All Things Wrong

Chapter 1513: dispute

"Statistical results, the total number of dice...29, the total number of points 115, the explosion point. The player with the largest number of dice is the tulapin here (Edwato's game name, can not be translated to display the English name), so the turapin player deducted One point," said the host, Wharton.

"What!" Edvarto and Meito are both a glimpse, because the two of them have 7 and 8 scorpions, but Li Huailin and Summon Jade are both 7 scorpions, so After throwing the point, of course, the deduction is the most Edvarto with the scorpion. But what surprised the two is why Li Huailin here will take 7 of them. It is just that the number of Mei Teng's hands is just less than that of Edvarto. Why can the other party take such precision?

"How do you know that the other party is taking 7 and 8?" The caller of the Jade Emperor asked, it is obvious that Li Huailin definitely guessed the number of the other party to take, but how to guess the call of the Jade Emperor Do not understand.

"So the other party is a very awkward person. If you let them take more, they will not dare to take ten. Basically, add one or two to prove that they dare to take more. Just take a middle number. Guess how much the other person took." Li Huailin spread his hand. "I already know the character of these two people, but it is not easy to win this game."

"Hey?" Summon Jade Emperor here a little bit, "Why? Since you know each other, it should be easy to win."

"No, no... There is still half of this game to watch the game of fortune. The more you watch the luck of Du Bo, the stronger it is, so the game is over, for example, when one of us is close to 10 points, The other side will definitely fight for a variety of desperate efforts, and it is very dangerous at the time." Li Huailin said, "Although we are lucky now, but it is not very good to say later, so I am going to prepare for that time now. It is."

"Prepare?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"Yeah, it's best to end the game when we're sure of the advantage, or else it's a long night dream." Li Huailin said, "Well, it's starting to change the tactics a little. Now this time you only take it every time." One, the number of scorpions I have to control is complete."

“Hey? Why?” summoned the Jade Emperor to ask a bit strangely. Although it said that it has no effect on the whole, after all, the total number of the two people is still the same, but is Li Huailin not more likely to explode?

"Nothing, tactics only." Li Huailin said, "The main thing is that I am not afraid of being detained here. Now I guarantee that you will not be detained. I will deduct the score anyway. There will be no problem if the ranking is unchanged."

The current situation is basically in the operation of Li Huailin, summoning the Jade Emperor, although he did not want to understand what Li Huailin arranged, but of course he followed the script arranged by Li Huailin. Soon after, the seventh and eighth rounds were summoned by the summoned Jade Emperor, and the ninth round of Edvarto’s explosion point was deducted again. The tenth round summoned the Jade Emperor to guess again. At the beginning of the eleventh round, the score on the field was 5 points leading to the jade emperor, and Li Huailin was 3 points second. Meito West Park is the third in the score, while the Edvarto-2 here is the bottom.

The eleventh round is a very intriguing round. First of all, the winner of this round is still summoning the Jade Emperor. The figures of the four people are Li Huailin 79, summoning Jade 95, Edvarto 80, and Mei Teng 94, and the final points are exactly 95 points. The number of scorpions is 31, because Li Huailin took 12 scorpions and summoned the Jade Emperor to take only one, while the Edvarto and Meito both took 9 of them.

This seems to be a very normal round, because it has always been Li Huailin and summoned Jade Emperor. But what I didn't expect was that Edvarto and Meito suddenly disputed after the end of the round.

"Isn't you letting you take 10? Why did you only get 9?" said Mita, angry. "You look at it because you have taken one less. It may have been on the opposite side. You are in the end." Thinking about?"

"I just wanted to say, what should I take ten at this time?" Edvarto said immediately. "You look at me here is already -2 points. This time it is to prevent both people from being exploded." It should also be the one that you should get."

" don't believe me?" said Mei Teng here suddenly.

"Now I am the fourth place. I have to be deducted two gods. The other party has not let us have a point until now. We can’t win at all. In this case, you should take the initiative to explode twice. The same score as me then reduce the loss." Edvarto here seems to be losing hope of winning, directly said.

