All Things Wrong

Chapter 1802: destruction

Yes, Li Huailin has already arrived here. The aura has basically covered the entire palace. It is estimated that the people inside are almost dead. There is no need to go forward. Li Huailin is here to kill the emperor. Of course, Li Huailin wants to find a place with a slightly better view. It is obvious that the royal palace inside the main city has the best view.

"The second step?" When he heard Li Huailin's words, Nero was a glimpse. How can there be a second step? He thought that Li Huailin just wanted to clean all the people in the palace. Then the main city of the Terran is certainly like the elf. It is already very serious, but listening to what Li Huailin said is the first step. What is the second step?

Soon, Li Huailin replied to all the players who had doubts with practical actions. Li Huailin turned his head directly, then turned to the city below, and the white light flashed in the eye. A laser directly shot at the main city below. The white laser glides through the inside of the city, followed by a series of explosions.

The players are standing outside the distance of Li Huailin 30 yards. As Li Huailin said, the view of the palace is very good. Of course, everyone has seen what Li Huailin did. The city swept by Li Huailin’s laser was directly blown out. An open space, of course, all the above buildings have been damaged to varying degrees.

I haven't waited for them to understand what Li Huailin is doing, and there is a flash of white light next to it. Li Huailin immediately sends out a laser again, bombarding the city again, and the location of the attack is just like that of the previous one. Of course, I couldn’t stand it anymore.

"This...what does he want to do?" Everyone didn't know why Li Huailin started attacking the city inexplicably, but soon Li Huailin's third shot, the fourth round of lasers, followed, and everyone found Now, Li Huailin is doing a row of sweeping the city, and seeing this situation seems to be the feeling of preparing to sweep the entire city.

"The trough, no. He wants to destroy the city?" Suddenly a player shouted.



Everyone exclaimed, this is too unexpected, after all, the average player has never thought about killing npc, but there are people who want to directly destroy the city. This is too exaggerated.

"No, I seem to have heard of this." Suddenly a player said, "I remember that a city in the Chinese side of the Master's profession seems to have been ruined by this guy. After that, the system seems to directly judge the city to disappear. Now, I haven’t fixed it until now. Now the Masters in Huaxia District have changed places to gather."

This player is talking about the city neutral city of Randiwa, where the former Tower of the Master was destroyed by Li Huailin. At that time, the city was directly buried by Li Huailin. Of course, it has not been fixed until now. The Master of Huaxia District has also passed a period of super hardship. Up to now, there are several mage who claim to be the Master Tower (headed by the vice president who did not kill Li Huailin last time) and established a new Masters Association. A local office, a little recovery, but of course there are still a lot of features not restored. Some of the Master's missions are said to have never been received, which led to the fact that the Chinese Masters actually complained to Li Huailin. Of course, Li Huailin did not pay attention.

And Li Huailin’s current thinking comes from that time. It is obvious that the systematic city does not exist forever. Li Huailin has tried many times to destroy the city, once the city is determined to be destroyed by the system. This city is certainly not a city. Of course, the city that Li Huailin had destroyed before was basically a small town destroyed in the battle. The biggest one was the neutral city of Randivia. I really didn't try to destroy the main city. That is exactly the opportunity now, Li Huailin certainly try to say, anyway, it is not his own server.

However, this can be a little scary to the players around, many players still heard that the city can be destroyed for the first time, this is not a joke. After playing so many online games, I have never heard that the main city can be destroyed by a player. This is beyond cognition. But looking at Li Huailin’s current behavior is indeed trying to smooth out the feeling of the main city. People are not stupid. Is this true?

"That...we don't have a main city in the future?"

"No. How do you play this?"

The players are a little panicked, if the main city is awkward, they think it can be repaired. After all, some people have been replaced by npc before it died. But what if the main city is gone? It’s not really going to be the main city in the future, it’s really a bit flustered.

