All Things Wrong

Chapter 1903: test

The first thing that I did back to the main city, Li Huailin, was to test the skills. A little try, Li Huailin has a little understanding of the skills of God punishment, but the problem is that Li Huailin can not test the effect of the deduction of the skill deduction attribute, because certainly not a guy is willing to help. And the description of the skill itself does not seem to be written after the resurrection will deduct the property.

However, since it is a skill stolen from St. Joseph, it should work. In short, the current test effect, this magical skill... If it is not the effect of deducting the attribute, it is really no laser, because the attack distance is too close. In the end, I threw a lightning bolt forward, and the aoe range was limited to one that was thrown forward and a small piece around the target. The most important thing is that the distance from the attack is about 15 yards. It's a metamorphosis like a laser.

"It seems that it can only be used by players..." Li Huailin nodded. In other respects, the versatility of the laser is relatively high.

Of course, in addition to this, Li Huailin also found a more serious problem, that is, the speed of recovery of his own power is really a little anxious. Li Huailin now has a ceiling of more than 1.27 million points of power, but his own recovery of power is only a few seconds to rise a bit. Of course, Li Huailin also has a meditation function, sitting on the ground and doing nothing, only recovering 2 per second. Point, this simply can't afford to consume.

According to St. Gayus, the true **** is recovering at a speed that is astonishing because of the addition of the value of the faith. For example, the tens of millions of gods of the **** of the gods, such as St. Dijon, are used up even immediately. It can be recovered, and Li Huailin’s power is a one-time feeling. It seems that it takes ten days to recover after the more than 1.2 million points are used up. This makes Li Huailin a little headache.

Of course, Li Huailin can't think of any way to speed up the recovery. At present, Li Huailin knows that he has increased the value of his beliefs, and he seems to have no way to increase his belief value. The property is not open yet, and the open conditions are not known. Besides, I also have the title of God Eater, and I don’t know if I can get the god.

At present, this is first regarded as a one-time use. Li Huailin also tried the role of divine power, which is to increase the role of defense and attack. The result is not very optimistic. Because Li Huailin finds that the power to increase the attack and defense is probably like this, you inject a little power into the attack, and then the next attack you will increase the attack by 1 point.

The determination of this divine attack is similar to the punishment of God. If the unit that hits no divine power is the damage coefficient of 2.75, that is, 1 point of damage can hit 2.75 damage. Of course, if the opponent has divine protection, it is only 1 point.

To put it another way, if you increase 10,000 points of power, then the next attack will increase 10000 damage (or 27500 points), but the problem is that only the next attack, he is not continuous, after one time you want to increase then continue to inject .

What is even more boring is that Li Huailin found that his attack has been reduced. This next attack increases the buff effect of 1 point of attack to Li Huailin and becomes the next attack to reduce 1 point of damage, and the power of God Defense is also the same tragic effect.

"Fortunately, I really don't rely on divine power to output." Li Huailin helped the amount, but fortunately, what he had been relying on was the effect of the Excalibur. It’s really hard to fight with God. It’s really hard to get tens of millions of people to start. . However, the advantage is that Li Huailin can bless 1 point of defense power directly on his body, which deducts Li Huailin's defense. However, when judging, the system will determine that you have divine defense, so even the damage factor of divine power is also Calculated according to 1, will not become 2.75.

This is the role of Li Huailin’s divine power. In short... a little disappointed. But now it's still a bit of a use, of course, it's for the guys.

Of course, the next question is how to deal with these guys, although now I have a way to make them feel uncomfortable, but ... it is useless to not plan well, the reason is very simple, the other party is simply playing guerrilla warfare, each time a few people The squad ran around, and Li Huailin had a flying mount that was sure to catch up with them, but catching up would kill only a few people.

The most important thing is that after Li Huailin used God for the first time to kill a person, this person will of course tell this information to other people, then the other party will certainly be alert. What do you say if you are alert and can't you run? That person can hide it, know that you are chasing them, they don’t act first, they are waiting for the line, or they are going to do other things first, just see who can’t hold it, after a while, you don’t chase. They are coming again, you are chasing, they are hiding.

