All Things Wrong

Chapter 1847: Eat fire

"Sister husband, what the **** is going on?" Seeing that Maddot turned and left, the red drink immediately asked Li Huailin. Xiao Xiaoyu said,

"I didn't say that I was here to do the task. This time I was looking for this Maddot." Li Huailin said, "You just didn't see the name on his head."

"Hey? I didn't pay attention at all." Red Yan said, "This is the Maddot you are looking for. How long is it so disgusting."

"I have any way, how do I know that the devil's people are so casual." Li Huailin also said that he can't stand it.

The "Devils?" next to Seyce heard the demon family is a glimpse, but also think of some things about the demon family that Li Huailin asked her before. "Wai Lin, are you looking for the demon?"

"Yeah, in some cases, you need to find someone from the Devils to help." Li Huailin said.

"This is very dangerous. The demon family is a taboo in the whole continent. Will it not be disgusted by the Protoss?" Sethi worried.

"I know, but there is no way to avoid it." Li Huailin spread his hand. "In short, I don't want to look for them, but there is no way. If you are on the side of Sethi, do you want to go back with Gloria first, you pull it up. This is quite troublesome."

"No, no, this is the devil's thing. The mainland has not heard of the demons in the past millennium. Most people have forgotten the existence of the demons. If this time I write a book about it. The book of the demon family, that is definitely a big sale." Sethi said a little excited.

"Hey..." Is the result such a reaction? Is it really not afraid to be killed by the Protoss when writing a book about the devil? However, I thought that it was not so fast to write a book for Sethi. I had to solve the problem with the Protoss within a month. Therefore, the book of the Devils written by Sethi actually had no effect on Li Huailin.

"But this won't bother you?" Sethi was excited to realize the problem, and asked Li Huailin.

"There is no trouble. If I am afraid, I will find the Devils. If you want to write, write it." Li Huailin said, "If you do, you will follow up."

The two men held Gloria and continued to walk up the stairs. The front of Maddot could not see the figure, and it is estimated that it has already arrived. They were a little slower with the stunned guy from Gloria, but after a while, Gloria here woke up.

"Ah!" Just waking up to Gloria is a scream, "Don't!"

"Feed. Get awake." Li Huailin said quickly.

"Oh...oh..." It was Li Huailin’s unconscious sigh of relief. It turned out that he was saved, but he immediately said, "I just saw the monster that eats people, now How's it going?"

"The monster that eats people. Maddot?" Li Huailin asked. "Oh... it turned out to be this guy. It’s good that we are going to meet him now."

"Hey? He is above?" Gloria looked up and said, "Can we beat him?"

"So I said that there is no war at all. Can we pick up the task?" Li Huailin said.

"Receive the mission? The mission of the monster?" Gloria took a direct look.

"He is the Maddot I am looking for?"

"Ha?" Gloria snorted directly. "You...what is the Maddot you are looking for? The monster that eats people?"

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded.

"You...what are you looking for in this monster?" Gloria asked in surprise.

"You predict yourself." Li Huailin was too lazy to explain, and went straight to the top. Gloria had no choice but to be a little scared, but she finally followed up. Now she is not allowed to let her go alone. I can only keep up.

After spending a little time, Li Huailin finally walked along the stone steps to the top of the Bahaier Fire Tower. As the former Sai Si said, the top of the Bahaier Fire Tower is a place similar to a lighthouse. First come up. The first thing Li Huailin noticed was the huge brazier in the middle.

The top of the tower resembles a platform, and in the middle of the platform is a huge brazier that occupies almost all of the top, leaving only a small aisle around it. The top of the tower is capped, but there is no wall covering around it, and the light of the burning brazier can easily be seen from a distance. It is still in the daytime, and it is estimated that it can be seen at a great distance in the evening.

However, it is a bit strange for Li Huailin to have seen it before when he came. There is no flame at the top of the tower. I don’t know if it is just now. Looked up carefully. This flame is really strange, because when Li Huailin looked inside, he found that there was no fuel in these braziers.

