All Things Wrong

Chapter 1897: trouble

Li Huailin was very happy to roll this time. This San Mitrino is a bit dirty. He can’t help himself. Now he has taken the initiative and asked for it. The effect seems to be good.

Serrod Li Huailin does not care, staying directly in the Truss tribe here to do the cognac, this tribe is also dirty, it is not good, it really is the evil tribe of faith. As I said before, the Truss tribe is not a city, so Li Huailin came back to the city closest to the Truss.

There are not many people in this city, and it is not suitable for the current players to level up. Li Huailin casually finds a place where there are few people to sit down and waits directly for the news of St. Gaius. However, at this time, Li Huailin’s remote call rang, and Li Huailin looked at the person who contacted him. As a result, he did not expect that he had not seen his president’s red moon for a long time.

"President, what?" Li Huailin asked remotely. "Is there any trouble in the guild?"

"Oh, it’s really guessed by you." The red moon here sighed. "I know you are very busy, but this thing really has something to do with you, so I can only talk to you."

"What do you say?" Li Huailin immediately asked, because he had also said hello to the Red Moon before that he would be very busy in the last month, so it would be true that Red Moon is looking for himself.

On the red moon side, I immediately said things briefly. After Li Huailin listened, the brow immediately wrinkled. Yes, it really has something to do with him, that is, the follow-up problem of the last annihilation.

It was really ruined to find him in trouble. Before that, he also said to him at night. The dying world now gathers a group of people who don't like Li Huailin. Basically, they can default to the alliance against Li Huailin. Then these people have been arrogant, and they are very messy. Now they are together. If you don’t do anything, can’t you show your sense of existence?

Especially now, Li Huailin is still jumping up and down on this side. When he has nothing to do, he ran to the top of the forum and looked like a lively look. That made them very upset, so a group of people discussed it in the guild. How to make Li Huailin feel bad, give him some trouble.

Yes, just looking for trouble, not doing Li Huailin. Now everyone knows that Li Huailin has a lot of metamorphosis skills. One person can play a bunch. The foreign servers are not all planted there. Who and Li Huailin are looking for death? Therefore, the squadrons went to find Li Huailin, and they thought that it would be Li Huailin not happy.

There were a lot of ways to find people in the game, but it was more troublesome to get to Li Huailin. For example, some people say that we follow Li Huailin all day, watching him blame. This is really annoying for other players, but Li Huailin is the exception. Net biography Li Huailin is now 100, and the current leveling is not what they can go, so people can't find it, let alone grab something.

It is not easy to want to add Li Huailin to this. People can't find it. But after all, so many people get together, everyone can always come up with a few disgusting ideas. So some people mentioned the guild where Li Huailin is.

Yes, Li Huailin still has a guild, although most people know about it, but it doesn't matter. After all, Li Huailin

Most of the situation here is in single-person activities, and there has not been any guild activity. Besides, the guild where people are located is a guild with a super small 1000 people. It is also a female player. It is a casual guild. It is estimated that it is a name, so most people regard Li Huailin as a single person. Players look at it.

But after all, it is also by the guild. This group of people thinks it is true. Anyway, their purpose is to find Li Huailin not to be happy. Now, I can't think of any way to try anything disgusting. So everyone looked at the Red Lady Army Guild.

Li Huailin and the Red Women's Legion Guild must have any connection. After all, they had seen Li Huailin before the copy of the copy, and the team was the Red Women's Guild. The store opened by Li Huailin is now also being managed by the Red Women's Legion (because the netizens don't know the ownership of the store), and it is obviously related to Li Huailin why other guilds don't add you to this guild.

In this way, I think that this group of people will target the guild. What effect can you really have on Li Huailin? It doesn't matter, it's important to make you unhappy and uncomfortable. As for whether it really makes you unhappy? They are not very concerned, anyway, they feel that what they do makes you unhappy, this is not enough.

Are you afraid of Li Huailin’s revenge? In fact, no one is worried about this. If they are worried, they will not be killed. What can Li Huailin revenge? In their opinion, they are so many people, and they are all scattered. Li Huailin will catch up with one or two and kill them once, and lose 10% of the experience. What else? Oh, right, you said that Li Huailin will bring people to the world's guild territory? Let him go, does this have anything to do with them?

