All Things Wrong

Chapter 1530: onslaught

"So, in this case, listen to the high opinion of the captain of China. ☆ →," Nero is not angry at this side, just nodded and said.

"Uh huh..." Li Huailin nodded with a scorpion, and then began to say, "Speak first, a trial officer in the previous venue told me that this 32nd Hall Demut is said to have not lost so far."

"Other testers told you this?" The summoned Jade Emperor here took a moment. "I thought they wouldn't say anything else, but it just proves that the 32nd building is particularly difficult."

"No, no, this shows that at least we are not the first people to come to the trial." Li Huailin said, "In this way, the other party's experience of combat should be much richer than ours, so I guess the other party may encounter In various situations, the tactics we use now may have been encountered, so the opponent's response estimate will also be there."

"Well... indeed." Nero nodded slightly. "If the other side sees our tactics against the summoning lady and Ms. Malinka, they will soon be able to take advantage..."

"So, I think that your smooth transition strategy is completely incorrect." Li Huailin said, "First of all, you said that the most troublesome thing we have is the period of the mid-term stalemate. Because the chess pieces are too much and chaotic, it will lead to These two...I don’t know the situation anyway, we understand this, and I understand this on the opposite side, so I think the other party is likely to like to drag on with us. Since we know this, we also know each other’s chess. So I think the response on our side is... full attack."

"All-out attack?" Nero on this side nodded slightly.

"Yes, from the very beginning we will launch a storm, forcing the other party to exchange flags with us, and quickly drag the game through the medium term. Generally speaking, this method is of course very bad. But I conclude that the other party cannot and us. On the offensive, the opponent will definitely find a way to drag the game to the middle of the chaos, so definitely will choose to retreat, will not swap with us, so that because of the other party's concession, we can seize the opportunity to take advantage. Of course, if the other party really There is no problem with us. It is also an acceptable result for us to quickly reduce the number of pieces on the chessboard. Therefore, we are not afraid of swapping here. If we grasp this point, we will break through. Li Huailin said.

"It turned out to be..." Nero nodded immediately. "No loss is the captain of China. This judgment is very reasonable, but the two ladies are here..."

"Since the battle is resolved quickly, the chances of three breaks have been a bit more for us. I think you are directly arranging the game here. We are here directly following this game, in case something special changes happen to the other party. If you don’t follow the route you arranged, we will immediately suspend the suspension. What do you think?” Li Huailin asked with a smile.

"Well... feasible." Nero here nodded slightly. "I can arrange it in this regard."

"Several people, time is almost here, please go to the lobby." Just talking. The servant who had watched the door at the front door came over, and ten minutes was coming. The other party is also coming to remind me.

"Well, there should be no need to say anything about the opening. You should still be able to remember the situation of the game at this time. When you can't remember it, both of you will immediately suspend the suspension." Li Huailin said.

Soon the four people followed the servant to the lobby room. Here, Ledermut looked like he had been waiting for a long time, and even the tea had been poured. When I saw a few people coming back, I also took the initiative to stand up: "It seems that several people have already discussed it, then please take a few seats."

Nothing to say in accordance with the order of prior consultation, No. 1 Nero, No. 2 Li Huailin, No. 3 summoned Jade Emperor. On the 4th, Marinka soon finished the four people, and facing Ledermut is of course Nero. Looking at Nero's expression, Ledermuth here nodded slightly: "It seems to be very prepared, can you start?"

"Of course." Nero nodded and said.

"Remind you once again, you can't say anything else after the official start." Ledermut said, "Well, now I announced that the trial started officially, and I asked Saint Ilofre as the pilot. witness!"

As usual, a white light flashed, and the trial began. Nero held black chess first. Like the beginning of ordinary chess, Nero chose to start the very simple Chinese army. After this step, the discs of several people began to turn immediately, and they quickly turned to Li Huailin. At this time, the opposite of Ledermuth began to take the next step. Of course, the soldiers also pushed forward. Lu’s soldiers.

