All Things Wrong

Chapter 1937: tribe

Yes, Magellan said that he suddenly thought of a problem, that is, he did not seem to have asked the Chinese team who sent them. At the beginning, everyone just defaulted that the tasks they received were all given by a np, but they were only competitive with each other, but now it seems that this is not the case. The two teams in the first two are different tasks released by np. Then they may not be released by an np.

For Magellan's problem, each side can only be a bitter smile. Of course, they have already understood this time. They didn't ask at the beginning. As Magellan thought, everyone was sent by Vedi Rus, and the result was unexpected. It’s not that Verdius’s speaker is thinking about uniting with the Torosger tribe, nor how long the brains of those octopus people are. Li Huailin felt that the idea of ​​this Wedruth was already very wonderful. As a result, I did not expect that everyone thought so. Other speakers actually came to this set, who wants it.

It would have been no problem if the words were sent by Vedruth, but it is different now, so there is nothing to choose from Li Huailin, and he can only do it directly.

Seeing that Li Huailin didn't answer here, the European Union team certainly understood it over time. Everyone immediately took out the weapon and turned to the Chinese team.

"Brother, what kind of trouble are they here? It seems like they are going to fight." Raymond looked at the hurriedly looking at the adventurers. What is the situation, not a group of people, how do you say a word? If you don’t agree, you have to start playing.

"How do I know what is going on." Ugta certainly can't understand what's going on, spread his hand. "Don't worry about them, let's go back soon."

After talking about Ugta and Raymond, they turned their heads and dragged the elephant monster to leave. They left a dozen players who were confronting each other. Both sides are a bit sloppy, but it is obvious that they are not good now.

"You see that I said that there is not so much to hack them." No one spoke on either side. Here, Li Huailin’s voice was particularly clear. "Well, what are you talking about now, directly... ”

"Run!" Li Huailin has not finished talking about this. The opposite Magellan shouted directly, and all the players immediately reacted and immediately ran out in all directions. A dozen people ran in all directions, and Li Huailin was also a glimpse. In response, I wanted to directly start a few cloths first, and the result was stopped by each other.

"Forget it, don't meet them this time." The one side of the sky said with a sigh.

"Hey, when a good person can't do this, this stuff lets the other party do the task first, we are not very embarrassed." Li Huailin said.

"But I just proposed to unite. Although I know the misunderstanding, but the direct action is really..." The one side of the sky sighed. "Forget it, but the next time you see it, it is the enemy."

"I really took you." Li Huailin said that he had a headache. Although he knew that each side of the day was such a person, he still couldn't get used to it when he was working together. He only hoped that the chance of cooperation in the future would be slightly less.

"Thatever, the task is still to be done." Li Huailin said, "Would we should go to the Torosge tribe right now, and the other party in the province is ahead of us?"

Li Huailin said that there is nothing wrong with this, so the group is also rushing to start. The wild monsters around the forest are less, and the few wild monsters that have been placed are slowing down a little bit of Li Huailin’s speed. Looking at the map, the group soon came to the location of the Torosger tribe marked above.

What appeared in front of them was a huge tribal group, which was a bit out of Li Huailin’s expectation. When I first heard that it was a tribe, Li Huailin thought that the headquarters would be like a thief-like cottage. But what I see now is not the case at all.

It is true that the houses of the other side seem to be simple materials such as stone and wood thatch, but the scale of the whole tribe is very large, and it is around a hill. From the mountain to the foot of the mountain, there are all kinds of buildings, and the scale seems to be A city is about the same.

On the top of the mountain, there is a fortress built entirely of stone. It should be the main city here. The way of this building is probably a kind of architectural style in ancient Japan. The middle is the main city, the bottom is the town, there is no city wall. layout. Of course, it refers to the layout of the city. Of course, the castle is not a Japanese-style castle, and there is no such thing as a beautiful appearance. It just looks like a solid look.

