All Things Wrong

Chapter 1927: Devil Treasure Room

Treasures Li Huailin certainly wants to see, and Verna can't run anyway, let her stay a little longer. Followed by Verland and Maddot, slowly deepening into the interior of the Crystal Throne, this time Li Huailin found that he did not seem to pay attention to the situation inside the Crystal Throne.

Unlike the outside, the situation inside seems to be a little bit chilly. At least there is no crystal on the wall. It is just a stone wall. It looks simple and simple. It is estimated that the exterior is a facade project, and the interior is not so important.

"Speaking of you, you are the first human to enter here." Maddot said while walking, "I think that human beings are hard work on our side..."

"Medot." next to Willrande shouted directly, meaning that McDougal was especially nonsense.

"What about Sellow Rogan?" Li Huailin left and asked, "How did he get mixed up here?"

"Ha?" Maddot took a glimpse of it, then looked at Willantique next to him and asked, "Weirland, have we had a human service here?"

"Yeah, that is what Slaughter introduced." Willland said casually. "I didn't come back at the front, I didn't know about it..."

"Hey? You don't know about it? You don't know Sellow Rogan?" Li Huailin took a glimpse, but thought that he really found McDott by the prophecy of Gloria | Maddot didn't know about it. He didn't know how Li Huailin found him. He didn't mention anything about Sellow Rogan. However, Li Huailin is very strange. It is not that Sellow Rogan is the service of the Devils. How did the Maddot, one of the four kings, have not seen it.

"He really doesn't know," explains Willantique next to him. "The last time I said that the battle between the Devil and the Protoss lasted for a long time, probably for more than a year. Maddot At that time, it was the chief commander of the front line, so it was basically always back on the front line. And Sellow Rogan joined in at that time, and Maddot and he did not meet."

"Ha? Sellow Rogen joined the time so late." Li Huailin nodded, then looked at Willlandic, "Have you seen it?"

"Yeah, I should have seen one side." Willantick nodded.

“Have you seen one? Or should it?” Li Huailin said a little, “Hey, how are you so uncertain?”

"Because I really can't remember it." Willlandi shook his head and said, "You also know that my memory is a bit fuzzy now. It's all things that happened thousands of years ago. How can I still I can remember to live. Besides, I felt that the other side was a personal class. I didn’t have any heart at all. It was just that Cerston introduced it, so I didn’t object."

"This way." Li Huailin nodded. The situation of the demon family is actually very similar to the Protoss, for example, the self-view is very high. Like the Protoss, the demons are estimated to be the highest in the mainland, so they will have conflicts with the Protoss. Therefore, for the demon family, human beings are almost equivalent to the level of the worms, especially when the demons are still rulers of the mainland. Therefore, Willantic estimated that he did not pay attention to the human being introduced by Sealstone.

"Speaking, I still remember that when the guy met, he told me a prophecy..." Verlandic seemed to remember something suddenly, and thought about it, "but I can’t remember it now. What is it about?"

"Prophecy? What is that?" Next to Maddot is a question that I don't know.

While talking about a few people who have walked down the spiraling steps to the underground position, Li Huailin looked at the devil's family and left the treasure room on the ground. Of course, it is impossible to put it directly in the middle of the road.

At the end of the underground is a huge gate. Li Huailin carefully looked at the gate. The shape of the gate is a bit strange. The following are four pieces that are equally divided, and then slowly twisted together, it looks quite strange. The four pieces below the average have a dark black protruding stone brick. Looking at it, Li Huailin thinks that this stone brick should be the place to open the door to lose the password.

At this time, Darlocos had already stood at the door of the treasure house door. Li Huailin did not see Kegus, but he did not know what was going on. When he heard the sound, Dallocos turned and saw Li Huailin followed by Verland and Maddot: "Human, you are here, just in time for us to open the door."

"It’s really just happening." Li Huailin waved his hand. "Take the speed and open the door. There are important things to tell you later."

"Important thing?" Dallocos was a bit curious, but didn't ask now, looked at Willland and Maddot and said, "Okay, open the door."

