All Things Wrong

Chapter 1835: Insider

"City Guard?" Li Huailin nodded. It was normal for such a big movement to surprise the City Guard. Hey, but what is more surprising is that the city guards seem to be quite well equipped. It is not like the equipment of the city guards of the small Western countries. It is obvious to tell Li Huailin a message that the small country is quite rich, and it is estimated that it is contributed by the tourists recruited by the prophet.

"You... you are finished..." Lisa next to him suddenly pointed to Li Huailin. "The City Guard is here, you are waiting for the prison."

"Oh?" Li Huailin turned his head. Lisa here has quickly stepped back two steps. It is indeed very afraid of Li Huailin's appearance. But after a while, there was a neat footstep at the door, and the city guards had already rushed up.

"What happened here?" The city guards who rushed in were about a dozen people. They were all burly strong men. It seems that the quality of the city guards is not bad. The shape can be regarded as the regular army of the human empire. It is. One of the equipment looks more advanced and should be the captain here. Li Huailin looked at the other person's name and showed Rossim.

"Captain! It is these two people who are here to mess up, take them away!" Lisa saw that Rossim was like a savior, and immediately bypassed Li Huailin and fled to the side of Rossim. It felt a little safer behind Rossim.

"Well?" Rossim immediately turned his attention to Li Huailin. Although Lisa said "the two men", the red drink is of course automatically shielded by him. The mastermind is Li Huailin. Looking at the other side, Li Huailin is now a set of adventurer's equipment. Rossim thought a little bit and asked, "Are you messing around?"

"Yeah, we are here to make trouble." Li Huailin nodded directly.

"Well?" The other party's so bright answer made Rossim a little surprised. He asked immediately, "Which store was sent?"

From the other side's words, it is obvious that business competition here is really very common. It is normal to send people to other stores. And Rossim's attitude seems to be very simple, first ask what the background is on both sides. Then whose background is thicker, then who the city guards will help.

When Rosem asked the Lisa next to him, he noticed who the two guys had come from, and they didn't offend any big shops. The money is also given on time, who is looking for trouble?

Obviously, this group of people did not recognize Li Huailin. It seems that it is quite interesting to play pigs and eat tigers here. However, Li Huailin really has no time to play. He waved his hand and said, "Who is the biggest person in charge in this city?"

"The biggest thing? Are you saying that Torres is squatting?" Rosem asked with a little surprise.

"Thoriz's Majesty?" Li Huailin certainly did not hear the name. However, since it is called a king, it means that the city of Lockheem should be the capital of a small country. The palace of this small country should be in the city. "Torris is right, I will find him." Now, take me, I will find him."

"Ha?" Rothim really didn't understand what Li Huailin was. Isn't this about discussing the troubles? How suddenly I got to the king's body, you still want to see the King's Majesty? What is your identity, can anyone see the king anyway?

However, Li Huailin’s calm look made Rossim a little hesitant. Although he did not recognize Li Huailin, but the other person looked so calm and thought it was an identity person... Thinking about it, Rossim asked: "Hello are people from the Nasser Empire?"

"Yeah." Li Huailin was too lazy to explain that although he was enthroned, he still had the position of the Duke of Nasser, so he was not lying.

From the Nasser empire, it seems to be a person with status. Rossim feels that he can't be neglected. If the other party wants to see the Majesty of the King, then see, if it is not really important, then it will not be finished. I don't worry about the other party running. Rossim thought about it, or should be safe. He is the captain of a city guard. No one can offend.

"Hello. I am just a small captain. If you want to see your majesty, I can't do it. But I can help you report it, or do you want to talk about your name or official position, I will report it to you now?" Rossim thought about trying to ask, and the attitude was very modest at this time.

"I am called the chest of Huai Lin. The Duke of Nasser Empire." Li Huailin said directly, "I am lazy to find your king, let him roll over and see me."

"Duke?" The name of the chest of Huai Ruolin is not very loud in this small town, but the location of the Duke of Nasser is very scary. Although they don't know how many Dukes of the Nasser empire, the names of these dukes, but everyone knows that the Duke's position is great...

