All Things Wrong

Chapter 1535: Stupid crying

This hunter's shooting called Eric is really superb. This arrow is not only fast, but also some prejudgments. Li Huailin simply can't respond, hiding is too late to hide, but fortunately his life-saving skills are still there, Li Huailin Not too worried, just open the Snow White on the waist, Li Huailin once again face forward.

A burst of golden light flashed, Xiaomi was pulled out and blocked in front of Li Huailin, of course, immediately in the middle of an arrow, "squeaky" screams Xiaomi directly with the arrow disappeared. Li Huailin was also scared, because he looked at his blood volume and there were still 30,000. The other side’s arrow actually triggered his own death skills. Don't tell me that this arrow can shoot more than 30,000 hits. This is too exaggerated. The strength of the copy is too mad.

Of course, shooting millet has a price, because of the counterattack effect of the dead skill. Eric’s head appeared directly with an astonishing number, with more than 1.24 million injuries. Eric vomited a bite of blood, and then the blood volume fell directly by 75%, because Eric, who was hit hard, was also beaten hard. Just as Li Huailin followed, it was a knife that directly hit the other's head and came back soon. A whirlwind. I don't know if it is because the other party is hit hard and straight, the two knives all hit a crit, the two knives add up to 45,000+, directly put the other's blood volume into 20%.

I was about to continue to attack with the knife. I didn't expect that I was pulled back from behind. Li Huailin turned his head a little bit silently, and he still took his own Snow White.

"Why attack Eric, stop!" Snow White here cried with tears and tears, a pitiful look.

However, Li Huailin stared at Snow White for a few seconds, then suddenly raised his hand: "Summon summon, can I hack this product? I really can't stand it."

"Okay, let's stop." The summoning of the Jade Emperor is also the amount of support. "It seems that this stage is over."

Li Huailin turned and looked at it. Yes, everyone stopped attacking at this time, because the name of the hunter Eric here changed from red to green, that is, changed back to himself. It seems that as long as the opponent's blood volume is hit to a certain extent, the pattern of the plot can be triggered. It is not necessary to kill him directly.

Although the story was triggered, Eric’s blood volume did not fill up immediately. This guy is now sitting on the ground and spitting blood while watching Li Huailin.

"Eric!" Eric was vomiting blood when he saw everyone stop the attack. I still don't know which side of the snow white is the enemy. Of course, I want to go up and see Eric's situation, but just want to go up, I was taken by Nero next to it.

"His Royal Highness, I don't think it's better not to be close to him." Nero on this side is naturally natural and uplifted with Snow White. "This Mr. Eric is your mother who sent you to kill you. Close He is more dangerous."

"What, this is impossible!" Snow White here is stupid, so of course I will not believe it. "Eric is my friend, he can't hurt me, and the mother does not like me, but also It is impossible to send someone to hurt me."

Li Huailin helped the amount, and the next call to the jade Emperor took a picture of Li Huailin’s shoulder: “Resist...”

Fortunately, at this critical moment, the hunter Eric here spoke: "His Royal Highness, he is right. I am the Queen's Highness sent to kill you."

“Hey?” Snow White clearly stunned. “This...this is impossible.”

"It's true." Eric nodded and said, "The Queen's Highness sent me to kill you, but I saw you being chased by a bear. I couldn't help but save you. Now... I also You can't get down, but you can't go back to the palace. Your Royal Highness will definitely find a way to get rid of you, so... you can get away quickly. I will take the heart of the bear and go back to the Queen's Court. Just say that I have killed you."

"Hey, big brother, what kind of trouble do you have? You sneak into the ground and vomit blood. Can you bear to bear it? What is the situation when you bring the bear's heart back? The heart of this bear is bigger than yours. Is there any use of this to bring back? Are you an idiot when your Queen's Queen is still?" Li Huailin couldn't help but say.

Although Li Huailin said that it was very reasonable, the two completely ignored Li Huailin and continued to control the story. Snow White’s face was shocked and finally accepted the fact: “The mother is actually...”

"His Royal Highness, you flee in the woods." Eric said here, "Don't look back, hurry and run away."

After saying that Eric directly pushed Snow White, Snow White did not seem to have returned to God. I stayed a little, then turned and started to run away.

