All Things Wrong

Chapter 1832: It’s easy to find

Before the break, Li Huailin looked at the forum of the game a little. Worth collecting. . (The best experience of novel reading is at this time) At this time, the game forum in Huaxia District has finally been repaired, and it can be opened normally. Of course, the forum was full of fun, because a large group of players won a beautiful cross-service battle under the leadership of Li Huailin, of course, this can make them blow for a whole year.

Therefore, the entire forum is a blown atmosphere, a large number of players who participated in the battle in the forum, such as screenshots of well-known players who killed a certain server, as well as the initial in the Magnesia district. The map of the territory photo, as well as the picture of Li Huailin in the vicinity, is always an unusual joy.

Of course, no player who can finish the battlefield task can only envy and hate it. I actually missed such a big drama and it was painful. The envy of them is of course to encourage the players who participated in the battle to show off, so the forum is really hot.

Of course, Li Huailin is not concerned about how these people tout him, or how handsome he is, mainly to look at other servers. This is of course also said in the forum.

Similar to what Li Huailin expected, the players in Magnesia directly occupied the initial position of the African region, so the players in the African region could not enter the game directly. The African players certainly did not do it, so now the African region is directly Started to tear 13 players in the Magnesia area. Of course, Huaxia District is also one of the accomplices who helped the Magnesia District to occupy the African region. However, it was originally the Huaxia District that was first hit in the African region, and now it is the Magnesia District that occupies their stronghold. Besides, you are a traitor in the Magnesia Region. It is your inexplicable sentence to the joint army that led to this situation, so most of the hatred of players in the African region is in the players of the Magnesia region, I heard that the forum there is simply chaotic.

The same chaos is South Asia and the European Union. Of course, the players on both sides are also tearing up, but the current situation is that you are jealous of me and I am jealous of you. Players in South Asia and Africa can't really solve the problem for the time being. It is too bugy to block the door of the other side of the city wall. The people who enter can only hit the city wall. Unless there are players continuously attacking, everyone will hit the wall and die. It is too difficult to recycle the wall and then hit the arrow tower. It is also too difficult to build the enemy. And no one will try to do this at this stage.

So at present, the entire cross-service battlefield has become the world of three families, the Huaxia District, the European Union District and the Magnesia District, and the three families still have an enemy force that needs to be suppressed, and they all want to kneel. Now developing. The battlefield should be in a balanced phase for a short time, and it won't be able to fight for a short time.

On the Internet, some people ridiculed that these three are simply capitalist cancers, relying on depriving players of the other three servers to achieve their own fortune. I have to say that it is very transparent, but what is the use of ghosts, this is not a world to solve problems with the mouth, relying on strength.

Of course, foreign hackers now have no time to attack China's servers. They are busy tearing away with another group of people. In short, this method of transferring hatred has successfully solved the current problem. Since there is nothing wrong, Li Huailin is now resting.

The next day, Li Huailin still got up in old time. Looked at my mobile phone, and no one is looking for himself. Fu Weiwei should have just arrived in Cana, and it is estimated that he is still in the middle of the fight. Li Huailin brushed up a bit and ate something and went straight to the game.

The result was just on the line, and someone immediately came to find himself. Li Huailin looked at the system notification of the remote call. This shows the night flight. It seems that I had a clue to the person who asked the fire last night. Li Huailin immediately picked up the phone.

"Wilin, I really thank you this time." I immediately said when I picked up the phone and said that it was the battlefield yesterday.

"It's okay. It's not specifically for you in the spiritual world." Li Huailin said, "You are not helping me find someone else. Don't say this beforehand. Did someone who asked you find a clue yesterday?" ”

"This... a little trouble," said the night flight.

"Ha? This person is hard to find?" Li Huailin said strangely. Not to say that this person is famous and should be able to find it.

"No, just the opposite, this person is really looking for it." Night Airlines said.

"Ha? It's too good to find? That is, this person has found it?" Li Huailin asked.

"Oh... I can’t say a word or two. You can see it when you come to see it." Night Airlines said, "You transfer to the neutral city of Lockham, I am waiting for you here."