"Come on!" A group of players shouted anxiously, but no one was catching up, because Li Huailin’s side was inexplicably dead, and the blood volume was still full, and suddenly he died. I don’t know what skills, no one dares to go up. So now the players in the entire European Union can only watch Li Huailin's row of rows sweeping their main city, but there is no way to stop him.

"Hey, Captain Huaxia, you will really do it." Nero is also anxious here, said, "Although we are a bit responsible for blocking your companions, but this is also your first... ”

"Oh... do you think it makes sense to tell me?" Li Huailin asked Nero directly.

"..." Nero shut up directly, but it seems that it is useless. If this guy is reasonable, he won't do it.

"The trough, my shop!" At this time, a laser directly crossed the shop street in the commercial district. The entire row of player stores was swept into ruins by Li Huailin. A group of players next to them saw their efforts destroyed. People have to faint.

"My shop, I tn and you fight!" A very irrational player rushed directly toward Li Huailin. Of course, there was no result. He was not directly close to Li Huailin and died directly on the road.

"Hua Xia captain really does not matter to us. The people who block you are really not us. They are other people."

"Yeah, this has nothing to do with us. You ruined the main city. We can't play these innocent people."

Seeing that Li Huailin couldn’t stop a group of people from starting to ask Li Huailin for a sigh of relief, Xiao Zhi’s feeling of emotional reasoning, unfortunately, Li Huailin was completely unheard of, and continued to sweep the city.

The players have tried everything. Here, he is begging for mercy, and here is reasonable, but it has no effect at all. He looks at the rows of houses in the main city of the Terran, and then the huge walls. The continuous bombardment of Li Huailin’s lasers began to fall slowly.

At this time, everyone also received reports from the players behind. The palace was also ruined. The entire palace was basically dead. They searched the emperor and they were already dead in the room. So now there is no npc at all to stop Li Huailin’s behavior of destroying the city.

"When it's over, what will happen here?"

"I don't know, but this time it's really finished."

Looking at the main city was destroyed little by little, although it was just a game scene, but the players also felt a sense of sadness. Many players simply gave up, standing on the heights and watching the city below slowly collapse, and my heart was thinking about what would happen.

"Hey, I started to lose blood." Just then a player shouted.

"I have started to lose blood in the trough." Someone immediately checked the status of their characters, and they started to lose blood, and they were flying at the same speed.

"How... what's going on? Add blood!" A group of people began to shout nervously.

"No, how can the safe area drop blood? Is it..."

“Is it safe to disappear?” Everyone thought of a terrible answer. Yes, now the city has been destroyed by Li Huailin. Basically, from the above, the following are all in ruins. Could it be that the system really judged that the city was destroyed, so the safe area was cancelled, so they started to fall. Blood?

"Not that the main city can really be destroyed, is this not finished?"

"I am not going to die, I am really going to die, who will help add blood."

"I am also bleeding from tn? I can't add it."

"It's over!"

In a flash, all the players are in a state of chaos, and this inexplicable main city is destroyed. Then they have to hang up now, what should I do?

"No, since the security zone has been canceled, then he is not invincible. Everyone is attacking him!" Suddenly someone wanted to understand, and immediately shouted at the surrounding. Yes, they couldn't attack Li Huailin because he was in the safe area. He couldn't fight, but now that the safe area has been cancelled, he can attack Li Huailin. Regardless of how the city is, let Li Huailin die.

This shouting is to make everyone ecstasy, and those who react immediately will be ready to attack Li Huailin. But the problem is... can't move, but several people attacked Li Huailin, but the spell attack disappeared directly on the road, and the physical attack directly showed immunity (Li Huailin opened an honest secret), and most people responded. Did not react, because time has arrived.

The players in the film began to fall, and after the resurrection, they found that they were no longer reborn in the main city of the Terran. Yes, the main city of the Terran was destroyed, and the point of rebirth disappeared. They were directly resurrected from the resurrection point of the nearest city.

"The trough, this is really finished." The players wailed. It’s too late to regret it. (To be continued.)

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