All Things Wrong

Chapter 1853: Kensasso

Li Huailin, a group near Riley Ante, is heading in the direction of the southern mountains where players rarely go. ● Hey, this time the leader is the sunset, the main route is the route he took when he was doing the task last time.

Of course, although the night flight is very helpful, it is sent to it. After all, he is a president who has not had so much time. According to Li Huailin, it is more than two hours to seduce. He is really empty. However, I said that I can find him any more questions. In the current team, there are only Li Huailin, Hongyan drinking water, summoning the Jade Emperor, the sunset and the waterside of Yangmei just a five-person squad.

"I always feel that I haven't set up this seemingly normal team for a long time." The caller Jade Emperor here couldn't help but say.

The sunset scene next to it is also a glimpse. Does the team look normal? It is indeed the team of the classics of the warfare and animal husbandry (the sunset is a mage), but the waterside Yangmei is a logistician. Now the level is only 44, which basically does not help any. Can also be considered a normal push ss team?

When it comes to the level of the other sunset, I can't understand the level of Li Huailin, level 100. What is the situation? It’s not a member of the elite group of the spiritual world. Now it’s only 72 levels of death. The summoning of the Jade Emperor is also a well-known professional player in the world. Now it’s only 76. What is the situation of Li Huailin’s 100? How to practice? In short, the bulls are the buddies, this task has just begun to look at the sunset and some do not understand.

Of course, the sunset scene did not think so much, and with Li Huailin they continued to move towards the mountains in the south. Riley Ante is currently a spiritual leveling site, and the surrounding monsters are all 75-80 level monsters, which is very suitable for high-level players to level up. Although it is said that it is not for other players to come, but sensible generally know that this is the territory of the spiritual world, and no one will come to the spiritual world, so this is basically his own.

Along the way, I passed through several leveling areas in the spiritual world. Because the summoned Jade Emperor had been leveling here in the past two days, the people here basically all know to summon the Jade Emperor, and they also greeted her by the way. And everyone who saw Li Huailin was a little curious. After all, summoning the Jade Emperor and Li Huailin to form a team, is it a high-level task? Of course, although curious, everyone who is a spiritual world has not seen the market, and did not say anything to keep up with. On the contrary, it was very intimate to help Li Huailin to clean up the mobs and the like.

After walking for a while, a few people soon entered the southern mountainous area in addition to the spiritual level of the spiritual world. The sunset in front of the scene first said: "The strength of the wild monster began to become stronger. The grades I saw when I came back were question marks. The highest level in our team was 74, which means that the monster level is higher than 79. The 80 level is up. It is really difficult to play. This task may not be what my level of players can do, but after trying it out, I tried it and it really failed."

The sunset scene is talking about it. There is a commotion in the woods next to it. At first glance, there is a feeling of being strange. All people immediately warned that the sunset scene and the waterside of the bayberry are especially nervous, and the red drink is also accompanied by the tension between the two, the feeling of three people as the enemy.

A very fast monster appeared, this is a horse-shaped enemy with red spots all over. However, the head is a bit strange. It seems that the black is covered with a circle of steel. There is a long black spike on it. It is not very powerful.

"Be careful, this blame is very strong!" The sunset scene here immediately shouted at the wild monster. "This thing sprints very very fast, the average player simply can't run it, and..."

"Ha!" The sunset scene has not been finished yet. Li Huailin went straight to the horse with a spiked spike, a crit number of more than 40,000, and then saw that the mobs did not say anything directly. Lying on the ground. Bye.

"..." The sunset scene looked at the body of the wild monster that fell on the ground. It wasn’t the big brother who made a mistake. The last time I came, the players of more than 70 levels were grinding around this guy. After a few minutes, I barely killed this thing, and almost fell. This time, I came straight up for a second, what a ghost.

"Well, don't waste time, hurry to find the wave ss." Li Huailin easily took the sword and went forward, leaving a sentence to force words.

"I..." The sunset scene really didn't know what to say.

"Let's play games, it can't be logical." The summoned jade emperor came up to take a picture of the sunset. Said with a strong heart.