"You..." The vine on this side is very angry. Although Edvarto said it is true, she is even more angry that Edvarto made this decision. "Do you think it? I also think that I have lost, so I am deliberately letting you bottom out. Well, since you want to be third, I will let you be third."

After talking about the beautiful Mt., the white light flashed, and then suddenly disappeared. Everyone is a glimpse, including the host here, Wharton is a glimpse.

"Hey? What's the situation?" Li Huailin squatted.

"Oh..." Wharton looked at it a little, then said, "Well... the celestial mirror cloud (the game id of Meito West Park) has given up the trial."

"Directly off the line?" next to the summoned Jade Emperor also surprised to say, yes, this situation is the opposite of the Miki directly off the line, not only the trial of the 29th Hall abandoned, but directly give up This ss-level task, because this task is not downline, if it is offline, it will be transmitted directly, and the task will automatically fail.

"This..." Edvarto is also squatting down. I didn't expect that the other side of the company will do this. It is because he can't see the hope of winning, and then he bottoms out. He wanted to be beautiful. Is it possible for Teng to let her explode in two games and share the same scores with both of them, but he also knows that Mita is quite strong, so he doesn’t look for how to speak, and then he’s in a bad mood. Slightly speaking a little bit, I didn’t expect the other party to go offline directly. This is too...

"How is this?" Li Huailin immediately asked Wharton.

"The Tianjing cloud player withdraws from the trial, so it is considered to be the fourth place, but it doesn't matter if the deduction is not detained. Anyway, she has already withdrawn from the whole trial." Wharton here said, "Of course. The trials here continue, and the rules are the same as before."

"唰", the Wharton here has just finished, there is a flash of white light, Edvarto actually disappeared in place. Like Meito, Edvarto should be off the assembly line.

"Going to chase a girlfriend?" summoned the Jade Emperor and said a little.

"No, no... it won't be forced out of the game by his girlfriend." Li Huailin said, "Tragic..."

"Hey, it's not what you made." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "I can understand it. This is definitely what you do. The two of them are taking turns to take one more in order to prevent them from being exploded at the same time. You It’s just to look at Edvarto’s point when he gets more, and then let him become a negative number and cause two people to quarrel.”

"Nonsense, my honest person, has always been positive?" Li Huailin said.

"It turns out that I only take one and then you are also in order to cause this kind of situation. Anyway, your score has 3 points. There are many opportunities for this to happen. It is just the first time that luck is out..." Summon Jade Emperor is also immediately speculated.

"Hey, hello, you really misunderstood me." Li Huailin said.

"I don't think you are playing a plot. It's really a set." Summon the Jade Emperor.


"In short, two." Wharton interrupted Li Huailin and summoned the Jade Emperor. "Although there is a little accident in the trial, it will be done no matter what the trial is."

“Now this situation will continue?” Li Huailin asked. “It’s straightforward for her first, and I’m not finished.”

"I'm sorry, no matter what the situation, this trial must go to the end, although there are only two of your players left, and it's still a group, but it won't work without completing all the steps." Wharton said, " Or you can give up directly, so that she adds two, and if you deduct two, it will end immediately."

"I am stupid." Li Huailin said, "I have calculated the speed to solve."

Only Li Huailin and Summon Jade Emperor are left. Of course, the situation behind is very good. Both of them take a scorpion, and then Li Huailin directly guesses 1, summoning Jade Emperor to guess 2, because 1 point is impossible, but It can be guessed, so no matter what is thrown, it is summoned to win the Jade Emperor. Of course, the two people's movements are also very fast, this does not take any 3 minutes of chat time, just take it and throw it, took 3 minutes to get the rest of the round, and of course, summoned the Jade Emperor to get the end of the game, then Obtained two seals, followed by Li Huailin's 3 points to get the second to get two gods.

"Look, is it a mentally-tested one?" Out of the 29th trial hall, Li Huailin immediately began to boast.

"A couple of very good couples are forced to break up by you, and I am also serving." Summon the Jade Emperor to help the road, "I don't know how the two are now."

"What do you do with them?" Li Huai-lin spread his hand. "Go and see the wind. They ended. No, I still have an important battle to go." (To be continued...)

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