After that, Dallocos went straight to the front of the leftmost raised stone brick, and Verland and Maddot went to the second and third stone bricks respectively. The rightmost stone brick is estimated to be The location of Sealstone, of course, is now empty.

Three people were in place, and they turned their heads to each other. Then everyone put their hands on the top of the stone bricks, and then the three people suddenly began to glow black. Li Huailin doesn't know anything, but according to the popular saying, these three guys are estimated to be in the password for the password, but the process is more magical.

Sure enough, after the black light of the three people flashed, the stone bricks on the top lighted up directly, and then Li Huailin suddenly heard the sound of "giggle" coming from the door. It sounded like the door was too long to open. It’s a quick breeze, and it’s a bit hard to force it open now. The entire basement was shaking, and the dust on it was falling down constantly, as if it were going to collapse.

Of course, the basement did not collapse at the end, and the gate of the treasure room was opened smoothly. The four blocks of the gate were closed in four directions, and the entrance to the treasure room appeared in front of several people.

Darlocos, Verland and Maddot quickly walked in, and Li Huailin certainly followed. Just entering the treasure room, Li Huailin was slightly stunned, because this treasure room is not quite like a treasure room, it is too lo.

In Li Huailin’s imagination, the treasure room should be opened and it’s a golden light, and then it’s the feeling of the gold in the room. However, the demon family's treasure room is not the case at all. When I entered Li Huailin, I thought it was a warehouse.

Yes, there are several rows of shelves in front of Li Huailin. There should be a lot of things on the top, but Li Huailin can’t see what it is, because all the shelves are covered with a thick layer of dust. They have completely covered the above things, only to see a general shape, what is completely unknown.

Of course, this situation is too different from the glittering treasure room. Li Huailin walked to the side of the shelf and looked at it. This shelf is a bit big for Li Huailin. It seems that each floor has a height of about two meters. The things placed on it look like a helmet, the size is higher than Li Huailin's whole person. Li Huailin reached out and touched it. The dust on the top could drown Li Huailin's whole hand.

"My God..." Li Huailin helped the amount.

"Great, no one seems to find it here." Dallocos here is very happy. "These are the roots of our demon revival."

“What about these?” Li Huailin asked.

"Look at it..." Darlocos said.

Li Huailin went straight to the front of Darlocos, and then looked at what Darlokos showed him. It was an empty room with nothing in it.

"What to see?" Li Huailin asked.

"Below." Darlocos directly reached out and grabbed the huge palms to the ground. Li Huailin discovered that the ground was originally a pit, but it was completely covered by dust, so I couldn’t see anything at first, but when Darlocos started, Li Huailin saw a lot of blue under the dust. The crystal-like thing, if not estimated wrong, maybe this room is used to store this blue crystal, the following should be this.

"What is this, the coins of your demon family?" Li Huailin asked with one hand.

“Coin?” Dallocos a little sighed. “This is the purification of the crystal of the magic, which is purer than the magic crystal used to decorate. This is the most valuable property of our demon family.”

"Is it?" Li Huailin looked at the property of the hand, and the result showed that it was actually a purple name, that is to say, it was an epic thing, but it had no use at all. It only showed the material, but it only showed it. The material of the epic is already very hoisted. There are so many here, "What can this thing do?"

"Come on, take a look." Willlandi walked over, and then took a few dusty crystals from the side shelf to Li Huailin. It is estimated that these materials are made of crystal.

Li Huailin looked at the crystals that Verlandic handed over and was shocked because the function of these crystals was too hoisted.

Pure Crystallized Debris (charged): Increases spell damage by 200% of the infused in the infused

Pure Crystallized Fragments (Response): Restores all mana after use and increases the the the the the the the the the the the next

Pure Crystallized Debris (Protection): Forms a magical protective layer after use, absorbing 4450052000 damage and reducing your damage by 40% for 60 sec.

Pure Crystallized Debris (Detonated): Detonate immediately after use, dealing 3750042000 magic damage to the nearby 15 yards range. (To be continued.)

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