"Oh. Ok, I will come right away." Li Huailin nodded, but still didn't quite understand what it was. In the end, let's go and see.

Going to the transfer point, Li Huailin quickly found the location of this neutral city, Rockym, on the west side of the mainland, which is one of a large number of small countries in the west of the Terran. Of course, Li Huailin was the first time to go there.

When the white light flashed, Li Huailin appeared in the transfer matrix of Lockham, but just after landing, Li Huailin found that there were quite a lot of players around. It’s just 8 o'clock in the morning. There are so many players who are wandering around this transfer point. This is strange. It should be that the blame near Lockehem City is more suitable for the current level of players.

The city looks more like the style of the human main city, except that the color of the house is yellowish and the architectural format is similar. It seems that the owner of this city is somewhat related to the Terran side. When Li Huailin was observing, the night flight at the door was also found.

"Huai Lin." Night flight came over and said hello, this night flight is also a person, it seems that the spirit is not bad.

"How do you say the situation is complicated?" Li Huailin asked.

" will know when you look at it." Night Airlines took Li Huailin directly and went outside. Just out, the night flight directly pointed to the front and said, "Look at this."

Li Huailin looked up and saw a huge piece of something like a billboard on the top of the door. Of course, it was rough, but the words above were very clear. There was a huge arrow next to the "Rogan prophecy". Write forward 500 yards to turn left.

"The trough, this tn and advertising." Li Huailin could not help but said, "This is really easy to find."

"Come on, don't be too happy, you are looking over there." Night Airlines pointed to the side and said.

Li Huailin looked at the direction of the night flight. As a result, not far from it was a piece of something that seemed to be a billboard. It also read "Authentic Rogan prophecy, please go to the third floor."

“I rub?” Li Huailin said directly, “Two?”

"Sorry, look at this again." Night flight pointed to the other side.

Li Huailin directly supported the amount. Yes, he already understood what was going on. Turning around, it was also a billboard, which was also an authentic Rogan prophecy. Looking further to the side, this whole street looked from the beginning. Li Huailin saw at least a dozen billboards. Although I couldn’t see all the brands, I could see what Rogan predicted, authentic Luo. Information such as root prophecy.

"I finally know that what you said is too easy to find." Li Huailin helped the forehead.

"Yeah." Night flight couldn't help but help. "Do you know, this Rogan is a big man. According to the story inside the game, this guy may be the inventor of the magic used now. There are 3 in the whole continent. A famous magic school, the principals of the three magical academies are all this guy, and they all say that their first generation of principals is this Sylrow Rogan. And it’s not just magic, but this guy is still said to be A prophet, so all the current prophets on this continent say that they have a relationship with Sellow Rogan, saying that they are descendants of Sellow Rogan, and they don’t know the truth."

"I..." Li Huailin helped the amount.

"Do you know? The last record of this guy is that he came to the seclusion near the city of Lockham, and then there are still many people looking for him to make predictions. Over time, there is such a city here. Cerro The root seems to be one of the founders of this city. So there are very many people who claim to be descendants of Seluo Rogan, and they don’t know the true and false at all. Anyway, I have received more than 170 self-proclaimed messages. It is the prophet of the descendants of Sellow Rogan..."

"More than 170?" Li Huailin helped.

"If you want to investigate one by one, you can't say no, but it takes a long time to get it," said Night Flight. "After all, it is still difficult to investigate whether their ancestors are really Seluo Luogen. Sellow Rogan seems to have been a thousand years ago, and there are not many documents left."

"Really, it is the same as Wu Dalang who sells sesame seeds. How is the game popular?" Li Huailin said that he had a headache.

"Wai Lin, what are you looking for?" asked the night flight.

"The main thing is to find Maddot. It is said that this guy will really predict the technique, and then he can find Maddot." Li Huailin explained.

"That way, I asked people to go to them one by one, and then let them predict the position of Maddot, and then go to find?" asked the night flight.

"In short... first, I will try to see if I can find the descendants of Real Sergero Rogan." Li Huailin thought, "This time I will trouble you again."

"Like you, there is no need to say so much about this matter." Night Airlines waved and said, "Get started."


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