Yes, in general, it should be filled with all kinds of firewood and the like, but the inside of this brazier has nothing but flames. This huge flame does not know whether it is burning by something, it feels like it appears out of thin air.

It’s a bit strange to take a closer look at this flame. Although the color is no different from the normal flame, but how to look at the burning situation is not right, always feel that the flame above is burning in a circle, and it seems that there is no smoke of life burning. Not only is the sound of burning so strange, but Li Huailin always feels that it can faintly hear some screams like screams, but it is not very clear, I don’t know if it is wind or something else.

"This fire..." Sethi seems to be attracted by this flame. He was a little curious and walked to the side of the flame. He even reached out and touched the direction of the flame. Li Huailin certainly didn't notice this situation, but when Sethi's hand touched the flame here, the four people's heads had a voice: "If I were you, I wouldn't put my hand in."

Suddenly there was a voice that scared Sethi's jump. Of course, she also woke up. She looked at her own hand and was a little scared. How could she want to reach into it? This is simply dead.

Li Huailin also looked up. Of course, when he heard the sound, he knew that it was Maddot. The other side is now hanging on the ceiling above. The lower body of the meat is like a slime, it is attached to the roof. Just above the brazier.

"Hey, are you not hot?" Li Huailin couldn't help but ask, this is simply to treat yourself as a barbecue to roast, no wonder the skin is so dark, is this really not baked?

"Look at this flame, this is what I want to show you." Maddot ignored Li Huailin's question and looked at the flame below. "Don't you think you are going to be attracted by this flame?" ?"

"Hey?" Li Huailin looked at the fire again. Although it was a bit strange, it was too exaggerated to say that it was attracted. "Is there? Don't feel it."

"So it's a bit of a strange thing for your adventurers," Maddot said.

"It's a bit strange, Huai Lin, I just put my hand in, I didn't realize it myself," said Sethi here.

"Oh? Is it? Is this pot of fire an attractive force? Really?" Li Huailin said. "But it's useless to the adventurer? Drinking water, are you looking at it?"

"Oh... it seems that there is nothing special, but I don't think it is very comfortable to watch." Hongyan said.

"That's right." Li Huailin nodded, then looked at Gloria next to him. "How are you?"

"Oh... I am the same." Gloria is mainly paying attention to the feeling of Maddot on the head.

"You see, it is not valid for all npcs." Li Huailin said.

"What?" Maddot frowned directly and looked at Gloria carefully. "Strange, why aren't you attracted by this flame?"

"Hey? I..." Seeing Maddot looking at himself, Gloria, who was already afraid of this guy, immediately worried about it and went straight to Li Huailin.

"I don't know what is going on with her. Can you hurry up and say the key point? I have already come up, can you not waste time?" Li Huailin said.

"The things I want to say are related to this flame." Maddot said, "You should also know that the flames here are not normal."

"So this is the flame that you used to control those bodies?" Li Huailin thought about it.

"That's one of its functions." Maddot said with a smile. "Do you know what kind of flame is fueled by this kind of flame?"

"Oh... what?"

"It's the soul." Maddot laughed. "Don't look at it is just a flame. In fact, I always think that it is a life. It can attract those who are ignorant to come close to it, support it, and finally absorb their soul. As a fuel of your own, isn't this similar to a creature?"

"Hey... you said that this fire can still eat the soul?" Li Huailin was a little surprised.

"You can say that." McDowell nodded.

"So I said that there was a country called Keboral before, and their inhabitants were swallowed up by this flame, as a fuel?" asked Sethi next to him.

"I don't know what you said. I came here only a year ago," Maddot said. "And when I found the flame, it was only a small flame. Now, it has become this size, of course, because I have given it a lot of 'fuel'."

"So your task is to let us help you find some 'fuel'?" Li Huailin asked.

“No, no, no,” Madod said immediately. “I can’t wait now, I want to eat it.”

"Ha? Who did you eat? This group of fire?" Li Huailin stayed directly. (To be continued.)

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