Although Li Huailin said that he had a relatively aggressive offensive game, the change was not great at the beginning of the game, so there was no special chess game at the beginning of the game. There was no special trick on the opposite Ledermut. Both sides are very smooth and open. The disc quickly earned 3 laps. At this time, only one soldier's flag was exchanged on both sides. The other ones have not been moved yet. They are transferred to Nero again. Nero here looks at the opposite Ryder. Mutter, then raised his hand and said: "Pause."

"Yeah." Rydermu here nodded, then nodded to the servant who was next to the referee. The servant here also immediately took a metal cover and covered the board, that is, Disk. Ledermut pointed out that a timed hourglass next to him said: "Ten minutes, please take good care of it."

Nothing to say, four people soon came to the lounge. First, Nero on this side said the distribution of the pieces on the board now, and then immediately began to analyze the situation.

"The opening phase has basically ended up until now, and the next step is the exchange phase." Nero said, "From the previous few hands, the other party is completely testing our level of chess. It is obvious that these The hands are all trying to find out if we can distinguish what the pieces on the board are. Once we can't tell the difference, the other party can directly steal the chicken. Fortunately, everyone is doing well."

"But this is a bit of a hassle. I can't figure it out now." The call of the jade emperor here said.

"It is obvious that the other party's tactics are the same as those of the former Chinese captain, that is, they want to take advantage of the stalemate stage, so now we start to take the initiative to attack, forcing the other party to exchange chess pieces with us, and let the other party have no time to arrange the number of steps to steal the chicken. So now I'm going to assign you the next few steps. The first time I go back is my first move. I will take this step and force me to change my image. The next step is..."

Nero immediately began to explain the following steps to everyone, and basically said all the changes that may have occurred, and has been pushing for several rounds. Nero was able to push it all the way, but it was not enough to look at the time, so he said, "Okay, because we are actively attacking, so there is not much way for the other party to deal with it. That is what I said before. Basically, I have already analyzed it. If the other party really puts out the number of steps I have analyzed, then it must be the special tactics used by the other party. Please call the timeout immediately."

While talking about the side of the next servant has opened the door, of course, to remind them not to miss the time. At this time, there was no time to say anything, and everyone nodded directly.

Going back to the hall, the four people took the seat and continued to start the game. Of course, at the beginning, Ledermutt felt the change of the opponent's chess path, and the other side took the initiative to attack in three steps, and he did not hesitate to change the game with himself.

Yes, this time, Lydmuth has almost figured out the strength of the other side. First of all, the two players in the first and second positions have no hesitation time, basically they can watch the game within 5 seconds. Understand the current situation, so the two people can definitely see the situation, and the latter two are obviously worse. When it is their turn, they have to look at it for a long time, and then think about it for a long time. To know that this is only the beginning stage, the other side wants such a long time, Ledermutt certainly understands that these two people are their own breakthrough.

As Li Huailin said, the experience of Ledermut's battle is of course very rich, so I also know where the advantages are. I have seen the two players who are not very strong, and of course they are targeting them. The method of use is very simple. Of course, it is to bury a pit first, and then wait until the next person does not know where the pit is buried. If I take a step at random, it will be difficult for me to take advantage of it.

It was originally planned, but soon Ledermut felt that something was wrong, because the opponent's offense was too fierce, and he did not give himself a chance to bury himself. One step is to eat, of course, Ledermuth can not be sent in white, so the two choices, change or retreat, Ledermutt, of course, will not change with you because of the medium-term advantage, so the retreat, and the other party is called again Eating, it is forcing you to change or retreat.

After a few steps, Ledermutt here felt that there was trouble, why the other party played so fiercely, and the strangest thing is that the two guys who have their own chess skills are actually very fast, it seems to be completely Know the situation is like. And soon he also encountered a problem that his own escaping exchange is actually giving the advantage, so it will not work.

"It seems that we have to use some means." Ledermut thought here. (To be continued...)

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