All Things Wrong

Chapter 1518: response

"I am too weak for this tmd." Li Huailin found out that he was really weak and unimaginable. I haven't found it before, but I really found it wrong when I got fighting. Power and agility have a great impact on my body. First of all, the previous sun spear is not because it is 100% hit, it is estimated that it is thrown and can not be thrown out, because his current strength is too low, no, it should be said that there is no power at all, it is normal to throw things out. So looking at the sun lances seems to be quite a feeling, but in fact it is just powerless to chase the other side of the direction, it will fall directly when you encounter something.

Then the impact of agile is also very large. In fact, Li Huailin tried to test himself and could not even run. Before Li Huai-lin was not in a hurry, he had been slowly shopping and had not found it. Now he tried to run, he couldn’t run at all. The speed of movement was limited to the basic walking. In this case, you said to avoid the attack of the other party? Just kidding.

"Is it so bad..." Li Huailin really had a headache. Not only did he have no attacking power, but he also died when he touched it. Now he can’t avoid it. In this case, he has to support it... 22 minutes, it’s really a bit of a hassle. what. Of course, the most troublesome thing now is that the other party seems to be seeing the spear thrown out before being thrown by the glass. Now I can only hope that the other party will not find out about her situation. Otherwise, if the other party comes up, then they are really A little bit hard.

When Li Huailin was thinking about this, the blonde girl just over there was reporting this matter to others.

"Wait, what do you say, say it again." Longfei here did not react when he heard the previous one, but when he heard that Li Huailin’s spear was flying, he felt a little bit, as if he was not aware of it. It is.

"All?" asked the European and American girl players.

"The last one," Longfei said.

"It is he who attacks me. It uses the signature skills he often uses. The one who throws the spear, then shoots at me, I keep running, and the other's spear is shot on the window. Come over, I just ran back." European and American girl players said.

"Why didn't you cross it?" Longfei thought a little, because they were more familiar than these European and American players. This skill is Li Huailin's signature skill. It has been used many times in previous professional competitions. It has also appeared in this way to penetrate the wall and penetrate the magic shield. The penetrating power seems to be very high. Why this? Will the meeting be smashed, or will it be smashed by the window?

"What do you think?" A little thought, the dragon flying here sought the advice of his teammates.

"I also feel a little bit wrong." The female mage teammate next to him said, "Is there something we don't know. Is it a problem with the other's skills or character attributes?"

"Hmm..." Longfei thought a little bit about it here. "In theory, the other side should have increased the attribute by 300%. Now it is definitely strong, but why is this happening... You think Not trying to figure out what is going on?"

"Go to try?" The European and American rich second generation next to it said a little, immediately said, "Well, you try, anyway, I will not go."

Now this rich second generation is not very happy. Because now that Longfei’s faint appointment seems to have become their head, it makes him very unhappy. It is clear that everyone should be around him everywhere. Now that a Chinese person has let everyone listen to him, it is very uncomfortable, but there is no way, because he is alone, and the other party is a small team. And now is still a teammate, so now he has to endure. But forbearance, if you hear it, he will of course come out immediately, because in his opinion, this is definitely the other party who wants to send a few guys to die, which of course he refuses. If you die, even if the team wins, there is no **** print. This is of course too bad.

Like the rich second generation, the others who are still there are also showing a look that they are not willing. Of course, they have not opened their mouths. Because someone has already opened the first one, let him go out.

Longfei’s side is slightly frowning. This situation is of course also expected. This group of people is not a server of their own, and it is now a reluctant cooperation. To be honest, Longfei does not expect them to do anything. Just don't add chaos to yourself.

"I have already said that since I have set up 12 people, then it is definitely necessary for all of us to work together to win. The difficulty of this game is also said, that is the question of trust, as long as we 12 people can trust each other. I think it is not difficult to try this one." Longfei said.

"But the problem is that we can't trust each other." A Southeast Asian player next to him said, "You also know what we are doing now. It is too difficult for us to believe each other. Especially the rules stipulate that even if the team wins, There is no way to get a **** seal. In this case, no one wants to die. I am right."

"Yes, yeah." Others next to him agreed.

"So I made an opinion here." Longfei suddenly said, "I think the rules of the player if they are not able to get a **** seal are a bit too bad, so I think we are forming a team here. If the player who died in the team for team contribution should wait for the final settlement, he should replenish him. For example, if you contributed to the team and then died, and I survived, then I got two gods. Just give you one, how about watching this proposal?"

"It turns out that the rules are good." The rich second generation nodded. "But I also said that we didn't know each other before, and it was not a server. Who knows if the game will be honored after the game is over? what."

"I have thought about this too." Longfei said here. "I think we all record a video now, that is, we agree to the video of this proposal, and then supervise each other, in case someone does not honor it, We can go online to expose it. I don't know how you are. Anyway, our gods can't afford this face. If I don't make it, you can go to the forum in Huaxia District to send this video."

"This..." When Longfei said this, some people began to hesitate. Yes, the gods, the largest guild in China, are now well-known in the world. To tell the truth, these people have been a lot of Raiders. The copy of the abyss level is now also a little bit international, and many people know them. The credibility of the words spoken by the gods is of course still very high, and if people are willing to record video, if they don’t really cash out, it’s not a task to make up for the attack on the gods directly on the altar, so if you want to fly, you can The reliability is much higher.

"Your words are for the time being, but what about them?" The Southeast Asian players here pointed out that several European and American players next to them said, "What if they don't cash? They are not famous people."

"What do you say? I will hang you?" The rich second generation here immediately said, "Do you know who I am?"

"I care who you are, I don't know you, and it means that your words are not credible." The Southeast Asian players here are certainly not too polite to say, why are you afraid of him?


"Well, everyone is calm." Longfei said here. "I think the issue of trust is a mutual problem, and everyone needs to think clearly. Anyway, my proposal is already there. The people who want to participate will join us. Joining together, if you really can't trust it, then you will be active and will not be forced. In short, everyone will give a little thought and give me an answer, but there is not much time, because we are now very easy to be found together."

The meaning of Longfei is very clear. Now I only leave you willing to obey. If you don't want to, you will leave. You will kill yourself. It’s a bit sad to be self-destructive. Everyone thinks that this kind of team competition is basically a death. If you encounter a ghost, you have a way to live. If you have a teammate, you can save you, and interfere with each other. So everyone is not willing to be alone, even if the rich second generation does not want to.

Since I really don't want to be alone, there is no way to do it now according to Longfei's method. Although everyone still can't trust each other, it is at least a bit guaranteed. Soon these people discussed it a bit, then they nodded and agreed. And Longfei proposed the same, very soon everyone will open the recording mode and then recorded a video, the content is similar to Longfei said, although it can not be fully guaranteed, but it may also be a deterrent.

After all the work, Longfei is of course proposing who will lead the team. It is not necessary to say that everyone knows that it is a dragon fly, because there are five people in this Chinese player, and it is still a small team. The other players are basically single players. , can not trust other people, can only let Longfei command.

"Then still follow the previous method, the room is still to be explored, or we can't win." Longfei here began the formal command, so you and the two of you will explore the room of b, then you, and you, The three of you went to explore the room in the building, and report it immediately if anything is found.

"What are you doing?" The rich second generation here is still a bit uncomfortable. Although he is now a commander of Longfei, he just feels uncomfortable.

"Our... Of course, as I said before, try what the ghosts here are all about." Longfei said with a flash of his eyes. "Although I don't know if it is an opportunity, but if we find something wrong, we will See what is going on." (To be continued...)


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