"Really...really?" Rossim was a little scared and asked in a dull voice. But after asking him, he also felt that he was stupid. Does the duke also dare to fake? Really not afraid of death? I still doubt the identity of the other person. Is this not to anger the other person?

"What do you think?" Li Huailin took the chair directly next to him and then asked, "Come on your king, I am waiting here, I will give you fifteen minutes."

"Well, please wait a moment, I will go right away." Rossim didn't want to do so much this time, and quickly went back and told the incident. So I left with two men. Of course, there were still ten people left in the scene. Although Rossim didn’t say anything, it was actually letting them look at Li Huailin’s. If the other party was really fake and scared, of course, they would not let Li Huailin leave.

Rossim hurried away, and Lisa here has just returned to God. Yes, she was also scared by the name of Li Huailin. How did I see such a big official in this small town, and the most important thing is that people are still in your store, just smashing your store, adults. This is what kind of trouble, can you not play like this?

"Ha ha ha ha ... brother-in-law, you are so powerful, just that guy was scared and ran straight, so funny." The red drink here is still a very happy look.

"I just thought about a way." Li Huailin said, "Rather than looking for their fortune tellers one by one, it is better to call them all directly, convenient and convenient."

"This...the Duke of the Duke..." is saying, Lisa, who has reacted here, is also posted, and said to Li Huailin, "Small...the little girl just didn't know the identity of the grown-up, it was really unintentional offense." of……"

"Don't you say that you will predict? How can you not count my identity or what is going on?" Li Huailin said with a smile. "Come, stand here and stand."

Li Huailin pointed out that he was in front of him. Although Lisa was a little scared, he still stood up. This... this story will not be for yourself...

It is obvious that Lisa is thinking more. Li Huailin saw that the other party stood up and asked directly: "I am asking you a few questions now, and give me an honest answer, otherwise I will directly pull you to hang."

"Yes, yes, I must answer honestly." Lisa here said quickly.

"First of all, you won't have any prophecy." Li Huailin asked.

"Yes..." Lisa nodded. "Of course not, but not just me. All the prophets here are the same. There is no so-called prophecy."

"H?" next to the red face drinking water directly, "What is no prophetic surgery?"

"Everyone relies on observation to guess the situation of the guests and say some guiding words to deal with the customers." Lisa said, "Of my master taught me this way when I handed the store to me, and here are a few The shops are actually opened by my sisters and sisters. Everyone learns the same thing... There is also a kind of care between them."

"Oh, you are not a lie?" The red face here said with a sigh of relief.

"Crap is a lie." Li Huailin helped the amount. "Don't tell me you really believe it."

"I... I don't believe it now." Hongyan said, "I won't come again in the future."

Lisa opposite said that you are not coming too well, who wants you to come.

“There are no ones in so many shops here that are not deceiving?” Li Huailin continued. “I heard that Sellow Rogan should be really predictive. You are not all Xaar. Is Luo Luogen's descendant?"

"Yes, it is said that our ancestor Sellow Rogan will certainly be prophetic, but to be honest, no one has seen it. Although my family said they are descendants of Sellow Rogan, but I have never seen any ancestral prophecy that has been passed down. There are thousands of people in the city named Rogan. Everyone says that they are descendants of Sellow Rogan. The Rogan family has no so-called genealogy. Know the true and false. Besides, no one really will have any prophecy now..." Lisa said.

“Is there really nothing?” Li Huailin asked. “Is there no direct family like the Rogan family?”

"No, there are a lot of self-proclaimed Rogan families, but... no one said it clearly, no one can make any decisive evidence." Lisa said, "It’s like this one, before In a few years, my father also said that he is a direct system. In fact, we all know that this is not the case at all. Everyone just wants to attract business."

"This can be a bit of a hassle." Li Huailin said to himself, "But if there is something in the mission, it means that there is definitely someone right." (To be continued.)

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