All Things Wrong

Chapter 1804: Fully unsealed

I thought that there might be trouble in the last South Asian area. After all, Li Huailin had basically shown his tricks. The players in South Asia should be prepared. But I didn't expect that they would be directly smashed this time. It really saved a lot of things.

An hour's time, Li Huailin thought about it and could wait. During this time, because of the boring fear of Li Huailin, the president of the Holy River Association called Lu Sipu also took the initiative to accompany Li Huailin and summon the Jade Emperor to go around, which is also a look at the local customs of South Asia. Human feelings.

Of course, there is nothing to look at, because the South Asia area is the same as the Huaxia District. The most people are people. The whole street is full of people, and the players are simply more and more intensive phobia. Now all players basically know Li Huailin, and I know what Li Huailin is doing, so there is a large group of people staring at Li Huailin here, which is also a little uncomfortable.

Anyway, it’s a little bit of time to chat and chat, and then an hour is up. And really, Lu Sipu here is quite trustworthy. When the time is up, he will take Li Huailin directly to the main city of the elves. Of course, this road has already been done, and no one has the meaning of blocking the road.

Here, the summoning Jade Emperor still pays attention to whether the other party has any plans or the like, but there is no such thing. The other party is really very cooperative. They sent the two directly to the door of the elf to live in the palace, and then they did not continue to send it. They also know that Li Huailin is going to die after he has started to work.

"Do you think this person is credible? Will it directly block us in the main city of the Elf?" Called the Jade Emperor.

"You said that he killed the people of the elves?" Li Huailin nodded. "It's also a bit possible, but I now estimate that the sooner they think we send us back, the better. After all, the role of the European Union is not the same. If they really die, I will directly blow up the main city of the elves. After the city is destroyed, we should be able to return to the last recorded return point. We will not return directly to the main city of mankind. Well, well, don't care about that, I will really have something to do later, and I will finish the task first."

"Yeah." Summon Jade Emperor also nodded.

The subsequent process is of course similar to the previous two kings. They opened the aura directly and went in. Of course, a lot of elves were killed. And sure enough, there is a holy master in this imperial palace. It seems that this is the convention of every server. Of course, wearing cloth armor is the life of Li Huailin, and there is no exception to this.

Of course, the whole audience was cleared, and the two men found the entrance to the world tree very smoothly. Then it was the same process of unsealing, directly throwing the sword to the heart above. However, after throwing it this time, the sword of this side was very responsive. The entire space of the photo turned red. Even the style of the sword was slightly changed. Li Huailin felt that the sword seemed to be slender. That is to say, the blade is thinner and the blade is longer.

"Is the mission completed?" Seeing the Excalibur return to the call of the Jade Emperor. Li Huailin also asked on his own initiative.

"Well, it can already be done, and this side directly rewards 200 points of intelligence." Summon Jade Emperor said a little surprised.

"Sure enough, it is 200 points of intelligence. They don't seem to guess wrong. The fixed attribute is the intellectual property, but why do I deduct it?" Li Huailin helped.

"Ha?" Summon Jade Emperor did not know what Li Huailin whispered, and asked.

"Nothing, what attributes and skills after unsealing. Send it to me." Li Huailin said.

"Oh, good." Summon the Jade Emperor, of course nod. Then directly posted the attribute of the Excalibur to Li Huailin.

The source of the species life (legend): two-handed sword, attack 3500-4000, power +20%, agility +20%, physique +100%, intelligence +20%. Spirit +20%. Increases spell healing by 300%. Equipment: Turns all your damage into a healing effect on your target.

Artifact Skill 1: Life Aura: All units within your 480 yards can't die, at least a little health. (It is still the enemy and the enemy, even the goal you cut will not die).

Artifact Skill 2: Source Form: After use, the player is converted to a source form, and the full attribute is increased by 500% for 30 minutes. Instant. Skill depletion: all mana, cooldown: 45 minutes...

Artifact Skill 3: Life gives: Give life to the species and create new life. Casting time 30 seconds, skill devil: all mana, cooldown 12 hours.

Artifact Skill 4: Burning: Light the power of a unit of life. The ignited unit loses 5% of its health per second. During this period, the full attribute is increased by 500%, but it cannot be healed in any way, and will not enjoy the blessing effect of the life aura. The unit died immediately after the life was burned out. Instant, no power, cool for 10 seconds.