"Hey, hello, you really ran." Li Huailin quickly pulled the Snow White here. "Why are you going to run, people ask you to run and run, do you have any brains?"

“Hey?” Snow White looked inexplicably at Li Huailin. She felt that the subtext was “Is this a plot arrangement?” Of course she didn’t say that, she asked a little, “but the mother will kill me, if not escape……"

"That just happens, we are here to kill your mother." Li Huailin immediately said, "You see that this is not just right. You are going to be chased by your mother and now you have to run. Just after we are going to kill your mother, we will kill her." No one is chasing you, you don’t have to run, how do you feel?"

"What? You want to kill the mother? This... this is not possible! This is absolutely impossible!" Snow White here was shocked and immediately shouted.

"..." Li Huailin stared at Snow White here for five seconds without speaking, and then silently raised the knife.

"Calm calm, Huaxia captain..." Fortunately, Nero next to him took Li Huailin in time. "Speak well and talk."

"I haven't talked well, how can I communicate with this guy?" Li Huailin couldn't help himself.

"You are more competitive with an npc." The summoned Jade Emperor here said, "Look at me, I want to vomit a few times, I have to hold back, calm, calm..."

"Although I want to kill me after the mother, but it may also be because I have something wrong, but you can't do it after killing the mother. She is a good person!" Snow White immediately shouted.

"Ghost tm good man, you tell me where is better!" The call of the jade emperor immediately shouted, "Everyone will kill you, and you still help her wash white, how much you have no brains."

"Summon summon, calm, calm, calm, calm." Li Huailin quickly grabbed the summoned Jade Emperor.

"Since the mother wants to kill me, then I can only leave!" Snow White suddenly took another decision, and then looked at Li Huailin and turned and ran towards the woods.

"In short, catch up and talk about it." The summoned Jade Emperor here still sighed and said.

"Wait a minute..." Li Huailin grabbed a few people who were about to leave. "To tell the truth, I really can't stand this Snow White. It's really a story of the seven dwarfs running with her." I feel that I really can't help but hack her, so I think we are going to go back and go to the queen now?"

"But don't follow the story..." summoned the Jade Emperor.

"No, no, I agree with the captain of the Chinese team this time." Nero said suddenly.

"Hey? You can't stand it anymore?" Li Huailin asked.

"Not like this." Nero immediately said, "I am paying attention to time. Before I came in, the trial officer over there said that we only have one hour in the copy, we must complete the copy, and follow the Snow White's story, she will go to the room of the seven dwarfs at night, and then where to sleep, before being discovered by the seven dwarfs, then have to live together for a while, then the queen will go to poison She, if she thinks about it, the time is really too long."

"According to the analysis of the current story, the wave ss of this copy can basically be determined to be the queen, and according to the time calculation, the hour is almost the time we are now entering the palace and directly killing the queen, so I think the captain of China The plan to go directly to kill the queen is correct," Nero said.

"Right right, I think so." Li Huailin immediately said, "You have a lot of problems with the slag, even the time has not been understood, it is the time."

"Yes... really think so?" summoned Jade Emperor to look at Li Huailin directly with his eyes open.

"Of course!" Li Huailin immediately raised his chest. "How can I not think of such a simple matter?"

"You want to kill the queen?" At this time, Eric did not know when to stand up and said to Li Huailin, "If this is the case, I have a plan."

"Look, the plot characters are arranged this way." Li Huailin immediately said.

"Okay, okay." Summon Jade Emperor was too lazy to talk to Li Huailin, and asked directly to Eric, "What plan."

"I am going to meet the Queen now, just to see the Queen, or you will go with me, I will say that it is a few warriors who are recommended to the Queen." Eric said here.

"Oh, can you directly see the wave ss without playing a small soldier?" Li Huailin nodded. "This can save time."

"Yeah." Several people next to me nodded.

"Okay, then you wait." Eric said here, went to the dead bear again, and then took out the knife and began to dig the heart... Soon, he dug a bigger one than others. The heart, kneeling on the shoulder, Eric said to a few people, "Okay, let's go."

"You... are you sure you want to take this thing back to the cross?" Li Huailin couldn't help but look at the stuff.

"Of course." Eric said very seriously.

"..." Li Huailin watched Eric silence for a few seconds. "Well, I am taking it, walking." (To be continued.)

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