All Things Wrong

Chapter 1528: Cooperation

The trials of the four people were actually a cooperative test. This is really something that everyone didn't think of. The situation that I saw at the beginning was all considered to be a form of battle, but it was such an unexpected. Oh,

But now it is a little troublesome. Li Huailin looked at his "teammates" and summoned the Jade Emperor to say that... Nero here is not a self. On the other side, Marinka is even more arrogant. In order to get rid of myself, I have already caught up here. This... I feel that the future is dim.

But fortunately, the person who has a headache seems to be more than one, because Li Huailin looked at everyone's expression, everyone is very headache, it seems that everyone is very dissatisfied with this form of cooperation.

"Well, the rules so far are not understood?" Ledermut said suddenly. "It looks like you have a headache. Is it difficult to understand?"

"The rules are not the place for us to have a headache." Nero said here, "Now that is the four of us who are sitting here, and then take turns playing chess against you, then the detailed rules of other aspects?"

"Sure enough, they are all guys who are more confident about their intelligence. It's quick to understand." Ledermutt nodded slightly. "Well, let's talk about the detailed rules now. First of all, you also see When you arrive at your position, there are numbers. From 1-4, after a while, you will play chess in the order of No. 1 to No. 4. Of course, after the fourth round, you will turn again to No. 1, and continue to cycle until the game. At the end of the day, of course, this seat is arranged by you, but it should be noted that once it is arranged, it cannot be replaced."

"Then is the time rule. It should be noted that every time you think about it is 1 minute, of course, it can be within 1 minute. If it is more than one minute, it will be a foul. As for the rules of the foul, I will tell you later. "Ledmutt saw everyone listening, and continued, "There is the time of rest, the rest time is ten minutes, and you will be back here after ten minutes of rest. The timeout is still foul."

"Resting?" Everyone was slightly stunned.

"Yes, you have a total of three breaks in this trial." Ledermuth raised a finger and said, "Before you said that it was 10 minutes each time, and the lounge, you should just watch it." When you are at rest, you can continue to sit here, and of course you can go to the lounge to rest. Of course, I don't need to remind me. This time is the time for you to discuss the game."

"It turns out." Several people nodded. This is the time for the welfare of the players. Otherwise, it is really too difficult to give the time for discussion. It is almost impossible to pass customs, but although there are 3 opportunities for communication, it is still very Difficult.

"Well, here is the end of the matter about the foul." Ledermut continued, "It is a difficult thing to not be fouled in this game, so you are in this whole game. There are a total of five fouls in the game. Of course, you can only make five violations. If there is a sixth foul, then the trial will fail immediately."

"That is less than or equal to five pairs." Li Huailin nodded slightly.

"Yes." Ledermut confirmed. "There are three kinds of fouls. First of all, I said before, that is the problem of overtime. More than one minute of thinking time is of course a foul, not much explanation. The second is the case of the wrong chess. You also know that the pieces are exactly the same, so it is very likely that someone will mistake the piece to make the number of steps that can't be taken at all. For example, the soldier will go backwards. , or the car is slashed, of course, is not allowed. So once this happens, then it is a foul, and of course this step is invalid, the chess piece will be put back to the original position."

"Then, is this person going on?" Nero suddenly asked.

"Don't worry, I will explain this later, until I explain the three kinds of fouls first," said Ledermut. "The third situation is about talking. You must pay attention to being able to talk in the game. The person can only be the one who is playing chess with me across from me. If the other three people are talking, then it is not a foul, but they are immediately sentenced. Of course, the people I and the game can say are not many, only three sentences are If you can say the first sentence, it is 'resting'. I said that it is time for you to rest for ten minutes. This sentence can only be said by the players who are playing against me now. Other people can’t say when they are not in turn. Do you understand? Of course, I will close the game immediately."

"It turns out." Several people nodded.

"The second sentence is then the ‘General’. It should be noted that this sentence can be said, but once it is said that there is no real general, then it will be a violation,” said Ledermut.

"Can you not say?" Nero here is a little glimpse.

"Yes, you can take my army but don't tell me about it. Of course it's useless, because I can't let you steal the chicken successfully." Ledermut's staller said, "As for saying Not to mention that is your business, but let me first talk about it. I will tell you when I am stipulated by the generals. Of course, I will tell the next person to play chess."

"Yeah." Nero nodded slightly.

"The third sentence can be said to be 'skip'. Before I explain this, I will answer your previous question, that is, what to do after the foul. Once a foul occurs, the player will be skipped. The round, and the next player continues to continue. For example, in your round, you made the wrong move. If you take the number of steps that you can’t walk, then put the game back, and then skip you. One person continues to take this step. Once you say 'skip', then you are taking a foul and then skipping you to continue with the next person. So this skip can only be used up to five times, or because of you Others do not foul," said Ledermut.

"The rules have been explained. Of course, the last question is about the outcome. This question is very simple. You can finish it in one sentence. If the game wins, then each person gets 3 gods, the game loses, or the foul is out. Each person deducts 3 gods, this should not need to be explained more.” Ledermut said, “I’ve finished it so far, do you understand?”

A few people did not answer, it seems to be digesting the rules.

"You don't have to think about tactics, because there are still ten minutes to discuss the tactics for you. This is not a break, so you can rest assured." Ledermut said here, "Now you can ask questions about The rules of the matter, after the official start, then you can no longer ask questions."

This is the same situation as the previous trial hall, but Ledermut's explanation is relatively clear, basically no problem, the rules are relatively simple, and now the most important thing is to quickly solve the problem of tactics.

"This game is not fair." Nero here suddenly said one step forward. "No matter how you look, it is a disadvantage on our side."

"I don't deny this." Ledermuth said with a smile. "But you have to figure out that this is not a fair game, but a trial, and the rules are not set by me. Is there a problem?"

"Well..." Nero on this side nodded and said nothing.

There are no problems for the four people. Here, Ledermuth waited for a while and said: "Well, since there are no problems, then you can go to the lounge for a little discussion now, please rest assured that the sound of the lounge is no longer I can't hear it on the big side, so I can negotiate the tactics with peace of mind. This is convenient for me. I will wait until you come back, then the game will officially begin. You should pay attention not to casually after the game starts. The words are spoken, the rules are very strict."

All that said, the four people soon came to the lounge next door. Now time is still relatively urgent. Just entering the door, Nero here said: "Hey... I didn't expect it to be a cooperative test. It seems that this time we have to cooperate a little, I think now Should we put aside some personal stereotypes and temporarily unite..."

While talking about Nero, Ma Linka looked at this side and continued to stare at Li Huailin. There was no change at all. He sighed a little: "Miss Malinka..."

"I understand." Ma Linka said suddenly, "I will cooperate this time, but after this trial, I want to fight with you."

"Hey, how much you are not willing to do." Li Huailin helped the forehead.

"Isn't you just want to fight with her. Anyway, you didn't say that you are not afraid of anyone's challenge?" The next call to the jade emperor also said.

"I think, the problem is that there is no place. Now it is during the mission, there is no pk outside, there is no arena, and then we will return to their respective servers after the mission is over." Li Huailin said.

"We can go to the same trial, not the intelligence." Ma Linka said immediately.

"Yeah, you are not afraid of it anyway." The call of the Jade Emperor here immediately said.

"I am afraid of you, I am accompanying you." Li Huailin said, "The hall next to Hall 31 is a trial of fighting power, can you do it there?"

"Good." Ma Linka here nodded. (To be continued...)

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