There are no walls around the tribe, not even the walls of the wood, but the location of the entire tribe is relatively good, one side is attached to the mountain, can only enter from the other side, but no one seems to let go The feeling, I don't know if the people in the entire tribe are more conceited and feel that they don't need any defense at all.

Li Huailin and his entourage walked directly toward the tribe. As soon as they got close, they heard a sound from the front that broke through the air, and they came in their direction. Everyone reacted quickly, and immediately chose to avoid, and then saw a thing flying from the side of his side and flew over, completely did not see what it was.

"What?" Li Huailin turned to look at the direction in which things just flew past, and the shape was a big thing, but Li Huailin didn't see it clearly, but now I look at it in the past and nothing. Li Huailin is sure that there is just something flying past.

"I didn't see it clearly." The seven grams here are also confused. "Have you seen it?"

"It seems to be a..." The hunter Zhang Zhicheng here has a better look. He saw it a little bit. He just wanted to start. He suddenly saw a black thing flying toward them. He immediately shouted: " Be careful!"

Everyone is ready to go off again. However, when Li Huailin evaded this time, he also noticed what it was, and then he saw it clearly... It was an individual who flew over.

Yes, it’s personal to fly over to them. It’s accurate to say that it’s a player. Because it’s just halfway through, the player hangs directly, and then turns into white light and reborn, so Li Huailin’s time when he turned back Did not see.

"The trough is a person," Li Huailin said.

"It seems to be just the person inside the Europa League." Zhang Zhicheng's eyes here are better, and he immediately said.

"The people of the Europa League?" was shocked by the seven grams. "Then they are one step ahead of us, have they been beaten?"

This is a bit anxious, and Li Huailin and his party rushed to the front. As a result, I saw the Europa team in the battle. It seems that the other side is indeed faster than myself. However, Li Huailin looked at it. It was not the chief of the other party who was fighting with them, because the opposite was just the two Torosger tribes they had just seen, namely Ugta and Raymond. Li Huailin doesn't know how to fight on these two sides. Is it that the European Union team is fighting the tribes of others and is directly fighting?

However, it seems that it is not a battle to look at it carefully, because the European Union team here is simply the feeling of being lifted by two Torosger tribes. The approximate process is like this.

The mage here opened the shield, opened the jewelry, and the priest and the shield next to it, plus recovery, and here Ugta gently punched the mage, and the mage flew away, and then hung up. The warrior here opened the shield wall, the shield file, the priest added the shield and the blood, and the next Raymond gently punched, and the soldiers here flew away, and then hung.

Anyway, Li Huailin saw this picture after they arrived. There is no such thing as a member of the European Union team can take over the other side. No matter whether it is Ugta or Raymond, there is no use to say hello. The other person flew away with a gentle punch, and then never returned.

In the face of this situation, the Europa League seems to want to cooperate with a wave. There is a mage who seems to feel that his technique is good. He is ready to use the method of warrior pk to get around these two guys, and then he flies away. Because these two guys simply don't eat ice-cold or something, they are forced to break open by the ice, and they can't stop the fly.

In short, Li Huailin saw a half-minute performance when they were there. All the people of the Europa League flew away. This seems to be the same situation as playing chickens. Let the seven grams behind and Zhang Zhicheng swallow their mouths. God, these two guys seem to be just ordinary villagers, and then this fighting power? Then their chiefs are going to be to what extent.

"It’s really a shameless guy." Resolving the people around the Europa League, Raymond patted his hands and said, "I’m saying it’s a heads-up, it’s all over, and Still so weak, fortunately, there is no referral to the leader, or else it will be smashed by the leader, is it, brother. Brother?"

Ugta ignored Raymond, and Raymond looked a little. When he looked up, he followed the look of Ugta and saw Li Huailin and others standing next to him. He said a little uncomfortable: "Are there people? You are a group. Just, I just saw you together."

"We are not a group." The one side of the sky stood up and said, "But we did come to your leader."

"Let's find our leader, that's not a group." Raymond said here, "In any case, like their conditions, if we win, we will take you to the leader, or else you will get out." "(To be continued.)

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