All Things Wrong

Chapter 1929: Ground

It’s been more than an hour since I came, and Li Huailin has to go and see what happened to Verna. The demon family has to sort out the treasure room anyway, let them slowly organize it. Li Huailin has no time to wait.

Just after Li Huailin’s side, I learned a more troublesome news, that is, the demon’s combat power may not be as strong as I thought. Before this group of guys blew so hard, Li Huailin really thought that they could play with the Protoss five or five, but now it is confirmed that this is not the case, so Li Huailin must do something more here.

First of all, in the case that other people who know the demon family may still be alive, Li Huailin must also find a way to rescue. This is an aspect of adding strength to the demon family. Otherwise, it is estimated that there is no drama by relying on these kings. They did not even have enough pressure to share the burden of Li Huailin. On the other hand, Li Huailin, the helper of the White Dragons, feels that it is very necessary to get rid of it now. Otherwise, it is really not enough.

On the other hand, Li Huailin also thought of a more partial approach. That is the number of believers who increase a certain part of God. I said before that the reason why the Protoss has become stronger is on the believer's side. The previous Protoss did not have many believers, and the total number and duration of the divine powers were not very good, but now it is different. There are many believers in the lower bounds. Then pious, now the atmosphere created by the Protoss is so good, all the lower bounds are basically believe in a Protoss, which must be planned by the Protoss.

Then someone said that since this is the case, let the following people do not believe that they are not finished? It turns out that it is really impossible. Li Shenglin knew that when he was in St. Dickenka, people on this continent basically had a disease that would not die if one **** died, unless they really let them die, otherwise they will definitely Find a **** letter.

Did you kill the people on the mainland? This method is obviously too stupid, and it has been directly countered by the hands of St. Dickka. Now you have to move all the believers of God? Is that different from direct war? Therefore, Li Huailin thought of another way after vetoing this method, that is, to make the believers' beliefs relatively concentrated. The goal of concentration is to pay attention to it. The way Li Huailin thinks is to increase the believers of all the gods wearing cloth.

Yes, this is Li Huailin's method. The reason is very simple. My own sword can be worn by the guy in the cloth. God has tried it. It can be seconds. In this case, is there any difference between these gods who wear cloth, regardless of the power of 10,000 or 1 million? There is no difference to Li Huailin, so they don’t matter anyway, no matter how strong they are, it’s just a matter of the war.

But those who don't wear cloth armor are more troublesome. For example, a protoss in armor, how many tens of millions of gods point you to let Li Huailin take him? The only way is to let him stand in his 30 yards for 10 seconds, but standing within 30 yards for 10 seconds can not stand up. This problem is Li Huailin's problem. Before St. Dijon was his second. He doesn't know if he can wait for ten seconds.

Of course, this program is only theoretical, and the implementation does not know how it works. In short, the devil's affairs here must of course be followed up, and this plan will be discussed with Gert when it is time to go.

The white light flashed Li Huailin on a meadow, just landing, Li Huailin saw Verna sitting on the ground. Of course, Verna has already put on her helmet at this time, so even if the passing person sees Verna, she thinks it is a normal npc wearing armor.

"How? Asked?" Seeing that Vera Lin came here, Verna did not say how long it took to wait, mainly whether she asked the location of the battlefield.

"Yes, I asked." Li Huailin nodded. Of course, this is the right person to ask. So the solution raised the map in his hand. This map is of course given to him by the demon family. When Li Huailin asked again, Dallocos took a map directly to him. This map is a map of war left by the demon family and the protoss. There is also a position to mark the front line.

"Where is it?" Verna took a quick look at the map in the hands of Li Huailin, and then suddenly frowned. "Where is the map from here?"

"What's wrong?" Li Huailin said a little, can you say that the above is marked with demon text, was it discovered by Verna? It’s not right. Li Huailin has already seen it when he came. There is no text on it. It’s just some common mark. Besides Verna’s thing, Darlokos gave it to him. This guy will not give such a brain. Let yourself have a map with the devil's mark.

