All Things Wrong

Chapter 1500: the first person

What I found in front of me was a bit too attractive, and Li Huailin completely forgot that she was still participating in the trial. I didn't expect that the file was turned over for a while and the ten minutes had passed. Li Huailin also returned a little bit and returned to the trial again.

First look at this first system bulletin, of course, it is obvious that now 6 people are still in the game, no one is eliminated, of course, this is also expected in the matter, after all, now everyone does not know their identity, even You don't know people who see people and who you want to kill, so the chances of playing are very small.

However, this situation may change after this notification, because you also know the location of other people, so you will definitely look for them, of course, you may be hiding from them, depending on your judgment, in short, Li Huailin is I really want to find someone, starting from the sixth floor and looking for it.

Although there are six floors in this building, there are only two stairs up and down, but the two stairs are at the two ends of the building, so one person can't block the whole building. If there are two people, then it is simple. However, Li Huailin does not know who is a teammate.

"So the trial priority is priority here?" Li Huailin thought a little bit. He also said that although there is no time for the trial, Li Huailin may end up doing nothing, but Li Huailin also wants to continue looking for it here. See if there is any other information. After all, this is too special. Although I don't know what it is, I always feel it is very important.

"Let's wait a little longer." Li Huailin thought about it or searched a little in this room first. I thought about it as long as I didn't die, but it was invincible. The face was really lost, but nothing actually. Loss, but after the trial of the things here, you may not be able to see it again. So take the time to look at the situation here first.

So Li Huailin immediately found it in the room. The file was found in the computer desk. Li Huailin certainly started to find it elsewhere, but this place... although it seems that someone seems to have lived, but it seems It is only limited to a circle around the computer desk, and the rest is almost the same as the hotel. There was no feeling of being completely touched. Even the inside of the closet had only two coats. Li Huailin looked at it and confirmed that the coat was definitely not the look of the clothes in the game, but this style is of course different from the style of the clothes. Big, if you don't think wrong, this may make the jacket style a hundred years ago.

"So, what is the place here..." Li Huailin looked for a little while and found nothing else. He also sat down on the computer chair and thought about it. First of all, this place... It seems to be like a place moved from reality. Why? Will this happen? Two explanations. One is that the game reads the player's memory and then generates this place, but the question is... Whose memory? The second explanation, that is, the real person came to the game and built the place, but why did he have the right to build the building? And also as a trial hall for the trial of God?

"Lack of information." Li Huailin has a little headache. Now I can guess what is here. A lot of things need to be verified before I go offline.

"Lack of information?" When Li Huailin thought about it, suddenly a voice came in a bit of a sudden. Li Huailin was also shocked because he thought that the problem was too fascinating and he did not notice the coming. Immediately stood up from the chair and turned around and saw that there was a person standing at the door of the room, and it was still the person he did not want to see, the captain of the European Union team Nero...

"Hey? This room is a bit strange." Nero said as he walked in and said, "It seems to be different from other rooms. What is this?"

Nero pointed directly to the computer and was obviously interested in this old-fashioned home appliance. Of course, he didn't quite understand what it was.

Li Huailin frowned slightly, then the next step was to look up, yes, he was looking at Nero's head. Obviously there is now a clenched fist sign pointing to Nero's head position, which is to tell Li Huailin Nero is a stone group, this is the first person group that Li Huailin knows.

"I saw it." I found Li Huailin to look at his head again. Nero also said, "Of course I also saw your group, but it is useless. It is an enemy or a friend, or I don't know."

"What are you doing on the sixth floor?" Li Huailin asked, because the time before the system notification was not long, the fourth floor and the third floor were no one's state, so only two people on the sixth floor could come to the sixth floor. Nero should come from the fifth floor, Li Huailin guessed, but... this is very strange, because when I heard the previous report, you know that if there are two people on the fifth floor, if you are yourself, you will immediately look for five. Another person in the building, and Nero chose to go upstairs?

"I went around on the fifth floor and didn't find anyone, so I guess he was going upstairs, because there are people upstairs, so I will come up and see." Nero said, "You are already on the sixth floor." Still coming from the fifth floor?"

"Why do you want to talk to you." Li Huailin did not answer the stalls. He pulled the chair and sat down and said, "Yes, neither of them can attack now, and there is no danger."

"It’s really a bit of information that I don’t disclose." Nero smiled and said, "But I guess you have been on the sixth floor because I just watched it, all the doors on the sixth floor are open, of course. It was the result of someone checking, so this person on the sixth floor must have been waiting for a long time, then... it’s close to the stairwell that I came up with. If you just came in and entered the room, you can definitely be in the stairwell. When I meet me, come here is this strange room. To be honest, if I want to, I want to see what is going on here."

"Well, I know you are doing well." Li Huailin spread his hand. "I have been on the sixth floor all the time, but I am a little surprised that you are in front of me?"

"Well?" Nero here is a little bit stunned.

"Yeah, it’s very obvious that I haven’t found you yet, and you saw me, why is it in front of me, obviously seeing the signs on my head, you can see them with such a big sign. So, you know my group, I don't know if your group is not an advantage? Why do you appear in front of me and tell me your group?" Li Huailin asked.

"I know you can't be." Nero smiled and said, "Come here is to find you to discuss things, you don't know? This game has a winning method..."

"Oh? Must win the law? I have to listen to it." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"In fact, it is very simple. The most important thing about this game is to know your own group. I know that I will basically win half of it in the future. I am right," Nero said.

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded. It was easy to know what group he was. When he saw his own gram, he killed it. He saw his teammates pull it together and saw that he was trying to escape. It became a very simple game.

"But the problem is that I don't know, but although we don't know our group, others can see it. Simply put, as long as two people meet together, then tell each other that the other group's group is not finished. Is it?" Nero said with a smile.

"Oh... I’m really saying that this game is quite simple." Li Huailin’s eyes flashed and said, “So you came to me to let me talk about your group?”

"Of course I will also tell you your group," Nero said.

"It sounds like a fair deal." Li Huailin smiled. "And then you find me?"

"There is no way. The first person I have seen so far is you, and I don't want to find you." Nero spreads his hand. "Right, we still have one-third of the probability of being a teammate. If it is true, isn't that simple?"

"Oh...hehe..." Li Huailin smiled and said nothing.

"How about Captain Li, do you think this deal can be achieved?" Nero asked with a smile.

"Well, why not?" Li Huailin immediately said, "That tells me what is on my head?"

"Oh... wait, etc... I won't say it first," said Nero here. "You can see the group on my head now. If I say it first, you find yourself. It’s my group, what if I’m just a knife? I’m not looking for death?”

"This question is good. I am also in the same situation here. Do you think I will say it first?" Li Huailin said, "Can you not play such a boring means? Or do you think that I am drinking more silly today?" ?"

"Also..." Nero nodded slightly. "I found out when I listened to the rules. The way I told each other was really stupid. I wanted to find a stupid person to try and lie, but I was completely looking for it. Not everyone, the result also saw you..."

"You are too naive, at least come to participate in this trial, at least no problem in intelligence, you can not see others as mentally handicapped." Li Huailin said.

"But this will take a long time to play." Nero nodded and said, "If you don't, we will call each other's group together..."

"How do you call, I call one or two, and then we both shut up and look at each other at the same time, will they be stupid to shout out the group?" Li Huailin said, "Well, you don't think about it, you have to take it from someone else's mouth." I heard about my group..."

"It is possible." Nero suddenly said, "If you don't, how can I say?" (To be continued...)


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