All Things Wrong

Chapter 1502: infer

Yes, of course, everyone will add. Now there are only 5 people on the first floor to the sixth floor. It is natural that one person has left the game, but the question is why this happens.

To be honest, Li Huailin can't figure out why, now someone will leave the game? Li Huailin has already analyzed it. Because I don’t know my group in this game, I have to see at least four people to judge your group. At least, it is necessary to have five people together to judge. But now I have never seen anyone else, except Nero, and Nero is right next to him, which means that even if four people stay together and want to distinguish their own grouping is impossible. So why do people now shoot?

"So some people figure out what group they are?" Li Huailin thought a little about it. Now it can only be judged like this. How can you figure out your group? Of course, you need someone to help you see it, but others If you help you see it, you don't necessarily believe in each other, so how do they judge it?

"Only one person quits, and this is troublesome." Nero here also said with a flash of his eyes.

Li Huailin also understands the meaning of Nero. This game will not work for everyone, but once someone starts to do it, the progress of the game will be very fast, because you can see each other's group, so you know the person you killed. What kind of group is it, once you start, you can basically understand what group you are.

For example, you know that the person you killed is a stone group. After killing him, you have not withdrawn from the competition. Then you can't be scissors. It can only be stone or cloth. Then you will continue to find someone. If you find the stone group again, you know that you are cloth. Killing this stone group will win. Or you are also a stone group, but kill your own companion, but when you find two groups, you can know that you are a stone, so you can kill the scissors group, no matter how you win. Sex is really big, which means that the situation is a bit urgent now.

According to the previous system prompts, the remaining 3 people are now on the 3rd and 4th floors. It is very close. If the guy who is just killing is looking for a target, the possibility of finding a goal is very high, that is to say, regardless of his words, the game may end at any time.

"It seems that I can't wait, I can't get it now." Nero said immediately.

This is what Li Huailin thinks now. It is indeed too late to go, and there seems to be no other useful information in this room. Other things can be verified slowly offline. However, Li Huailin is now considering the situation at Nero. Nero is a stone group. This can be determined, but is it... is it really a stone group? To tell the truth, this possibility has greatly increased now, because if the other four people are all scissors and cloth, the possibility of playing on both sides is relatively large. Is it really a group with this guy?

But what makes Li Huailin feel that there is no reason is that Nero is here to act with himself. Even if he can see that he is a stone group, he does not reason to believe that he told him that he is a stone group. Really. What does it mean to judge him and himself as a group? This game is originally a single player game, although you have teammates but you don't know. Teammates are just a matter of interference judgment, so Li Huailin is sure that Nero can't act for this with himself, then...

"I think it's still a little waiting, I have something to do here." Li Huailin thought about it. "If you are in a hurry, let's go ahead."

"How can this be done? The other side is also a professional player. It is a bit of a hassle for me to play two of them. Can your teammate help me?" Nero said immediately. "This room is a bit strange, but still try." It’s more important to practice."

"Well..." Li Huailin certainly didn't ask casually. Yes, he asked this sentence to determine how much Nero's determination to go with him. Now he can judge that Nero is ironic and want to act with himself, but the question is, why should he act with himself?

"You are a bit reasonable." Li Huailin suddenly stood up and said, "Let's hurry."

"Well..." Nero here is a little bit stunned. It seems that the change of Li Huailin here is a bit big, but he immediately said, "That is the time."

"Since there are two people, then you go down the stairs here, I go down the stairs from there, so no one can take the opportunity to get around, so we both searched clockwise, how do you see it? "What?" Li Huailin said.

"At present, the system notification has just been reported, so the possibility of the other party is still on the original floor. Now there is no one on the fifth floor. We will go directly to the fourth floor." Nero said immediately.

"Oh, is it?" Li Huailin nodded. "But no matter what, the fifth floor can't be searched, but the stairs still have to be separated. Then we go down to the fourth floor and start looking for people?"

"Well..." Nero thought about it a little, then nodded. "You are right, but my personal ability to fight is not very strong. In case I am besieged by two people, I have no chance of winning." of……"

"Nothing, we are not a group, even if you die, I can win alone. You just wait to lie down and win." Li Huailin said casually, "Well, I will go first."

"..." Nero did not speak, watching Li Huailin leave, then turned to the stairwell on the other side.

"Why is this not normal, what is wrong..." Li Huailin began to think about this issue while walking. It is obvious that some of Nero’s actions here are really a bit unintelligible, once this abnormal situation occurs. So, it must have been the result of something abnormal, so Li Huailin felt that Nero here was definitely doing something, but he was always under his own eyes...

"Wait..." I thought that Li Huailin suddenly seemed to understand something. "Therefore, there is no problem in logic. I will say, Nero sees this way is how people who judge by logic can follow this strange route. Come, it turned out that I didn't want to understand."

Yes, Li Huailin has already thought about what is going on, but of course it is impossible to judge the correctness. Now is the time to verify my guess.

While thinking about it, Li Huailin has already arrived at the fourth floor, and walked out of the stairway to look around Li Huailin. Sure enough, the situation in this place is almost the same as that on the sixth floor. There is no difference between the door number and the sixth floor in the corridor. Of course, The room doors on the fourth floor were all closed. Li Huailin began to push the door slowly along the corridor. Of course, it was just a door, not to go in and see people.

In this way, while searching for the side, the result just passed through two rooms, and I did not expect that a person in the front corner suddenly came out when pushing the door of the third room.

Both of them noticed each other at the same time. The person who appeared in front of Li Huailin was not the Nero who should meet with him, but another foreigner, the businessman of the Magnesium server, Andrew.

"Hey... Captain Huaxia?" Andrew was shocked first, then calmed down and said hello, "I have been looking for you."

"Is it?" Li Huailin nodded quietly. "What are you looking for?"

"Of course, I want to know my group," Andrew said. "You also know that this game can only find someone to help you with your group. I can only trust someone I can trust."

"Oh, one of me?" Li Huailin smiled a little. "That, Andrew."

"Yes." Andrew nodded here.

"I don't say anything else. Let's talk about the information first. How do you see it?" Li Huailin suddenly said, "I saw a person before I saw you, what about you?"

"I?" Andrew thought about it for a moment and then said, "I have seen someone."

"Oh, then, let's talk about what group of people you first saw, and then what do you think of the other group?" Li Huailin said.

"Well?" This made Andrew a little bit stunned, but thought about it and nodded. "Of course, this is the case. If this is the case, I will first express my sincerity. I see one of the black people. Specifically, which one I don’t know, they look too much, then I saw this black man..."

"Captain Li." Andrew is about to say this. I didn't expect Li Huailin's voice to come suddenly behind him. Li Huailin turned around and saw that the person who came over was Nero.

"Hey? Have you found someone?" Nero here looked a little at Andrew, and the expression felt solidified.

"Yeah, I am also looking for you to ask. Since you and I are all stone groups, why do I see another stone group now..." Li Huailin asked with a smile.

Yes, Andrew’s head on the opposite side is also a symbol of the stone group, so Li Huailin now sees two stone groups. Of course, this means that he is not a stone group, but Li Huailin knows something. More.

"Andrew, go!" Nero suddenly screamed and then turned and ran.

"Can you go?" Li Huailin smiled slightly, then pulled out the sun spear directly, and shot it toward Nero, but did not expect that after the golden light flashed, Li Huailin actually shot... (To be continued...)

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