"Your map is very strange." Verna said, "Let's come over and see."

Of course, Li Huailin relied on the past and carefully looked at the map. This map is of course a map of the mainland, and the front line of the Demon War is located in the southernmost position of the mainland, and it just happens to be on a pendulous peninsula. As for why it was there, Li Huailin did not ask clearly.

“Where is it strange?” Li Huailin asked if he hadn’t seen anything strange for a long time.

"Look at this." Verna took out another map and placed it in front of Li Huailin. "You didn't find the map different?"

"Ha?" Li Huailin looked at it a little, and immediately looked at it. The map that Verna took out was of course a map that was taken out when Sethi explained it to her. It was also a map of the mainland, but Li Huailin looked at it. This map is really different from the map taken from the devil. . Of course, I thought about it. You said that the mainland has changed a little bit in the past millennium. It is acceptable, but the problem now is that there is a difference in the battlefield.

Yes, the long peninsula on the map of the devil's family that Li Huailin took out was not found on the map of Seyci. It is directly displayed in a sea area. There is no such peninsula at all. What is the situation? Not to mention Verna, Li Huailin is a little bit forced.

"So what the **** is this? Why do you have a map that you don't have at all?" Verna asked.

"My friend told me that it was there." Li Huailin said that he had a headache, but he thought that the demons would not know about it. After all, they just woke up, and they changed on the road. Not sure. As for the existence of this peninsula or not, it is not enough to see it directly.

"In short, my friend should not lie to go there and look at it." Li Huailin thought about it.

"Good." Verna did not doubt Li Huailin and nodded.

So the two set off directly, first to the city of Lula, the main city of Li Huailin, and then went directly to the transmission array to the city closest to the marked point. It was a dwarf city named Mid-Ridid’s medium-sized city on the mainland. The southernmost, and still a port city.

The scenery of the port city of Dorale is pretty good, but neither of them appreciates the scenery. It goes straight out of the city and flies along the coastline to the east. After a while, it comes to the mark on the map. Near.

What makes Li Huailin very headache is that this place should be the location of the map mark here, but it is the sea that appears in front of the two. Yes, the map that Sethi gave is correct. There is no long strip of peninsula at all. Flying along the coastline is only the boundless sea.

"The location of the mark should be near here, but there is no peninsula at all." Verna said anxiously. "What the **** is this? Your friend."

"Wait, don't worry, I think about it." Li Huailin looked at the sea and pondered it. The Devils must say the truth here. There is no need to lie to yourself. After all, it is to save their people. But why is this the sea?

“Is it a seabed?” Li Huailin suddenly thought of this question. Is there a change in sea level since the last millennium? Maybe the situation of global warming caused the sea level to rise and cause the peninsula to be flooded or something?

"I will go down and see." Li Huailin also said that he would do it, and immediately jumped to the sea, just the set of equipment to increase the speed of swimming is still on the body, it is just enough to use.

The weather is still quite good now. The sea surface is relatively clear. Li Huailin has been watching the sea for a long time, but there is no gain at all, because safety does not feel any sea level rise. It is reasonable to say that if the sea level rises and the peninsula is submerged, then this thing will not be under too deep water, and it should be easy to see the traces of the previous biological life below the sea surface, but not, What Li Huailin saw was the normal situation of the seabed.

"md, what's the situation?" Li Huailin also had somehow incomprehensible things, and it came out of the sea. Li Huailin was thinking about the problem here. I didn't expect a black light to flash. Li Huailin saw his own sword and explored the head. Out.

"What are you doing?" Li Huailin took a look at it and saw that the light here was waiting around, not knowing what to look for.

"Hey? Isn't it a war? I wonder why you haven't pulled the sword all the time." Yuguang said.

"Ha? Going to war?" Li Huailin said a little. "What does this have to do with the war?"

"I just felt a little breath, it is the atmosphere that inspired the guy, I thought you met it." Yuguang said.

"Well? Enlightenment?" Li Huailin glanced. (To be continued.)

"I want friends to visit the phone."

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