All Things Wrong

Chapter 1827: Rescue

"Everyone noticed, immediately stopped the work on hand, and then went to the initial attack in the African region." Li Huailin's voice appeared in the command channel of Huaxia District, but this order made all Chinese players have some stunned. This place has just laid the stronghold of the Magnesia District. It seems that it is necessary to block the old people of the family. How suddenly does it leave people? Here, the players in the Magnesia area are still there. Didn't they return this place to others?

"No, what is the situation that just happened to be attacked?"

"No, don't you say that the Magnesia area is blocked? What is the meaning of taking so much material and then laying it down?"

"I didn't understand it. What is it doing?"

It is true that no one understands what Li Huailin is doing, even the fire head is a face of doubt, but Li Huailin really has no time to answer him.

"I don't have any time to explain it now. Anyway, I will follow my orders. You will organize it a little bit." When Li Huailin said this, one person has already transferred to the initial transfer point of Huaxia District. The team that attacked the initial transmission point of Huaxia District here is the team of the European Union. This Li Huailin has learned from the battlefield intelligence.

Looking at the scene, the players who are currently participating in the defense of China's initial stronghold are those who have just arrived at the battlefield, not to mention the number of people is really a lot, it is estimated that they heard the news. However, Li Huailin looked at it. The battle against the city here is not very fierce. I always feel that even the offensive outside the city is weak.

"You are really..." Li Huailin laughed and went straight to the gate of the city.

"Bulky brother!"

"The cow is coming!" The players on the Chinese side of the game immediately saw Li Huailin, and the inexplicable morale of the moment.

"Big brother, you are finally here, lead us to fight back, the other party does not seem to be very strong."

"Yeah, it’s not enough to come to a person who is so full of teeth. Let’s go out directly."

"Well, I will stop first." Li Huailin suddenly raised his hand and said.

“Hey?” Everyone is a glimpse. Before they understood what was going on, Li Huailin directly said to the players in the European Union who were still attacking at the door: "Well, you also stopped, let Nero come over and talk."

"Ha?" The players outside the European Union are also a little confused. But of course this matter is still conveyed to the back of Nero.

Not really waiting for a long time, Li Huailin soon saw Nero coming out of the crowd. Li Huailin nodded and then said to the Chinese players behind: "You will wait a little while, I will chat with the other party. I will take you to foreigners in a while."

"Oh... what's the situation?" Is this the meaning of chatting before the war? It seems that I only saw this story when I was making a movie. A bunch of players are a little bit forced to look at the current situation, but it really did not continue to fight.

Li Huailin jumped directly from the gate on this side and then walked over to Nero. The two quickly met in front of the battle.

"Is I already receiving the news?" Li Huailin asked directly.

"Received, the team in the Magnesia area has already attacked the team in the African region." Nero nodded and said.

"Looks like you have nothing to stop, are you ready to talk to me?" Li Huailin asked.

"This is not forced by you." Nero directly spread his hands. "If I don't talk to you, you are ready to talk to the South Asian side."

"It's very good. It's easy to talk to smart people." Li Huailin nodded and said, "I mean, you know very well. You can't move the 22 areas in Huaxia District. I have given 12 to the north. The area is over there, and now there are 12 blocks in the south. If you want to leave it to you, or if you are in South Asia, I am here to talk to you first. I am very sincere."

"It is indeed very sincere. But... Can't I win you once in my life?" Nero sighed and said.

"There may be opportunities, but not now." Li Huailin said, "So please do not want to find some pig teammates when you want to challenge me next time. Indeed, if you can get real command, this time, maybe I am really troublesome, but the problem is that you can't control your team. You don't have a chance at first."

"I know..." Nero, who talked about the pig teammates, really agreed this time. What are the teammates doing? Are you specializing in chaos? "How do you make this kind of person make China? Are the players listening to you?"

"Hey. What do you mean, is this personal charm?" Li Huailin spread his hand and went up and grabbed Nero's shoulder and said, "Look at it. It turns out that it is right to follow me, so this group of people is still I will listen to me. When I made a mistake, it was really troublesome, but it was not now, right?"

