All Things Wrong

Chapter 1892: Be tempted

Li Huailin is really curious about what Sellow Rogan has left, but now he still doesn't know what is left, but it is true that Verlandic said that there is a great possibility of leaving something about the inheritance of prophecy. Li Huailin can't help but pay attention. ~ But now I want to know what this is left behind, Li Huailin has only two ways. One is that I can only wait for the two slow-moving guys, Yoda and Seren, to get Maddot back, and then open the demon's treasure chest to see if things are not there.

However, this method is a bit stupid to tell the truth. First of all, this thing is not in the inside, but the biggest problem is that no one knows what the Seluo Rogan guys are left behind, maybe A book, a piece of equipment, a piece of crystal is possible, and there must be a lot of things in the treasure house. Who knows which one is left by Sello Rogan.

That other method is more reliable, that is, directly ask the other side of the game, where the other party is. That said, Li Huailin has to go to Seelstone anyway.

Gloria’s problem, Li Huailin, can’t be solved. Although the little girl is really afraid of death, it’s really no danger here. Willlandic and Dallocos obviously won't hurt her, and Verlandic said that it is true that Gloria is a disciple, no matter what his purpose is, anyway, people are willing to teach. . It is good to have nothing to do with Gloria here.

It’s just that Gloria is really not suitable for these two things to stay with, but it’s impossible to go back and scream. It’s impossible to go back. After all, you already know the situation of the demon family, and you can still let you Go back? If you want to go back, you will have to wait until the end of the war with the Protoss.

So Li Huailin directly dropped Gloria, and one came back to the city. Looking at the time, or the afternoon is still quite full, Li Huailin decided to try to contact the demon **** Seals.

But immediately after the problem came again, how to contact the demon **** Sealstone. Before Li Huailin wanted to engage in the dark church, he also wanted to see the reaction of Selston. After all, the protoss still pay more attention to the value of the faith. You see that the believers who moved St. Dickka before are not violent. However, for a long time, Li Huailin found that Selston had no reaction at all. Of course, it may be that he did not do enough. After all, the dark church was replaced by a high-level official. The following believers did not have much less.

Of course, the believers are indeed few. Some believers who are disappointed with the dark church are indeed retiring from the church. However, the number has not been many until now, and most people do not have this meaning. Because they are disappointed, after all, only the dark church, not the devil of their faith.

Then, let's engage in the believers of the Dark Church now? Li Huailin felt that the amount of engineering was a bit too big, and after all, the transmission array was also at the headquarters of the Dark Church. It was really troublesome and I was really afraid of what they noticed.

So Li Huailin thought about it and decided to ask the professionals to see how to connect with a god. The so-called professionals, of course, refer to a god.

"Miss God God! St. Gayus!" Li Huailin found a place where no one was directly yelling at the surrounding air.

"All said that it is called Jiajia." Sure enough, as before, the golden light flashed, and San Gayus appeared on the side of Li Huailin. After all, the patron saint of good feelings really came.

"Where is it, it doesn't matter what it is." Li Huailin said casually, "Come, ask you something."

"Do you want to ask your sister about it? My sister is still very angry now. I am already angry and I am completely absent. I said that my sister will look at me and it will not happen at all. What should I do now?" Gaius said anxiously.

"Who said that he wants to ask this." Li Huailin was too lazy to take charge of St. Dixka. "You see that you have already made your own achievements. At least, other gods are now very high on you." ”

"This... this is true." St. Gayus nodded here. It is true that after this trial of God, the position of St. Gaius in the lower **** is really higher, some ordinary The next **** who got along with her turned around St. Gaius, and she also heard a lot of praise from people.

"Then you see what I said is to let you prove that you are right." Li Huailin said.

"It is indeed... but my most important thing is to let my sister value me." St. Gaius said immediately. "But now my sister completely ignores me. It seems that I am still angry with me."

"Oh, that is why your sister is wrong. You think that other gods have already confirmed your performance. She should be the first one to be sure of your sister, and she is angry, you know why?"