"Just follow the bulls can not rely on logic?" The sunset scene can not help but spit a sentence, and sure enough, the bulls are the bulls, this is really not completely in accordance with the routine.

In short, the facts prove that the strangeness here is indeed above 80, but how can it be, it can not stop Li Huailin's two knives (crit on it), so along the way is Li Huailin slightly cut a few in front Solved, the rest of the people are basically shopping, simply can not find any feeling of fighting.

"So we said that it took us two hours before we pushed forward here." The sunset scene has begun to doubt life, but Li Huailin wakes up and screams at each other. "Hey, sunset, here is the road." Where are you going?"

"Oh." The sunset scene also woke up, looked at the front, and then pointed to the side, "This is the place where the fire was taken during the last mission, then we took the fire and returned here, from this The road continues, and then the firefighter Viandrick, who met this road."

"That's OK, go straight here." Anyway, they don't have to go to the npc to pick up any tasks, the direct choice is the road to the fire-sweeper Vienneth.

Only they don't look for npc, npc is still looking for it. Just as Li Huailin had just moved on this road, there was a sudden sound coming from the side. Li Huailin certainly thought it was strange, but when I turned around, I saw a npc wearing a black cloak. The body and height should be a male. I don’t quite see the face. The name on the head shows Kensasso. The sword on the back of the opponent can basically be judged to be a swordsman npc.

"Kensaso?" The sunset scene is a little bit sloppy.

"Do you know?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah, it was the npc that was given to me last time." The sunset said immediately. "The last time he also followed us, I thought he had been killed by the firefighter Vian Derek." ”

"I have escaped." Kensasso said as he walked to the front of the sunset, following the other side's words, "But my good friend Rand died in the hands of the monster, this must be reported." ”

"Who is Rand?" Li Huailin asked.

"Rand is the npc that triggers the mission. The mission is triggered in the city of Riley. It is the mission of the RPC called Rand. The first step is to let us come here to find this Kensasso. Then from Here, I got the **** flame and escorted it all the way to the south.” The sunset scene explained it briefly, and then said to Kensasso, “You also saw that the monster is so powerful, you can’t beat it alone, no. If you are easy to escape, don't just let it go."

"No, when I last escaped, I accidentally discovered the two weaknesses of the monster, so I am also prepared to come this time." Kensasso here immediately said, "This time I will be able to avenge Rand." ""

"Weakness? There are two more?" Li Huailin said a little, "What is the weakness?"

"Would you like to take revenge for me?" Kensasso did not answer, and asked.

System prompt: Kensasso released a s-level hidden mission, revenge. Whether to accept?

"Md mental retardation, directly triggered is the s-level task, that is to say, basically can't do it, but what weaknesses are simply nonsense." Li Huailin could not help but say. Yes, the task directly shows the hidden task of the s level. The difficulty of the s-level hidden task, of course, Li Huailin knows that the so-called weakness of Kensasso is basically not helpful, otherwise it must be Not a task of this difficulty.

"You don't want to help me?" asked Kensasso here.

"I don't want to." Li Huailin directly refused the task. "Although our goal is also the fire-sweeper Vian Derek, we need to bring this thing to a place first, not just to fix it here."

"That's a pity." Kensasso sighed. "There is no difference. I must avenge my friend Rand, even if it is the price of life. Since you are not willing to help, then it is here." Let's separate."

After saying that Kensasso went straight to the road leading to the fire eater Viandrick.

"Sister, he seems to be very poor." Such a red face said.

"Poor is no way, can we have a conflict with our mission?" Li Huailin said. "But wait, it seems that many people are looking for people. Hello, the npc in front, etc."

"What's wrong." Kensasso stopped and turned and asked, "Change your mind? Ready to help me?"

"No, no..." Seeing the other side releasing the task, Li Huailin said quickly, "I mean, although we can't move the guy right now, we still have to deal with it later. So our purpose is a bit similar. If you want to help each other, now look for the firefighter Vian Derek together, it is also a kind of care, what do you say?"

Kensasso here looked at Li Huailin and thought a little bit: "Okay." (To be continued.)

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