Li Huailin certainly does not want such a thing to happen. He has not spent so much time on these guys, so to solve the one-time solution, at least the current big team will be broken up. As long as they give them a painful lesson, the people who are afraid of the rest will definitely leave, leaving a little less, and they should be able to do it themselves.

So what Li Huailin has to do now is to give the other party a sly look, but the problem is coming. Now that the other party is clearly playing with harassment, it will not concentrate at all. Is there any way for the other party to concentrate? Li Huailin already has a draft, and now I can see if it can be implemented successfully.

First step... Go offline. Yes, I tested my skills and Li Huailin went offline. Looked at the time is already more than 9 o'clock in the evening, Li Huailin directly sat on the personal computer next to him, and then first looked at the chat room, and contacted a few people here, and there is nothing special, so Li Huailin soon Just opened the forum.

The game forum is very lively, and the main discussion is Li Huailin now. Before I said that Li Huailin’s controversial figure is actually a lot of **** black, professional black Li Huailin, the daily black posts are always continuous. Only in the past, because Li Huailin had a lot of fans, they were suppressed very much, but this time they all jumped out.

What they are discussing is this "retaliation" action against Li Huailin, and then the main target is the Red Women's Legion. Li Huailin looked at the post and found that a large number of people actually killed photos of members of the Red Women's Guild. Some people also took photos with the bodies on the ground. A happy look was like lying on the ground. Li Huailin feels the same.

The following replies are chaotic. Others say that they are doing well, and I have to do it, but the absolute number of people still express shame. You bully a small guild that is composed of girls. The ability, the ability and the bulls are just positive.

However, these accusations of justice did not cause them to be ashamed, but they made them even more arrogant. Someone replied: "I will not be positive with him. I will kill his friend. How are you taking me?"

"You guys who help the brethren, the people who pull the cockroaches are all fragrant, a bunch of brains."

There are even direct screams to teach Li Huailin how to behave. In short, it is obvious that these guys found a sense of accomplishment in the so-called "retaliation action" and then found their sense of existence in various water sprays on the forum. It feels so cool.

Li Huailin smiled and then started the first step of her own plan, which was to post. Li Huailin rarely posts with his own account, this time for the plan to send. After brewing for ten minutes, Li Huailin wrote his post and sent it directly. The content of the post is probably like this:

First: I am very angry about today's things.

Second: Lao Tzu wants to retaliate, you will wait for the annihilation of the World Congress.

Third: God has a good life, I am also a good person, give you a chance, to quit the World Health Association before tomorrow morning, it is a remorse, let you have a horse, if you are obsessed with it, Hugh is ruthless.

The account used by Li Huailin was officially serious, so when it was sent out, it ignited the entire forum. The post was instantly picked up. Li Huailin looked at the reply below his post, and sure enough, Li Huailin’s so-called “warning” The post is completely counterproductive. The reason is very simple. The guys who are in trouble will certainly not put Li Huailin’s threat in the eye. In their view, this is their “honorary medal” because their actions have worked.

If Li Huailin does not send this post, they still don't know that their actions are so effective. Now, if you look at Li Huailin, it is obviously irritating, and even post a message to them, and a sense of accomplishment is born in a flash.

"Retirement? You tn is s13, have the ability to kill Laozi."

"Everyone notices that there is nothing wrong with Niu, so you don't have to be afraid."

"Oh, I am so scared, I am scared that I am careful that the liver will plop through, but I will not retreat, to kill your grandfather."


Soon the post gathered a bunch of guys of various arrogance, of course, there are a group of fans of Li Huailin who followed this group of people. In an hour, the reply of this post exceeded 100,000, and it immediately became The hottest post on the forum. Of course, no one will pay any attention to Li Huailin’s "warning."

"Uh huh... It looks like the effect is not bad." Li Huailin swept the following reply, and then nodded with satisfaction. "Get a good night and play with you slowly tomorrow." (To be continued.)


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