All Things Wrong

Chapter 1762: information

Although it's not a bit of a match, but here, Willantick is also forced to combine his body. Underneath the head, several black lines of unknown material were released, then inserted into the body of the half dragon, and then slowly pulled their heads toward the body.

Li Huailin also saw that the body of the half-dragon who had died here suddenly began to twitch, as if still alive, feeling a bit like the reaction of a frog that had died when he was experimenting.

During the constant convulsions of the body, Li Huailin also saw that the semi-dragon's questions emitted some green, blue and black light, and the reaction seemed to be a bit intense. However, Li Huailin did not ask Verlandic, because looking at each other's expression is also very laborious.

The whole process of convulsions took about three or four minutes. After a flash of light, the whole half of the dragon's body was quiet, and then lying silently on the ground. Li Huailin looked up and Verlandic’s head should have been pressed against the other’s neck, but Willantique closed his eyes at this time.

"How is it?" Li Huailin asked.

"Oh..." Verlandic snorted a little, and then Li Huailin felt that the body of the half-dragon around him had moved a whole, but it quickly returned to calm.

"No loss is the blood of the ancient dragon, it is really powerful..." The voice of Verland was passed over, of course, the other party was still lying on the ground, but already started to speak.

“Successful?” Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, but it takes a little time to fit in with this body." Verlandic said here. "Although I have not fully controlled my body, I have already felt a huge force from this body." ""

"Oh, how long does it take to synchronize with your new body?" Li Huailin asked.

"It's not easy to estimate, the general body I can control very quickly, but this body is not normal." Verlandic said immediately, "I saw that tomorrow I can act, but I want Let this body play its original strength slightly, it should take some time to run in."

"A period of running-in." Li Huailin thought about it again. “How long does it take to catch up within a month?”

"It doesn't take such a long time." Verlandic said immediately, "It will definitely be a week."

"Oh, this way." Li Huailin nodded. "Then I will leave you here here. There should be no problem. You should adapt to your new body. When you get done, go to the devil's nest and wait for me to complete the tasks of several other people. Then, just ask you to contact the Protoss, how about?"

"Good." Willantick nodded and then asked, "Do you mean you have to go to Maddot? Is he still alive?"

"I still want to ask if you have any news about him. I don't know his news if you look at this situation." Li Huailin said.

"Of course, I thought that a few of them are already dead. It seems that the Protoss have nothing to do with us." Willand said with a smile. "Do not worry, if you can retrieve the royal family of our demon family. We promised that you will do it."

"Of course. Is it too late to repent?" Li Huailin said, "Well, you will slowly recover here, I will go first."

Looked at his task reminder, the task of Willantic's request has been hooked up, indicating that he has completed, Li Huailin does not have to talk nonsense with Willantick, and left directly. The rest of the work is also commissioned by Dallocos, which is a bit clue; Maddot's commission, this is more troublesome, because Maddot has not found it until now. But they have already let the wind flow and they have to go to the night flight to find out, it is best to receive the news. Of course, the most troublesome is the commission of Sealstone, this guy is the devil, and now the other is a protoss. This Li Huailin really does not know how to get this.

Anyway, I can fix it and think that it is more troublesome. Li Huailin now has the news of Dallocos's body, so I still have to get this first, but now the time is already late, I want to get it and wait until tomorrow.

After returning to the city, Li Huailin returned directly to the neutral city, and then Li Huailin got off the line. Looked at my mobile phone. Li Huailin found that Fu Weiwei and Liu Heyun both contacted themselves. It seems that there is something. Li Huailin immediately called Fu Weiwei's phone.

"Do you know what time is it here?" Fu Weiwei here just said that he had just picked up the phone and said, "I just just slept for 3 hours?"

"I know." Li Huailin said faintly, "What is the matter with me?"

"Wait..." Fu Weiwei here seems to be a little awake, then pick up the phone again. "Before you go to bed before going to bed and talk to you, my work here is going smoothly, and Interpol The organization has also been contacted, and there is a tracing of the family of Peter Rey or Zhang Youdong, but it takes a little time."

"That is not found? Didn't find out what you asked me to do?" Li Huailin asked.

"I want to say to you, tomorrow, I am not coming back this afternoon." Fu Weiwei said.

"Back? What are you doing back?" Li Huailin asked.

"Hey? You forgot, Friday's Shanghai subway, you didn't promise me to help me stop things happening?" Fu Weiwei said immediately.

"Oh, this thing." Li Huailin really just remembered, "Yes, I promised, you will come back to deal with this matter."

"Yeah, the things here have been arranged anyway. Now I just wait for the news. I will come back to deal with this matter first." Fu Weiwei said, "Do not forget the things you promised."

"No, I said this, I will cooperate with you. I will come back and talk about it." Li Huailin nodded.

"Yeah." The two did not say anything else, Fu Weiwei here hang up the phone. Li Huailin immediately contacted Liu Heyun here.

"The meeting failed." Liu Heyun's first sentence here is this. Li Huailin also remembered this. Before Liu Heyun said that he wanted to meet the guy who claimed to be Zhang Youdong, then Li Huailin told Liu Heyun where the portal was opened, but it seemed to be less successful.

"What is the situation?" Li Huailin immediately asked.

"I was waiting there at noon, and then the portal was opened. It was right beside me. I could go in step by step, but I have not waited for what I did. I fell directly here." Liu Heyun Said.

"Hey, that is to say, if you have not entered the door, you will be directly smashed?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yes." Liu Heyun nodded. "And I don't know how it died. The battle record here does not show me who was attacked. It just shows that I am dead. Of course, when I go back again, the portal It has also been closed. I have also checked the situation around me. I have nothing to discover and I don’t know what I was killed."

"Oh?" Li Huailin said a little, this is a rather strange situation, "What are you going to do?"

"Not ready to give up, I am analyzing the information of this server here, I want to see what is going on, but the information on the server is too much, even if the screening takes a lot of time. Then you put the back I told me several times at the meeting place, I tried to get in touch with them as much as possible." Liu Heyun said.

"This is no problem." Li Huailin nodded, and then he said the location of the door opening several times and Liu Heyun.

"If you even get rid of it, you can't find out what's going on. This game company is not open to you. Have you said that you can adjust some of the data before? Can you change yourself?" Li Huailin suddenly asked.

"Yes, but only part of it, obviously does not include the ability to modify the task attributes, etc." Liu Heyun said, "And I have found that the situation may be different from what I thought before."

“Hmmm?” Li Huailin said a little, “What is not the same?”

"Before you said, Zhang Youdong said that this game may be evolutionary, that is, to adjust its own situation through learning." Liu Heyun said, "According to this theory, we have given the game a lot of information before the adjustment of the game. I now feel that this game has accepted and learned a part of the information, and then we have made adjustments through us. It is not that we have successfully adjusted..."

"Oh?" Li Huailin nodded. "Do you mean that the game uses the new rules that you have learned some games?"

"At least my current conjecture is like this, of course, it is unconfirmed." Liu Heyun said, "But the only thing I know is that this thing is not as simple as the data that looks."

"Understood." Li Huailin nodded. "You continue to study here. If there is any news, continue to contact me."

"Do you have any news here?" Liu Heyun asked.

"Hey... can you find the location of the npc?" Li Huailin suddenly asked, "I want to find a npc called Maddot, but I don't know the location. Can you find it with server data?"

“Hmmm?” Liu Heyun’s side is slightly stunned and thought about it. “I haven’t tried it, but I can help you.”

"There is half a gm to help." Li Huailin smiled. "Nothing else, continue to contact." (To be continued.)

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