Yes, this group of people has been added to the world, but do they have any concept of guild? In fact, they did not, because they opposed Li Huailin, and the destruction of the world only provided a gathering place. They don't feel that they are dying people, they just feel that they are part of the anti-Li Huai-lin alliance. What will happen to the world, and they will join the meeting for a day or two. Do you think they will care? Guild territory? You have to dismantle and dismantle, the loss is not their money, the crying people are the top of the world, and they have a half-money relationship?

Besides, everyone has a heart in the crowd, so many people do it, what else can you do? Originally, there was no way for a person to see Li Huailin jumping up and down. But when so many people get together and everyone says it, it will definitely be done.

So they started to work, and they were divided into small groups to start looking for the Red Women's Guild. Of course, if you find them directly, you will kill them directly, robbing them, and harassing the language. Anyway, how can you disgust you? Of course, the Red Lady Army Guild is a very casual guild. Most of the female players inside are not so powerful. What do you mean by bullying female players in others? But they feel very happy. I think this is a revenge against Li Huailin. This is fine.

Of course, the red moon was received soon, and many players in the guild were harassed, which is definitely not normal. The red moon is also slightly checked through the route, and what happened until now. (Before I said that the World Health Association is now a trio of people, there are people in it, you can ask if you can ask.)

Of course, the Red Moon is also a capable president, and immediately began to deal with it. First of all, of course, let their members not go out to level up for a while, stabilize the mood in the meeting, and the Red Moon began to contact Li Huailin.

"Md still have these disgusting people?" Li Huailin said.

"Yeah, I don't know what they think, and there are people who have killed our members and then screenshots to show off on the Internet. It seems to be doing the same thing as killing you." Red Moon sighed and said.

"I really took it." Li Huailin lifted the amount, and then thought about it. "In this way, I am really a bit of a thing now. I can’t leave it for a while. You should contact the night flight here first, and borrow the leveling from them here. The place is used first. I don’t think the gang will dare to find trouble in the spiritual world. When I finish the work here, I will come back and cook them."

Yes, this group of people will only pinch soft persimmons. Everyone knows that the Guild Society of the Guild Night Flight is the guild with the greatest relationship with them. How can these people not find the trouble of the Spiritual Guild? Not just eating soft and hard, so Li Huailin let Red Moon go to the night flight first, so that people in the meeting should not encounter any trouble for the time being.

Of course, this is not a long-term solution. After all, it will affect the spiritual world. Although the night flight may not care, Li Huailin does not want to always find trouble for the night flight. However, I really can't go away now, and I can only do this first.

Of course, the Red Moon does not want to trouble them at night, but this is not a matter of their own. The members of the guild must be responsible for the Red Moon, so they can only nod when they think about it.

Li Huailin didn't have time to talk to the Red Moon any more, because he was talking, and the golden light flashed next to it. It was obvious that St. Gaius was back. Li Huailin could only say immediately: "President, I am busy here. Now, hang up first."

Did not wait for the red moon to respond to Li Huailin, hung up the call, and then looked at the side of the light, and sure enough, the person who appeared was St. Gaius.

"Have you found someone?" Because of the previous incident, Li Huailin was really unhappy, and asked anxiously.

"I asked." St. Gaius said immediately.

"What results?" Li Huailin immediately asked.

"Sister Lojom said that he wants to meet you personally," St. Gayus replied.

"Hey?" Li Huailin said, "See me in person? That person? Or do you want me to go to her temple?"

"That's not the case, Lord Lojom should be there soon."

St. Gayius is talking, and next to the green light flashes, Li Huailin turns around and sees a beautiful woman wearing a green winged robe appearing around. This beautiful woman is really a kind of horrible kind of beauty. Sure enough, the Protoss may also have a superb aspect, and Li Huailin even noticed that the other's ear is slightly pointed and looks a bit like an elf. This is in other Protoss. Li Huailin has never seen it.

At the same time, the appearance of St. Rojom’s eyes also focused on Li Huailin. (To be continued.)

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