will not be announced, so there are still a few people in the game. You can only count it through the only hint. You will always add it." Cocoa Said m.

"It turns out." Everyone nodded.

"What else is there in the matter?" asked Cocolam here.

"Yes" Li Huailin raised his hand.

"You." Cocolam frowned, "said."

"Hey, why do I feel deeply malicious from your look," Li Huailin said.

"The illusion is all right." Cocolam waved his hand. "Whatever the question, hurry up, I am going to have tea."

"..." Li Huailin was a little silent. "So what is the use of the nickname we used before?"

"..." Everyone doesn't know what kind of look at Li Huailin. You have to ask this.

"All said a convenient name." Cocolam said.

"Excuse me... Where do you need to call it in this trial?" Li Huailin asked.

"Well, since there are no problems, the trial begins." Cocolam suddenly waved his hand.

"Hey," Li Huailin’s words have not been finished yet. Cocolam’s hand waved directly, and six white lights flashed. All of them disappeared into place. To be continued


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