All Things Wrong

Chapter 1780: Elf Palace

After entering the city, Li Huailin took over the light. After all, he had to use the transmission array. After a while, the npc in the city was completely burned, and no one gave him a trouble. ≤ ≤ small ≤ said, of course, at this time the players have all disappeared, the safe area will die, then who dares to come to die now, no one dares to come to Li Huailin.

Summon Jade Emperor also received the news of Li Huailin from the back very easy to enter the city, looked at a lot of equipment on the ground, and then the players who died in the ground and the body of npc, here also called the Jade Emperor Shaking his head: "Is it really a matter of how big things can be done. These people have been killed twice by you. You really have to become a public enemy in East Asia."

"Nothing, anyway, it was originally to find trouble." Li Huailin said indifferently, "Is there any equipment that can be used?"

"If you find it, you can find a ring and use it. There is nothing good about it." Summon the Jade Emperor.

"Then don't waste time picking up things, go directly to work." Li Huai-lin said immediately.

"It’s not a waste of time to be a dry person. Isn’t it a waste of time? Is it really a waste of time? I don’t really know what to say.” Calling the Jade Emperor to help the amount, “but it’s so much fanfare? Now it’s cool, But it is also exposing your skills..."

"What is the relationship, the world will be destroyed, do I still think about how to fight in the National Cup?" Li Huailin said, "If you know the other side, then there is a way to target it?"

"Yes." Summon Jade Emperor nodded. "But let's go quickly. It's been wasted for so long, saving you a little bit of trouble."

Fortunately, Li Huailin is enough to play this time. He directly went to the transmission array with the summoning of the Jade Emperor. This time, Li Huailin did not see the people who came to them for trouble. It is estimated that these people are still studying the skills of Li Huailin and What should I do? No one dares to come over immediately. Therefore, Li Huailin came to the transmission array very smoothly. Fortunately, the main city is relatively large, and the staff in the transmission array is still fine. The two paid a gold and then transferred to the main city of the elf of this server.

As soon as she landed, Li Huailin felt that the surrounding light was slightly darker. Looking out of the transmission array, it turned out that the land on the side of the elf was raining. Of course, there are also changes in the weather in the game. Some elements will change with the weather. For example, some strange things in the rain will be particularly powerful.

With the rain, Li Huailin is also the main city of Elf who looked at this server. Sure enough, the overall architectural style is similar to the main city of Elf on their side. But the difference is that the main city of the elf in their server is on the ground. Only the elf's palace is in the tree. And the main city of the elves here is all in the tree. In fact, the whole city was built by the tree of the world. It feels like building the net along the branches of the world tree, and then building the whole tree into a city.

Li Huailin's current transfer point is in the middle of the trunk, looking down, all of them are the elf's residential area, and the above should be the elf's aristocratic area. This part of the middle should be a business district, a professional district or the like.

Of course, in order to verify, Li Huailin also asked for a guardian of the elves next to him. It really confirmed Li Huailin’s statement that the imperial palace was located above. Just go up and there is a little way. Run along the trunk all the way up.

Li Huailin, of course, is the royal family of the elves. After all, although they know that the tree of life is the big tree in front of them, but they can’t take the whole tree, look for the core of the tree of life, of course. Ask the royal family of the elves. The way up is indeed a bit long, and the players are getting less and less, because the above is the nobility area, and there are not many players who can enter the nobility area.

After a little while, they found a magic-driven lift, a platform. Li Huailin saw that the first few elves of the elves were standing directly on the platform and were sent to the top. This is a very convenient thing, but Li Huailin and summoned the Jade Emperor to keep up. But it was stopped by the two elf guards at the door.

"Sorry, the above is the aristocratic aristocratic area. Only the elf aristocrats and the invited people can enter." The guards of the two elves are female guards, and they look like they are still in the armor, but the tone of the speech is a bit stiff.

"Look at the color of the name is still cold, what is going on?" asked the caller Yudi next to him.

"Coolly?" Li Huailin took a look. Looking up at the two npcs, but his side shows a yellow neutral name, Li Huailin immediately understood, because his initial good feeling is relatively high, so the display is neutral, and summoned jade emperor side display It is cold. However, this is a bit strange. The elves in the server on their own side must be their own camp. You don't have any good feelings to see the green name, but how can the elves here become cold?