"Oh... why?" asked St. Gaius.

"Well, you see that everyone who praised before is her, she naturally thinks that she is the most eye-catching, now you make a little achievement, she is not only not sure about you, but also you, think you grab She is in the limelight, you said it is right." Li Huai-lin said "good and tempting".

"Hey? Is that true? But I don't want to grab the limelight of my sister, or I will go to explain with my sister right away," St. Gaius said anxiously.

"Oh, don't, you have already done what else to explain." Li Huailin said.

"But...but this is what you let me do," said St. Gaius.

"Do you blame me?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "Oh, actually, you did it right. I said that your sister has a problem with her. Is it awkward, is it a good thing? You are still pampered with her." Well? You don't have to worry about it."

"But... but I want to get along with my sister..." St. Gaius said, bowing his head.

"Hey, she is your sister." Li Huailin said, "She really ignores you now, but is it possible to ignore you for a lifetime? After all, she is having problems, but she can’t figure it out for a while. Do you think your sister is stupid? Maybe you can't figure it out for a lifetime?"

"My sister must be very smart to pull." St. Gaius said here immediately.

"That's not the end, what is tangled, a little time later, your sister will definitely figure out the pull, and then I will understand where I am wrong, I will not agree with you." Li Huailin said.

"Yes... is that the case?" St. Gayus nodded. "Then I will be more relieved, but how long it will take."

"That depends on your sister's stupidity, you said that your sister is so smart, it must be pulled very quickly." Li Huailin said casually.

"Yes." St. Gayus nodded.

Li Huailin said that it is okay for St. Gaius to be a fool here, and it is really good enough to sneak. Just so casually said two sentences actually passed.

"What did you ask me about? What is it about my sister?" St. Gayus asked.

"Oh, yes, last time I seem to remember you said that you know the devil?" Li Huailin asked.

"You said the big demon god? I know." St. Gaius said here immediately.

"Really? I have something to talk to this demon god. Can you help me to contact the other person?" Li Huailin immediately asked.

"Oh... this... a little bit difficult." St. Gaius tried to say, "Because I was the last time I saw the big devil, it was... oh... many years ago, I I can't remember it."

"You haven't seen him for a long time?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah, there was a time when Devil Big Brother came to my sister often, so I knew him, but this was a long time ago, probably... thousands of years ago." St. Gaius thought I want to say.

"Tnd your gods are counted in thousands of years?" Li Huailin helped the forehead. "Have you ever seen him since then?"

"Yeah, it hasn't been seen for a long time. I don't know where the big devil is now..." St. Gayus said, "Would you like me to ask for help?"

"Ask your compatriots of the Protoss?" Li Huailin thought about it, still felt a little trouble, so he said, "Is there a way to directly summon the devil? Isn't the Protoss able to hear the voices of the people below?"

"This is true, you can speak directly to the demon **** in front of the statue of the demon god, and the other party can hear it directly." St. Gaius said here immediately.

“Yes? Is it so simple?” Li Huailin asked. “Isn’t the Protoss bothered to die?”

"It is not necessary to listen," said St. Gaius.

"Ok understands." Li Huailin probably understands the meaning, that is to say, the statue is probably equivalent to the message board. You will be recorded when you talk here. The protoss here can’t read the message. If you can’t go back, it’s him. My own problem, it is estimated that most will not choose to respond.

"Is that statue in the dark church?" Li Huailin asked.

"As long as it is the image of the power of faith, then it will be in contact with our gods. As long as we pray to the gods, we can hear the sound." St. Gayus professionally explained.

"Tnd still have to pray to the god?" Li Huailin directly glimpsed, he did not want to pray to Sealton.

"Oh... not so strict." St. Gaius tried to say, in short, she did not quite understand.

"When you go, then you should go up and ask for your brother, can you contact me, and then I will go directly to his temple and try to talk to him, can you?" Li Huailin said.

"Yeah." St. Gaius was very obedient and nodded.

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