"So I didn't want to come here this time," Nero said. "But you have done too much in the European Union this time."

"There is no way, you have the ability to bite me." Li Huailin spread his hand. "But this time it is a little good for the European Union. Is it my redemption?"

"Just let us be busy with South Asia, right." Nero said.

"This has been seen by you, and you can do it. In short, I am leading the team to save our stronghold. You have no problem with the initial stronghold of South Asia." Li Huailin said.

"What can I do?" Nero said with a sigh of relief. "I am leaving, I will come back to you next time."

"Go all the way." Li Huailin waved directly, and Nero turned directly back to his team.

"What's the situation?" A bunch of players can't understand it. What happened? Why did Li Huailin and Nero start to hook up and look at each other before the lineup? It looks like the relationship is not bad. What is wrong with this? ?

The more unintelligible things are still behind. Nero returned to his own army, and the attack of the European Union team never started. After waiting for a while, the players in Huaxia District actually saw the European Union. The team began to slowly retreat.

"Hey? Are they gone?"

"Isn't this situation, the other party is not attacking? Is it that the cows go up and say two sentences?"

"No, just the players in the Eurozone don't say that they want to kill us? How come now? They don't seem to have been attacking all the time. It doesn't understand."

"Well, the players in this city have listened." At this time, Li Huailin, who returned to the city, stood directly on the gate and said, "All the people here join the 513 battle channel, and now we start our work as 2 No. Team, I have to go to the Caminos stronghold in the east to rescue. There is no way to support it. I will give you five minutes. All of them will add channels. Those who have not heard will quickly pass it."

"Go directly to the Caminos stronghold rescue? What should I do here?" Li Huailin’s words just said that the players immediately smashed, although the European Union team here seems to be retreating, but you can’t just Don't worry, let all the staff go out to rescue? What if the people in the European Union area kill a carbine? This is the initial stronghold of Huaxia District. It is really troublesome if you lose your mouth.

"It doesn't matter here, anyway, the European Union is now our teammate." Li Huailin immediately said.

"Team...teammate?" Everyone can't understand. What the **** is going on here, the two men went out to talk and then turned the other teammate into a teammate? Are you doing a dirty py transaction?

"Well, don't discuss this anymore. Anyway, now the people in the European Union have no threat to us for the time being." Li Huailin immediately said, "The position there is already a bit unbearable, so everyone speeds up, plus The people who have made the channel will send the children to the transmission array to send the past. In five minutes, please ask everyone to assemble at the Caminos stronghold. Can you speed it?"

Although the situation is a bit strange, but after all, the team in the European Union has retreated, and now the transmission matrix is ​​still there, and what really happens is still coming back. Of course, most people still believe in Li Huailin, so the players began to add channels, and then rushed to the transmission array to send to the nearby Caminos stronghold.

The players in the Caminos stronghold are attacking the players in South Asia. The current offensive situation is relatively smooth. The defensive here is the npc of the undead family that Li Huailin temporarily pulled. Because Li Huailin has no relationship, the courage here is slowly getting bigger and starting to increase the number of offensive personnel. After a few dials, as expected, the number of npcs began to slowly decrease. After the number of npcs, it is difficult to block the attacks of players in South Asia. Slowly, the base has been attacked.

"Well, finally, I have to solve this annoying npc. Although it took some time, this stronghold is finally ours." One of the guild presidents of South Asia said with a smile.

"Huaxia captain should defend in the Magnesia area, the Chinese players are not here, this city is ours." Another president next to him is also happy to say.

However, just when Dam was just finished, there was a bad news in front of him: "President, it’s not good. The team that is fighting with npc has received a long-range attack from players in China!"

"What?" This will turn around and look at it. Sure enough, there are a lot of people on the wall in front of the stronghold. "The players in China are coming? Are they not attacking the stronghold in Magnesia?"

"Dam, president, what should I do?" I asked immediately.

"Wait, those people who came back so quickly, these Chinese players should be the casual players who just entered the battlefield, come over and support the scene, you see not many people, don't be afraid, we continue to attack." Dam is still smart, slightly I understood it as soon as I thought about it and said it immediately. (To be continued.)

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