Artifact Skill 5: The Law of Eternal Life: Passive, the person holding this sword cannot die. Take the initiative to give an undead curse to a unit that cannot die during the curse until you take it back. Need to cast time: 10 seconds, depletion: 0 points, cooling for 1 minute.

Note: One of the six Excaliburs born at the beginning of the creation is said to be the root of the birth of all species.

"Oh?" This Shenjian light is invincible from the numerical point of view, physical attack 3500-4000, almost twice as much as the glory. And the attribute added is too exaggerated, what physique plus 100%? Summon the blood of the Jade Emperor to catch up with Li Huailin. Of course, although the value is relatively good, after all, it can't hurt, just let her add more blood.

Of course, Li Huailin is most concerned about the skill of this sword. First of all, the scope of life aura is now 480 yards. I don’t know why it is smaller than his aura of death. Of course, the aura is not necessarily a good thing. After all, the enemy units also want to enjoy this, so you need to summon the Jade Emperor to cooperate. When the other party is going to die, summon the Jade Emperor to collect the sword.

The second skill source form estimate is that the last time Li Huailin saw the skill of directly growing a golden body after opening. It should be similar to Li Huailin’s black beast changing skills. There may be several new ones after opening. Skills, for example, the last time I came to Amelia's instant blood return skills.

And this third emergence of skill life, Li Huailin thought about what should be the mechanical family that can directly resurrect something into a living body. The approximate judgment may be similar to Li Huailin's resurrection undead skill. After the resurrection, it may be a new np, but the kind of high-sensitivity to you, then summoning the Jade Emperor can finally help the mechanical family.

And the fourth burning skill, Li Huailin found that this seems to be the only skill of this Excalibur that can cause damage. According to the description of the skill, after the person is placed on the person, the other party will start to lose blood. Of course, the attribute will increase by 5 times, but it will only be able to force 20 seconds, and there is no way to add blood, then directly hang, and above I wrote the effect of not enjoying the aura of life.

That is to say, this person will die on the person 20 seconds later, and then because the Excalibur holder is unable to die, so the other party will not be able to die if it is five times the property. So this single-handedly hoisting fly, just click on it and you're done, just wait for the game to end. Of course, you can also use it with your own people, five times the property, and there is one of the following rules to match.

The rule of law is of course the most concerned skill of Li Huailin. According to the instructions here, this rule is also a life-saving rule. There is nothing unexpected. But what I didn't expect was actually used alone. I feel that according to the instructions, this can only save one of your designated goals. According to this situation, first give a person to ignite, and then give him the ability of the law, and then this person is equal to the undead warrior who directly added 500% of the attributes.

Of course, the judgment of this law should be very high. It is estimated that it should be able to counteract all other laws. At least it can achieve the expected goal, but what is the effect? ​​Li Huailin certainly has to try.

"At least it looks like a hang." Li Huailin nodded.

"But how to look at all are auxiliary skills." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "Is it true that I have this invincible skill with this burning skill?"

"You are also heads-up invincible now, then you can use ordinary swords to slash others. If you are in danger, take out the sword and make up the blood to block the damage, then change the ordinary sword, how can you use energy to kill people? It is just increasing the speed." Li Huailin said.

"What I need now is speed. Do you know how troublesome it is to ride the milk?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"The line, but here are a few skills. I think we will go back and try it a little." Li Huailin said, "It is mainly to see how the judgment of the rule skills is."

"Yeah." Summon Jade Emperor nodded.

From the core of the world tree, the two directly prepare their own servers, of course, also pay attention to whether there are any conspirators in the South Asian region. However, it was unexpected. When Li Huailin came back, the presidents of South Asia were very calm and waiting for Li Huailin. Their people also stood up for Li Hualin to go back.

Facts have proved that the situation in the European Union area still makes people in South Asia really stunned, and there is no intention of intrigue. The two people sent it back to the main city of mankind very smoothly, and then they came to the battlefield very smoothly. Inside the transmission array, after talking directly to np, I returned to the server in Huaxia District.

Seeing that Li Huailin is gone, the players in South Asia here are also relieved. (To be continued.)

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