I thought about Li Huailin's understanding. It was like the people of the Royal Knights who said that now the elves and the Terrans seem to be in conflict, so the relationship between the Elves and the Terrans becomes neutral. According to the development of the server here, the Elves may also fight with the Terran. Of course, Li Huailin and summoning Jade Emperor are all human races, so the degree of goodwill becomes what it is now.

And summoned the Jade Emperor to talk about his own guess, here the summoned Jade Emperor also nodded, then asked: "What should I do now?"

"Well..." Li Huailin thought for a moment. "You are waiting here a little here. I will go up and see the situation. Can you negotiate with them slightly? If you are in danger here, you can open the halo directly." It is guaranteed that you will not die."

"Oh, good." Summon the Jade Emperor nodded. Now what he is best at is to save his life. It is too simple to die.

After summoning the Jade Emperor, Li Huailin waved his hand directly, and Jinguang flashed. Xiaomi appeared on the side of Li Huailin. Sitting on Xiaomi, Li Huailin flew directly from the outside to the top. The two guards who saw Li Huailin’s actions immediately rushed.

"Stand up! Those who are good at the Elven Palace are dead!" The two guards shouted at Li Huailin, but although they shouted, they couldn't stop Li Huailin. After all, they wouldn't fly.

"What to do?" a guard immediately asked.

"I will inform you immediately that there are humans who are good at the palace!" the other replied immediately.

"Hey, the following two people are going to report, what should I do? Do you want to stop it?" The summoned Jade Emperor immediately told Li Huailin in the sky.

"You wait and don't move, I look at the situation." Li Huailin immediately replied, continuing to fly upwards, passing a building that looked like an aristocratic area, Li Huailin continued to fly upwards, and soon saw the top. Elf Palace. It is very similar to the palace of their server. The imperial palace here is also a royal palace with purple and green nature. The building is also beautiful.

Only Li Huailin had no time to appreciate anything. Suddenly there was an alarm of "叮叮叮", and soon the whole palace began to be confused. Li Huailin immediately saw a large number of guards from various places. Gushing out.

Of course, all the guards immediately noticed Li Huailin. Xiaomi is now an adult dragon. His body is so big. Of course, it is impossible to hide. He was immediately discovered by all the guards. It is not necessary to say that everyone knows that the invaders are Who is it?

Because the seeing was an adult dragon, the guards immediately became nervous. The dragon was definitely a creature to be taken seriously. All the elf guards immediately picked up the strong bow in their hands and pointed it at the top. Millet. However, at this time, not many people noticed that there was a human being on the back of Xiaomi. Most of the elves thought it was a dragon invasion.

However, although the following elves are aiming at Xiaomi, they have not yet motivated, because Xiaomi has not attacked here. And they are waiting for the above order to see if they want to fight.

Sure enough, the palace immediately responded. Li Huailin saw a female elf wearing a purple-gold robes at the entrance of the palace. Although she could not see her appearance or name from Li Huailin, she knew the elf by looking at the costumes. It is not an ordinary avatar. The color that the elves like is green and purple. This person who can wear purple robes is definitely a high figure of the elves.

Li Huailin originally wanted to talk to the senior officials of the elves. Since someone came out here, Li Huailin certainly wanted to go straight. Only after Li Huailin flew past, the other party came. Yes, the elf in the purple gold robes flew directly out of thin air, and then slowly floated toward Li Huailin.

Seeing the other side's movements, Li Huailin instantly understood that this guy might be a holy level npc, because listening to Dashe Juggernaut they said that only the holy level can achieve the degree of the typhoon flight, and look at this npc this It’s a relaxed look, and it should have been at least for a while.

Soon the other party floated in front of Li Huailin, and it seems that this time the other side found that there is still a person on the back of the dragon. He looked at Li Huailin a little surprised. The elf here said: "It’s all blue. Sidol (the name of the elves), the elder of the court, the court magistrate, Heranda Roy. The boss, who is the lord, why are you arrogant about our palace?" (To be continued.)

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